

   unshar - unpack a shar archive


   unshar [-flags] [-flag [value]] [--option-name[[=| ]value]] [<file>...]

   The  operands  that this program operates on may be specified either on
   the command line or read from standard input, one per  line.   In  that
   input,  leading  and  trailing white space is stripped, blank lines are
   ignored.  Standard input may not be a terminal.


   Unshar scans the input files (typically email messages) looking for the
   start  of  a shell archive.  If no files are given, then standard input
   is processed instead.  It then passes each archive  discovered  through
   an invocation of the shell program to unpack it.

   This  program  will  perform  its  function for every file named on the
   command line or every file named  in  a  list  read  from  stdin.   The
   arguments  or  input  names must be pre-existing files.  The input list
   may contain comments, which are blank lines or lines beginning  with  a
   '#' character.


   -d dir, --directory=dir
          unpack into the directory dir.

          The  input file names are relative to the current directory when
          the program was started.  This option tells unshar to  insert  a
          cd  <dir>  commad  at  the start of the shar text written to the

   -c, --overwrite
          overwrite any pre-existing files.

          This option is passed through as an option  to  the  shar  file.
          Many shell archive scripts accept a -c argument to indicate that
          existing files should be overwritten.

   -f, --force
          This is an alias for the --overwrite option.

   -E split-mark, --split-at=split-mark
          split input on split-mark lines.   The  default  split-mark  for
          this option is:
               exit 0

          With  this  option, unshar isolates each different shell archive
          from the others  which  have  been  placed  in  the  same  file,
          unpacking  each  in  turn, from the beginning of the file to the
          end.  Its proper operation relies on the  fact  that  many  shar
          files  are  terminated  by  a readily identifiable string at the
          start of the last line.

          For example, noticing that  most  `.signatures'  have  a  double
          hyphen  ("--")  on  a  line  right  before  them,  one  can then
          sometimes  use  --split-at=--.   The  signature  will  then   be
          skipped, along with the headers of the following message.

   -e, --exit-0
          split  input  on "exit 0" lines.  This option must not appear in
          combination with any of the following options: split-at.

          Most shell archives end with a line consisting of  simply  "exit
          0".   This option is equivalent to (and conflicts with) --split-
          at="exit 0".

   -D, --debug
          debug the shell code.

          "set -x" will be emitted into the code the shell interprets.

   -h, --help
          Display usage information and exit.

   -!, --more-help
          Pass the extended usage information through a pager.

   -R [cfgfile], --save-opts [=cfgfile]
          Save the option state to  cfgfile.   The  default  is  the  last
          configuration  file listed in the OPTION PRESETS section, below.
          The command will exit after updating the config file.

   -r cfgfile, --load-opts=cfgfile, --no-load-opts
          Load options from cfgfile.  The no-load-opts form  will  disable
          the  loading  of earlier config/rc/ini files.  --no-load-opts is
          handled early, out of order.

   -v [{v|c|n --version [{v|c|n}]}]
          Output version of program and exit.  The default mode is `v',  a
          simple  version.   The `c' mode will print copyright information
          and `n' will print the full copyright notice.


   Any option that is not marked as  not  presettable  may  be  preset  by
   loading  values  from configuration ("RC" or ".INI") file(s).  The file
   "$HOME/.sharrc" will be used, if present.


   See OPTION PRESETS for configuration files.


   One of the following exit values will be returned:

          Successful program execution.

          There was an error in command usage.

          cannot spawn or write to a shell process

          cannot create output file

          the working directory structure is invalid

   5  (EXIT_NOMEM)
          memory allocation failure

          invalid input, does not contain a shar file

   66  (EX_NOINPUT)
          A specified configuration file could not be loaded.

   70  (EX_SOFTWARE)
          libopts had an internal operational error.  Please report it  to
          autogen-users@lists.sourceforge.net.  Thank you.




   The  shar  and  unshar programs is the collective work of many authors.
   Many people  contributed  by  reporting  problems,  suggesting  various
   improvements  or  submitting actual code.  A list of these people is in
   the THANKS file in the sharutils distribution.


   Copyright (C) 1994-2015  Free  Software  Foundation,  Inc.  all  rights
   reserved.   This program is released under the terms of the GNU General
   Public License, version 3 or later.


   Please put sharutils in the subject line for emailed bug  reports.   It
   helps to spot the message.

   Please send bug reports to: bug-gnu-utils@gnu.org


   This manual page was AutoGen-erated from the unshar option definitions.

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