

   xconsole - monitor system console messages with X


   xconsole    [-toolkitoption    ...]    [-file    file-name]   [-notify]
   [-stripNonprint] [-daemon] [-verbose] [-exitOnFail]


   The xconsole program  displays  messages  which  are  usually  sent  to


   Xconsole  accepts  all  of  the standard X Toolkit command line options
   along with the additional options listed below:

   -file file-name
           To monitor some other device, use this option  to  specify  the
           device  name.   This does not work on regular files as they are
           always ready to be read from.

   -notify -nonotify
           When new data are received from  the  console  and  the  notify
           option  is  set,  the  icon  name  of  the application has " *"
           appended, so that it is evident even when  the  application  is
           iconified.  -notify is the default.

   -daemon This  option causes xconsole to place itself in the background,
           using fork/exit.

           When  set,  this  option  directs  xconsole   to   display   an
           informative message in the first line of the text buffer.

           When  set,  this  option  directs  xconsole  to exit when it is
           unable to redirect the console output.

   -saveLines count
           When set,  xconsole  only  preserves  count  lines  of  message
           history  instead  of  growing  the text buffer without bound (a
           count of zero - the default - is treated as placing no limit on
           the history).


   This program uses the Athena Text widget, look in the Athena Widget Set
   documentation for controlling it.

   Xconsole otherwise accepts resources of the same names as the  command-
   line  options  (without  the  leading  dash).  "file" is a string type,
   "saveLines" an integer, and the remaining options are booleans.


   In order to specify resources, it is useful to know  the  hierarchy  of
   the widgets which compose xconsole.  In the notation below, indentation
   indicates hierarchical structure.   The  widget  class  name  is  given
   first, followed by the widget instance name.

   XConsole  xconsole
        XConsole  text


   DISPLAY to get the default host and display number.

           to  get  the  name of a resource file that overrides the global
           resources stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.


          specifies required resources


   X(7), xrdb(1), Athena Text widget


   Keith Packard (MIT X Consortium)

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