

   zshoptions - zsh options


   Options  are  primarily  referred  to  by  name.   These names are case
   insensitive and underscores are ignored.  For example,  `allexport'  is
   equivalent to `A__lleXP_ort'.

   The  sense of an option name may be inverted by preceding it with `no',
   so `setopt No_Beep' is equivalent to `unsetopt beep'.   This  inversion
   can  only  be  done  once,  so  `nonobeep' is not a synonym for `beep'.
   Similarly, `tify' is not a synonym for  `nonotify'  (the  inversion  of

   Some  options also have one or more single letter names.  There are two
   sets of single letter options: one used by default, and another used to
   emulate  sh/ksh  (used  when the SH_OPTION_LETTERS option is set).  The
   single letter options can be used on the shell command  line,  or  with
   the  set, setopt and unsetopt builtins, as normal Unix options preceded
   by `-'.

   The sense of the single letter options may be  inverted  by  using  `+'
   instead  of  `-'.   Some  of the single letter option names refer to an
   option being off, in which case the inversion of that  name  refers  to
   the  option  being  on.  For example, `+n' is the short name of `exec',
   and `-n' is the short name of its inversion, `noexec'.

   In strings of single letter options supplied to the shell  at  startup,
   trailing  whitespace  will  be ignored; for example the string `-f    '
   will be treated just as `-f', but the string `-f i' is an error.   This
   is  because many systems which implement the `#!' mechanism for calling
   scripts do not strip trailing whitespace.


   In the following list, options set by default  in  all  emulations  are
   marked  <D>;  those  set  by  default  only  in  csh,  ksh,  sh, or zsh
   emulations are marked <C>, <K>, <S>, <Z> as appropriate.  When  listing
   options  (by  `setopt', `unsetopt', `set -o' or `set +o'), those turned
   on by default appear in the list prefixed  with  `no'.   Hence  (unless
   KSH_OPTION_PRINT is set), `setopt' shows all options whose settings are
   changed from the default.

   Changing Directories
   AUTO_CD (-J)
          If a command is issued  that  can't  be  executed  as  a  normal
          command, and the command is the name of a directory, perform the
          cd command to that directory.  This option is only applicable if
          the  option  SHIN_STDIN  is set, i.e. if commands are being read
          from standard input.  The option  is  designed  for  interactive
          use;  it is recommended that cd be used explicitly in scripts to
          avoid ambiguity.

          Make cd push the old directory onto the directory stack.

          If the argument to a cd command  (or  an  implied  cd  with  the
          AUTO_CD  option set) is not a directory, and does not begin with
          a slash, try to expand the expression as if it were preceded  by
          a `~' (see the section `Filename Expansion').

          When  changing  to  a  directory  containing a path segment `..'
          which would otherwise  be  treated  as  canceling  the  previous
          segment  in  the path (in other words, `foo/..' would be removed
          from the path, or if `..' is the first part  of  the  path,  the
          last  part  of  the current working directory would be removed),
          instead resolve the path to the physical directory.  This option
          is overridden by CHASE_LINKS.

          For  example,  suppose  /foo/bar  is  a  link  to  the directory
          /alt/rod.  Without this option set, `cd /foo/bar/..' changes  to
          /foo;  with it set, it changes to /alt.  The same applies if the
          current directory is /foo/bar and `cd ..' is  used.   Note  that
          all other symbolic links in the path will also be resolved.

          Resolve  symbolic  links  to  their  true  values  when changing
          directory.  This also has the effect of CHASE_DOTS, i.e. a  `..'
          path  segment  will  be  treated  as  referring  to the physical
          parent, even if the preceding path segment is a symbolic link.

   POSIX_CD <K> <S>
          Modifies the behaviour of cd, chdir and pushd commands  to  make
          them more compatible with the POSIX standard. The behaviour with
          the option unset is described in the documentation  for  the  cd
          builtin in zshbuiltins(1).  If the option is set, the shell does
          not test for directories beneath the local directory (`.') until
          after all directories in cdpath have been tested.

          Also, if the option is set, the conditions under which the shell
          prints the new directory after changing to it are modified.   It
          is no longer restricted to interactive shells (although printing
          of  the  directory  stack  with  pushd  is  still   limited   to
          interactive  shells);  and  any  use  of  a component of CDPATH,
          including a  `.'  but  excluding  an  empty  component  that  is
          otherwise treated as `.', causes the directory to be printed.

          Don't  push  multiple  copies  of  the  same  directory onto the
          directory stack.

          Exchanges the meanings of `+' and `-' when used with a number to
          specify a directory in the stack.

          Do not print the directory stack after pushd or popd.

          Have pushd with no arguments act like `pushd $HOME'.

