

   xcolors - display all X11 color names and colors


   xcolors [ -start color ] [ -near color ] [ -distance howfar ]


   xcolors  reads  the  rgb.txt  file  that  defines the color names the X
   server knows and displays the colors found.

   At the top of the window  is  a  sample  region  containing  text.   By
   clicking  on  the  color  names,  the  color  of the sample text can be
   changed.  Mouse button 1 changes the foreground; button 2  changes  the
   background.  The text can also be edited.

   Typing ``q'' exits the program.


   In  addition the the usual X Toolkit options, xcolors understands these
   command line options:

   -start name
          specify a color name to start with; colors before  this  one  in
          the  rgb.txt  file  are skipped.  This option is useful if there
          are more colors  than  will  fit  on  your  screen  or  in  your

   -rgbfile filename
          specify an alternate color database file to read.

   -near nearcolor
          only  show  colors  near  this one in the RGB space.  All colors
          within a sphere in  the  RGB-space  centered  on  nearcolor  are

   -distance howfar
          defines  how  close  colors  have  to  be  to  nearcolor  to  be
          displayed.  This option sets the radius of the  sphere  used  by
          the  -near  option.   The scale is such that the RGB cube is 256
          units on a side.  The default is 64.


          Set the foreground color of the sample region.  If no  color  is
          provided, the color is taken from the border color of the widget
          where the action occurred.

          Same as set-foreground() but sets the background color.

   quit() Exit xcolors.


   Xcolors  has  a  few  top-level  application   resources   that   allow
   customizations that are specific to xcolors.

   startColor (classStartColor)
          See the -start option.

   rgbFile (classRgbFile)
          See the -rgbfile option.

   nearColor (classNearColor)
          See the -near option.

   nearDistance (classNearDistance)
          See the -distance option.


   Knowing the name and position in the hierarchy of each widget is useful
   when specifying resources for them.  In the chart below, the class  and
   name of each widget is given.

   Xcolors xcolors
        Paned panes
             AsciiText sample
             Viewport viewport
                  Box colors
                       Label colorname
                       Label colorname


          X color names and values.


   Assumes  that  all  names  for  the  same  color are consecutive in the
   rgb.txt file.

   Because xcolors cannot read the server's color name database, the color
   names  it  uses may not match those in the server.  This is most likely
   to happen if xcolors is run from a remote host.

   The program would be faster if it used gadgets instead of  widgets  for
   the color spots.


   Stephen Gildea, MIT X Consortium

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