

   XInstallColormap, XUninstallColormap, XListInstalledColormaps - control


   int XInstallColormap(Display *display, Colormap colormap);

   int XUninstallColormap(Display *display, Colormap colormap);

   Colormap *XListInstalledColormaps(Display *display, Window w, int


   colormap  Specifies the colormap.

   display   Specifies the connection to the X server.

             Returns the number of currently installed colormaps.

   w         Specifies the window that determines the screen.


   The XInstallColormap function installs the specified colormap for its
   associated screen.  All windows associated with this colormap
   immediately display with true colors.  You associated the windows with
   this colormap when you created them by calling XCreateWindow,
   XCreateSimpleWindow, XChangeWindowAttributes, or XSetWindowColormap.

   If the specified colormap is not already an installed colormap, the X
   server generates a ColormapNotify event on each window that has that
   colormap.  In addition, for every other colormap that is installed as a
   result of a call to XInstallColormap, the X server generates a
   ColormapNotify event on each window that has that colormap.

   XInstallColormap can generate a BadColor error.

   The XUninstallColormap function removes the specified colormap from the
   required list for its screen.  As a result, the specified colormap
   might be uninstalled, and the X server might implicitly install or
   uninstall additional colormaps.  Which colormaps get installed or
   uninstalled is server dependent except that the required list must
   remain installed.

   If the specified colormap becomes uninstalled, the X server generates a
   ColormapNotify event on each window that has that colormap.  In
   addition, for every other colormap that is installed or uninstalled as
   a result of a call to XUninstallColormap, the X server generates a
   ColormapNotify event on each window that has that colormap.

   XUninstallColormap can generate a BadColor error.

   The XListInstalledColormaps function returns a list of the currently
   installed colormaps for the screen of the specified window.  The order
   of the colormaps in the list is not significant and is no explicit
   indication of the required list.  When the allocated list is no longer
   needed, free it by using XFree.

   XListInstalledColormaps can generate a BadWindow error.


   BadColor  A value for a Colormap argument does not name a defined

   BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.


   XChangeWindowAttributes(3), XCreateColormap(3), XCreateWindow(3),
   Xlib - C Language X Interface

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