

   XkbGetKeyboardByName  -  Build a new keyboard description from a set of
   named components, and to optionally have the server use  the  resulting
   description to replace an active one


   XkbDescPtr    XkbGetKeyboardByName    (Display   *dpy,   unsigned   int
          device_spec,  XkbComponentNamesPtr  names,  unsigned  int  want,
          unsigned int need, Bool load);


   - dpy  connection to X server

   - device_spec
          device ID, or XkbUseCoreKbd

   - names
          names of components to fetch

   - want desired structures in returned record

   - need mandatory structures in returned record

   - load True => load into device_spec


   A  client may request that the server fetch one or more components from
   its database and use those components to build a  new  server  keyboard
   description.   The  new keyboard description may be built from scratch,
   or it may be built starting with the current keyboard description for a
   particular  device. Once the keyboard description is built, all or part
   of it may be returned to the client.  The parts returned to the  client
   need not include all of the parts used to build the description. At the
   time it requests the server to build  a  new  keyboard  description,  a
   client  may  also  request  that  the  server  use  the new description
   internally to replace the current keyboard description for  a  specific
   device, in which case the behavior of the device changes accordingly.

   To build a new keyboard description from a set of named components, and
   to optionally have the server use the resulting description to  replace
   an active one, use XkbGetKeyboardByName.

   names  contains a set of expressions describing the keyboard components
   the server should use to build the new keyboard description.  want  and
   need  are  bit  fields  describing  the parts of the resulting keyboard
   description that should be present in the returned XkbDescRec.

   The individual fields in names are component  expressions  composed  of
   keyboard   component   names   (no   wildcarding  as  may  be  used  in
   XkbListComponents), the special component  name  symbol  `%',  and  the
   special  operator  characters  `+'  and  `|'. A component expression is
   parsed left to right, as follows:

   *    The special component name "computed"  may  be  used  in  keycodes
        component  expressions  and  refers to a component consisting of a
        set of keycodes computed automatically by the server as needed.

   *    The special component  name  "canonical"  may  be  used  in  types
        component  expressions  and refers to a partial component defining
        the four standard key types: ALPHABETIC, ONE_LEVEL, TWO_LEVEL, and

   *    The  special component name `%' refers to the keyboard description
        for the device  specified  in  device_spec  or  the  keymap  names
        component.  If a keymap names component is specified that does not
        begin with `+' or `|' and does not contain `%', then `%' refers to
        the   description   generated   by  the  keymap  names  component.
        Otherwise, it refers to the keyboard description for device_spec.

   *    The `+' operator specifies that  the  following  component  should
        override the currently assembled description; any definitions that
        are present in both components are taken from the second.

   *    The `|' operator  specifies  that  the  next  specified  component
        should   augment   the   currently   assembled   description;  any
        definitions that are present in both components are taken from the

   *    If the component expression begins with an operator, a leading `%'
        is implied.

   *    If any unknown  or  illegal  characters  appear  anywhere  in  the
        expression, the entire expression is invalid and is ignored.

        For  example, if names->symbols contained the expression "+de", it
        specifies that the default member of the  "de"  class  of  symbols
        should  be applied to the current keyboard mapping, overriding any
        existing definitions (it could also be written "+de(default)").

        Here  is  a  slightly  more  involved  example:   the   expression
        "acme(ascii)+de(basic)|iso9995-3" constructs a German (de) mapping
        for the ASCII keyboard supplied by  the  "acme"  vendor.  The  new
        definition begins with the symbols for the ASCII keyboard for Acme
        (acme(ascii)), overrides  them  with  definitions  for  the  basic
        German keyboard (de(basic)), and then applies the definitions from
        the default iso9995-3 keyboard (iso9995-3) to any  undefined  keys
        or  groups  of  keys (part three of the iso9995 standard defines a
        common set  of  bindings  for  the  secondary  group,  but  allows
        national layouts to override those definitions where necessary).

