

   ttftotype42 - create PostScript Type 42 wrapper of TrueType font


   ttftotype42 [input [output]]


   Ttftotype42   converts  TrueType  or  TrueType-flavored  OpenType  font
   programs into PostScript Type 42 format, which is  a  wrapper  for  the
   TrueType  outlines.   This  conversion  preserves all outlines and hint
   information from the original TrueType font. The Type 42  wrapper  uses
   glyph  names identical to those expected by pdflatex(1) or otftotfm(1),
   so encoding files suitable for TrueType fonts and  pdflatex  will  also
   work  for  the  Type  42 fonts and dvips(1).  If the file output is not
   specified output goes to the standard output.  If the file input is not
   specified input comes from the standard input.


   -o file, --output file
        Write output font to file instead of the standard output.

   -q, --quiet
        Do not generate any error messages.

   -h, --help
        Print usage information and exit.

   -v, --version
        Print  the  version number and some short non-warranty information
        and exit.


   cfftot1(1), otftotfm(1), pdftex(1), dvips(1)

   Adobe Technical Note #5012, The Type 42 Font Format Specification

   OpenType Specification, Version 1.4


   Eddie Kohler (

   The latest version is available from:

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