

   XkbKeycodeToKeysym  -  Finds  the keysym bound to a particular key at a
   specified group and shift level


   KeySym XkbKeycodeToKeysym  (Display  *dpy,  KeyCode  kc,  unsigned  int
          group, unsigned int level);


   - dpy  connection to X server

   - kc   key of interest

   - group
          group of interest

   - level
          shift level of interest


   XkbKeycodeToKeysym  returns  the keysym bound to a particular group and
   shift level for a particular key on the core keyboard. If kc is  not  a
   legal  keycode  for  the core keyboard, or if group or level are out of
   range for the specified key, XkbKeycodeToKeysym returns NoSymbol.

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