

   XkbResizeKeyType - Change the number of levels in a key type


   Status  XkbResizeKeyType  (XkbDescPtr xkb, int type_ndx, int map_count,
          Bool want_preserve, int new_num_lvls);


   - xkb  keyboard description containing client map to update

   - type_ndx
          index in xkb->map->types of type to change

   - map_count
          total # of map entries needed for the type

   - want_preserve
          True => list of preserved modifiers is necessary

   - new_num_lvls
          new max # of levels for type


   XkbResizeKeyType      changes      the      type      specified      by
   xkb->map->types[type_ndx],  and  reallocates  the  symbols  and actions
   bound to all keys that use the type,  if  necessary.   XkbResizeKeyType
   updates only the local copy of the types in xkb; to update the server's
   copy for the physical  device,  use  XkbSetMap  or  XkbChangeMap  after
   calling XkbResizeKeyType.

   The  map_count  parameter  specifies  the  total  number of map entries
   needed for the type, and can be zero or greater. If map_count is  zero,
   XkbResizeKeyType  frees  the  existing map and preserve entries for the
   type if they exist and sets them to NULL.

   The want_preserve parameter specifies whether a preserve list  for  the
   key should be created. If want_preserve is True, the preserve list with
   map_count entries is allocated or reallocated  if  it  already  exists.
   Otherwise,  if  want_preserve  is False, the preserve field is freed if
   necessary and set to NULL.

   The new_num_lvls parameter specifies the new maximum  number  of  shift
   levels for the type and is used to calculate and resize the symbols and
   actions bound to all keys that use the type.

   If type_ndx does not specify a legal type, new_num_lvls is less than 1,
   or  the map_count is less than zero, XkbResizeKeyType returns BadValue.
   If XkbResizeKeyType encounters any problems with allocation, it returns
   BadAlloc. Otherwise, it returns Success.


   Success        The   XkbResizeKeyType   function   returns  Success  if
                  type_ndx specifies a legal type, new_num_lvls is greater
                  than zero and map_count is positive.


   BadAlloc       Unable to allocate storage

   BadValue       An argument is out of range


   XkbChangeMap(3), XkbSetMap(3)

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