          If  unset,  key functions that list completions try to return to
          the last prompt if  given  a  numeric  argument.  If  set  these
          functions  try  to return to the last prompt if given no numeric

          If a completion is performed with the cursor within a word,  and
          a full completion is inserted, the cursor is moved to the end of
          the word.  That is, the cursor is moved to the end of  the  word
          if  either  a  single  match  is  inserted or menu completion is

   AUTO_LIST (-9) <D>
          Automatically list choices on an ambiguous completion.

          Automatically use menu completion after the  second  consecutive
          request  for  completion,  for  example  by pressing the tab key
          repeatedly. This option is overridden by MENU_COMPLETE.

          Any parameter that is set to the absolute name  of  a  directory
          immediately becomes a name for that directory, that will be used
          by the `%~' and related prompt sequences, and will be  available
          when  completion  is  performed  on  a  word  starting with `~'.
          (Otherwise, the parameter must be  used  in  the  form  `~param'

          If  a  parameter  name  was  completed and a following character
          (normally  a  space)  automatically  inserted,  and   the   next
          character typed is one of those that have to come directly after
          the  name  (like  `}',  `:',  etc.),  the  automatically   added
          character   is  deleted,  so  that  the  character  typed  comes
          immediately after the parameter name.   Completion  in  a  brace
          expansion  is  affected similarly: the added character is a `,',
          which will be removed if `}' is typed next.

          If a parameter is completed whose  content  is  the  name  of  a
          directory, then add a trailing slash instead of a space.

          When  the  last character resulting from a completion is a slash
          and the next character typed is a word delimiter, a slash, or  a
          character  that  ends  a  command  (such  as  a  semicolon or an
          ampersand), remove the slash.

          On an ambiguous completion, automatically list choices when  the
          completion  function  is called twice in succession.  This takes
          precedence over AUTO_LIST.  The  setting  of  LIST_AMBIGUOUS  is
          respected.   If  AUTO_MENU  is set, the menu behaviour will then
          start with the third press.  Note that this will not  work  with
          MENU_COMPLETE, since repeated completion calls immediately cycle
          through the list in that case.

          Prevents aliases on  the  command  line  from  being  internally
          substituted  before  completion  is attempted.  The effect is to
          make the alias a distinct command for completion purposes.

          If unset, the cursor is set to the end of the word if completion
          is started. Otherwise it stays there and completion is done from
          both ends.

          When the current word has a glob pattern, do not insert all  the
          words  resulting  from the expansion but generate matches as for
          completion  and  cycle  through  them  like  MENU_COMPLETE.  The
          matches  are  generated  as if a `*' was added to the end of the
          word, or inserted at the cursor when  COMPLETE_IN_WORD  is  set.
          This  actually  uses pattern matching, not globbing, so it works
          not only for files but for any completion, such as options, user
          names, etc.

          Note  that  when  the  pattern matcher is used, matching control
          (for example, case-insensitive or anchored matching)  cannot  be
          used.   This  limitation  only  applies  when  the  current word
          contains a pattern; simply turning on the  GLOB_COMPLETE  option
          does not have this effect.

          Whenever   a   command  completion  or  spelling  correction  is
          attempted, make sure the entire command path  is  hashed  first.
          This  makes the first completion slower but avoids false reports
          of spelling errors.

          This option works when AUTO_LIST or BASH_AUTO_LIST is also  set.
          If there is an unambiguous prefix to insert on the command line,
          that is done without a completion list being displayed; in other
          words,  auto-listing  behaviour  only  takes  place when nothing
          would be inserted.  In the case of  BASH_AUTO_LIST,  this  means
          that the list will be delayed to the third call of the function.

          Beep  on  an ambiguous completion.  More accurately, this forces
          the completion widgets  to  return  status  1  on  an  ambiguous
          completion, which causes the shell to beep if the option BEEP is
          also set; this may be modified if completion is  called  from  a
          user-defined widget.

          Try  to  make the completion list smaller (occupying less lines)
          by printing the matches in columns with different widths.

          Lay out the matches in  completion  lists  sorted  horizontally,
          that  is, the second match is to the right of the first one, not
          under it as usual.

   LIST_TYPES (-X) <D>
          When listing files that are possible completions, show the  type
          of each file with a trailing identifying mark.

          On  an ambiguous completion, instead of listing possibilities or
          beeping,  insert  the  first  match  immediately.    Then   when
          completion is requested again, remove the first match and insert
          the second match, etc.  When there are no more matches, go  back
          to  the  first  one again.  reverse-menu-complete may be used to
          loop through the  list  in  the  other  direction.  This  option
          overrides AUTO_MENU.

          In   completion,  recognize  exact  matches  even  if  they  are

   Expansion and Globbing
   BAD_PATTERN (+2) <C> <Z>
          If a pattern for filename generation is badly formed,  print  an
          error  message.   (If  this option is unset, the pattern will be
          left unchanged.)

          In a glob pattern, treat a trailing  set  of  parentheses  as  a
          qualifier  list,  if it contains no `|', `(' or (if special) `~'
          characters.  See the section `Filename Generation'.

