

   xvidtune - video mode tuner for Xorg


   xvidtune [ -show | -prev | -next | -unlock ] [ -toolkitoption ... ]


   Xvidtune  is  a  client  interface to the X server video mode extension

   When given one of the non-toolkit options, xvidtune provides a  command
   line interface to either print or switch the video mode.

   Without any options (or with only toolkit options) it presents the user
   with various buttons and sliders that  can  be  used  to  interactively
   adjust  existing  video  modes.   It  will also print the settings in a
   format suitable for inclusion in an xorg.conf file.

   Normally the Xorg X servers only allow changes  to  be  made  with  the
   XFree86-VidModeExtension  from clients connected via a local connection

   Note:  The original mode settings can be restored by pressing  the  `R'
   key,  and  this  can  be  used to restore a stable screen in situations
   where the screen becomes unreadable.

   The available buttons are:

             Adjust the video mode so that the display will  be  moved  in
             the appropriate direction.

             Adjust  the  video  mode  so that the display size is altered

   Quit      Exit the program.

   Apply     Adjust the current video mode to match the selected settings.

   Auto      Cause the Up/Down/Right/Left,  Wider/Narrower/Shorter/Taller,
             Restore,   and   the   special   S3  buttons  to  be  applied
             immediately.  This button can be toggled.

   Test      Temporarily switch to the selected settings.

   Restore   Return the settings to their original values.

   Fetch     Query the server for its current settings.

   Show      Print the currently selected settings to stdout in  xorg.conf
             "Modeline" format.  The primary selection is similarly set.

   Next      Switch the Xserver to the next video mode.

   Prev      Switch the Xserver to the previous video mode.

   For some S3-based cards (964 and 968) the following are also available:

             Change the VCLK invert/non-invert state.

   EarlySC   Change the Early SC state.  This affects screen wrapping.

             Set  the  blank  delay values.  This affects screen wrapping.
             Acceptable values are in the range 0-7.  The  values  may  be
             incremented  or  decremented with the `+' and `-' buttons, or
             by pressing the `+' or `-' keys in the text field.

   For S3-864/868 based cards InvertVCLK and BlankDelay1  may  be  useful.
   For S3 Trio32/Trio64 cards only InvertVCLK is available.  At the moment
   there are no default settings available for these chips  in  the  video
   mode  extension  and thus this feature is disabled in xvidtune.  It can
   be enabled by setting any of the optional S3  commands  in  the  screen
   section of xorg.conf, e.g. using
             blank_delay "" 0


   xvidtune accepts the standard X Toolkit command line options as well as
   the following:

   -show     Print the current settings to stdout in xorg.conf  "Modeline"
             format and exit.

   -prev     Switch the Xserver to the previous video mode.

   -next     Switch the Xserver to the next video mode.

   -unlock   Normally,  xvidtune will disable the switching of video modes
             via hot-keys while it is running.  If  for  some  reason  the
             program did not exit cleanly and they are still disabled, the
             program can be re-run with this option to re-enable the  mode
             switching key combinations.


   xrandr(1), Xorg(1), xorg.conf(5).


   Kaleb S. Keithley, X Consortium.
   Additions and modifications by Jon Tombs, David Dawes, and Joe Moss.


   X  Error handling, i.e. when the server does not allow xvidtune clients
   to write new modes, could be better.

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