

   xtotroff - convert X font metrics into GNU troff font metrics


   xtotroff [ -rresolution ] [ -spoint-size ] [ -v ] FontMap


   xtotroff  takes a FontMap, which maps groff fonts to X11 fonts, creates
   GNU troff metric files for all fonts  listed.   Each  line  in  FontMap
   consists  of  GNU  troff  font  name and an X font name (XLFD) pattern,
   separated by whitespace.  Example:

     TB   -adobe-times-bold-r-normal--*-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1

   The wildcards in the patterns are filled with the arguments to  the  -r
   and -s switches.  If a font name is still ambiguous, xtotroff aborts.


   It is possible to have whitespace between a command line option and its

          Set the resolution for all font patterns in FontMap.  The  value
          is used for both the horizontal and vertical resolution.  If not
          specified, a resolution of 75dpi is assumed.

          Set the point size for all font patterns  in  FontMap.   If  not
          specified, a size of 10pt is assumed.

   -v     Print the version number.


   The   only   supported  font  encodings  are  'iso8859-1'  and  'adobe-




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