        NOTE  The interpretation of the above expression components (acme,
        ascii, de, basic, iso9995-3) is  not  defined  by  Xkb;  only  the
        operations and their ordering are.

        Note  that  the presence of a keymap names component that does not
        contain `%' (either explicit or implied by virtue of an expression
        starting  with  an  operator)  indicates  a  description  that  is
        independent of the keyboard description for the  device  specified
        in  device_spec.  The same is true of requests in which the keymap
        names component is empty  and  all  five  other  names  components
        contain  expressions  void of references to `%'.  Requests of this
        form allow you to deal with keyboard  definitions  independent  of
        any actual device.

        The  server  parses  all non-NULL fields in names and uses them to
        build  a  keyboard  description.  However,  before   parsing   the
        expressions  in  names,  the  server ORs the bits in want and need
        together  and  examines  the  result  in   relationship   to   the
        expressions  in names.  Table 1 identifies the components that are
        required for each of the possible bits in  want  or  need.   If  a
        required  component  has not been specified in the names structure
        (the corresponding field is  NULL),  the  server  substitutes  the
        expression "%", resulting in the component values being taken from
        device_spec.  In addition, if load is True,  the  server  modifies
        names  if necessary (again using a "%" entry) to ensure all of the
        following fields  are  non-NULL:  types,  keycodes,  symbols,  and
                   Table 1 Want and Need Mask Bits and Required Names Components
        want or need mask bit      Required names Components                        value
        XkbGBN_TypesMask           Types                                            (1L<<0)
        XkbGBN_CompatMapMask       Compat                                           (1L<<1)
        XkbGBN_ClientSymbolsMask   Types + Symbols + Keycodes                       (1L<<2)
        XkbGBN_ServerSymbolsMask   Types + Symbols + Keycodes                       (1L<<3)
        XkbGBN_SymbolsMask         Symbols                                          (1L<<1)
        XkbGBN_IndicatorMapMask    Compat                                           (1L<<4)
        XkbGBN_KeyNamesMask        Keycodes                                         (1L<<5)
        XkbGBN_GeometryMask        Geometry                                         (1L<<6)
        XkbGBN_OtherNamesMask      Types + Symbols + Keycodes + Compat + Geometry   (1L<<7)
        XkbGBN_AllComponentsMask                                                    (0xff)
        need  specifies  a set of keyboard components that the server must
        be able to resolve in order for XkbGetKeyboardByName  to  succeed;
        if  any of the components specified in need cannot be successfully
        resolved, XkbGetKeyboardByName fails.
        want specifies a set of keyboard components that the server should
        attempt  to  resolve, but that are not mandatory. If the server is
        unable to resolve any of  these  components,  XkbGetKeyboardByName
        still  succeeds. Bits specified in want that are also specified in
        need have no effect in the context of want.
        If load is True, the server updates its keyboard  description  for
        device_spec  to  match the result of the keyboard description just
        built. If load is  False,  the  server's  description  for  device
        device_spec  is  not updated. In all cases, the parts specified by
        want  and  need  from  the  just-built  keyboard  description  are
        The  names  structure in an XkbDescRec keyboard description record
        contains one field for each of the five component  types  used  to
        build a keyboard description. When a keyboard description is built
        from a set of database components,  the  corresponding  fields  in
        this  names  structure  are  set  to match the expressions used to
        build the component.
        Building a New Keyboard Description from the Server Database
        The information returned  to  the  client  in  the  XkbDescRec  is
        essentially the result of a series of calls to extract information
        from a fictitious device whose description matches  the  one  just
        built.  The  calls  corresponding  to  each  of  the mask bits are
        summarized in Table 2, together  with  the  XkbDescRec  components
        that are filled in.
                                    Table 2 XkbDescRec Components Returned for Values of Want & Needs
        Request (want+need)                                Fills in Xkb components     Equivalent Function Call
        XkbGBN_TypesMask                                   map.types                   XkbGetUpdatedMap(dpy, XkbTypesMask, Xkb)
        XkbGBN_ServerSymbolsMask                           server                      XkbGetUpdatedMap(dpy,
        XkbAllClientInfoMask, Xkb)
        XkbGBN_ClientSymbolsMask                           map, including map.types
        XkbGetUpdatedMap(dpy, XkbAllServerInfoMask, Xkb)
        XkbGBN_IndicatorMaps                               indicators                  XkbGetIndicatorMap(dpy,
        XkbAllIndicators, Xkb)
        XkbGBN_CompatMapMask                               compat                      XkbGetCompatMap(dpy, XkbAllCompatMask, Xkb)
        XkbGBN_GeometryMask                                geom                        XkbGetGeometry(dpy, Xkb)
        XkbGBN_KeyNamesMask                                names.keys                  XkbGetNames(dpy, XkbKeyNamesMask |
                                                           names.key_aliases           XkbKeyAliasesMask, Xkb)
        XkbGBN_OtherNamesMask                              names.keycodes              XkbGetNames(dpy, XkbAllNamesMask &
                                                           names.geometry              ~(XkbKeyNamesMask | XkbKeyAliasesMask),
                                                           names.symbols               Xkb)
        There  is  no  way to determine which components specified in want
        (but not in need) were actually fetched, other than  breaking  the
        call  into successive calls to XkbGetKeyboardByName and specifying
        individual components.
        XkbGetKeyboardByName always sets min_key_code and max_key_code  in
        the returned XkbDescRec structure.
        XkbGetKeyboardByName  is  synchronous; it sends the request to the
        server to build a new  keyboard  description  and  waits  for  the
        reply.    If   successful,   the   return   value   is   non-NULL.
        XkbGetKeyboardByName generates a BadMatch protocol error if errors
        are encountered when building the keyboard description.


