

   vgscan --- scan all disks for volume groups and rebuild caches


   vgscan   [--commandprofile   ProfileName]  [-d|--debug]  [-h|-?|--help]
   [--ignorelockingfailure]  [--mknodes]   [--notifydbus]   [-P|--partial]
   [--reportformat {basic|json}] [-v|--verbose]


   vgscan  scans  all  SCSI, (E)IDE disks, multiple devices and a bunch of
   other disk devices in the system looking for LVM physical  volumes  and
   volume  groups.  Define a filter in lvm.conf(5) to restrict the scan to
   avoid a CD ROM, for example.

   In LVM2, vgscans take place automatically; but you might still need  to
   run one explicitly after changing hardware.


   See lvm(8) for common options.

          Also  checks  the  LVM special files in /dev that are needed for
          active logical volumes and creates any missing ones and  removes
          unused ones.

          Send  a  notification  to  D-Bus.  The command will exit with an
          error if LVM is not built with support for  D-Bus  notification,
          or if the notify_dbus config setting is disabled.

          Scan  devices  for  LVM  physical  volumes and volume groups and
          instruct  the  lvmetad  daemon  to  update  its   cached   state


   lvm(8), vgcreate(8), vgchange(8)

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