   The  complete description of an Xkb keyboard is given by an XkbDescRec.
   The component structures in the  XkbDescRec  represent  the  major  Xkb
   components outlined in Figure 1.1.

   typedef struct {
      struct _XDisplay * display;      / connection to X server */
      unsigned short     flags;        / private to Xkb, do not modify */
      unsigned short     device_spec;  / device of interest */
      KeyCode            min_key_code; / minimum keycode for device */
      KeyCode            max_key_code; / maximum keycode for device */
      XkbControlsPtr     ctrls;        / controls */
      XkbServerMapPtr    server;       / server keymap */
      XkbClientMapPtr    map;          / client keymap */
      XkbIndicatorPtr    indicators;   / indicator map */
      XkbNamesPtr        names;        / names for all components */
      XkbCompatMapPtr    compat;       / compatibility map */
      XkbGeometryPtr     geom;         / physical geometry of keyboard */
   } XkbDescRec, *XkbDescPtr;

   The  display field points to an X display structure. The flags field is
   private  to  the  library:  modifying  flags  may  yield  unpredictable
   results.  The  device_spec field specifies the device identifier of the
   keyboard input device, or XkbUseCoreKeyboard, which specifies the  core
   keyboard  device.  The min_key_code and max_key_code fields specify the
   least and greatest keycode that can be returned by the keyboard.

   Each structure component has a corresponding mask bit that is  used  in
   function  calls to indicate that the structure should be manipulated in
   some manner, such as allocating it or freeing it. These masks and their
   relationships to the fields in the XkbDescRec are shown in Table 3.

           Table 3 Mask Bits for XkbDescRec

   Mask Bit               XkbDescRec Field   Value

   XkbControlsMask        ctrls              (1L<<0)
   XkbServerMapMask       server             (1L<<1)

   XkbIClientMapMask      map                (1L<<2)
   XkbIndicatorMapMask    indicators         (1L<<3)

   XkbNamesMask           names              (1L<<4)
   XkbCompatMapMask       compat             (1L<<5)

   XkbGeometryMask        geom               (1L<<6)
   XkbAllComponentsMask   All Fields         (0x7f)


   BadMatch       A  compatible  version  of  Xkb was not available in the
                  server or an argument has correct type and range, but is
                  otherwise invalid



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