          Expand expressions in braces which would not  otherwise  undergo
          brace   expansion  to  a  lexically  ordered  list  of  all  the
          characters.  See the section `Brace Expansion'.

          Make globbing (filename generation)  sensitive  to  case.   Note
          that  other  uses  of patterns are always sensitive to case.  If
          the option is unset, the presence  of  any  character  which  is
          special  to  filename  generation  will  cause  case-insensitive
          matching.  For example, cvs(/) can match the directory CVS owing
          to  the  presence  of  the  globbing  flag  (unless  the  option
          BARE_GLOB_QUAL is unset).

          Make regular expressions using the zsh/regex  module  (including
          matches with =~) sensitive to case.

          If  a pattern for filename generation has no matches, delete the
          pattern from the argument list; do not report  an  error  unless
          all  the  patterns  in  a  command  have  no matches.  Overrides

          Perform  =  filename  expansion.   (See  the  section  `Filename

          Treat  the  `#',  `~' and `^' characters as part of patterns for
          filename generation,  etc.   (An  initial  unquoted  `~'  always
          produces named directory expansion.)

          Constants  in  arithmetic evaluation will be treated as floating
          point even without the use of a decimal  point;  the  values  of
          integer  variables will be converted to floating point when used
          in  arithmetic  expressions.   Integers  in  any  base  will  be

   GLOB (+F, ksh: +f) <D>
          Perform   filename  generation  (globbing).   (See  the  section
          `Filename Generation'.)

          If  this  option  is  set,  filename  generation  (globbing)  is
          performed on the right hand side of scalar parameter assignments
          of the form `name=pattern (e.g. `foo=*').   If  the  result  has
          more than one word the parameter will become an array with those
          words as  arguments.  This  option  is  provided  for  backwards
          compatibility  only:  globbing  is always performed on the right
          hand side of array assignments of the form `name=(value)'  (e.g.
          `foo=(*)')  and  this form is recommended for clarity; with this
          option set, it is not possible to  predict  whether  the  result
          will be an array or a scalar.

   GLOB_DOTS (-4)
          Do  not  require  a  leading  `.'  in  a  filename to be matched

          When this option is set and the default zsh-style globbing is in
          effect,  the  pattern  `**/*' can be abbreviated to `**' and the
          pattern `***/*' can be abbreviated to ***.  Hence `**.c' finds a
          file ending in .c in any subdirectory, and `***.c' does the same
          while also following symbolic links.  A / immediately after  the
          `**'   or  `***'  forces  the  pattern  to  be  treated  as  the
          unabbreviated form.

   GLOB_SUBST <C> <K> <S>
          Treat any characters resulting from parameter expansion as being
          eligible for filename expansion and filename generation, and any
          characters resulting from command substitution as being eligible
          for  filename generation.  Braces (and commas in between) do not
          become eligible for expansion.

          Substitutions  using  the  :s  and  :&  history  modifiers   are
          performed  with  pattern  matching  instead  of string matching.
          This occurs wherever history modifiers are valid, including glob
          qualifiers   and  parameters.   See  the  section  Modifiers  in

          Do not perform brace expansion.   For  historical  reasons  this
          also includes the effect of the IGNORE_CLOSE_BRACES option.

          When  neither this option nor IGNORE_BRACES is set, a sole close
          brace character `}' is syntactically significant at any point on
          a  command  line.   This  has  the  effect  that no semicolon or
          newline is necessary before the brace terminating a function  or
          current  shell  construct.  When either option is set, a closing
          brace is syntactically significant  only  in  command  position.
          Unlike   IGNORE_BRACES,  this  option  does  not  disable  brace

          For example, with both options unset a function may  be  defined
          in the following fashion:

                 args() { echo $# }

          while  if either option is set, this does not work and something
          equivalent to the following is required:

                 args() { echo $#; }

          In  pattern  matching,  the  interpretation  of  parentheses  is
          affected  by  a  preceding  `@',  `*', `+', `?' or `!'.  See the
          section `Filename Generation'.

          All  unquoted  arguments  of  the   form   `anything=expression'
          appearing  after  the command name have filename expansion (that
          is, where expression has a leading  `~'  or  `=')  performed  on
          expression  as  if it were a parameter assignment.  The argument
          is not otherwise treated specially; it is passed to the  command
          as  a  single  argument,  and  not  used  as an actual parameter
          assignment.   For  example,  in   echo   foo=~/bar:~/rod,   both
          occurrences  of  ~  would  be  replaced.  Note that this happens
          anyway with typeset and similar statements.

          This option respects the setting of the KSH_TYPESET option.   In
          other  words,  if  both options are in effect, arguments looking
          like assignments will not undergo word splitting.

   MARK_DIRS (-8, ksh: -X)
          Append a trailing `/' to  all  directory  names  resulting  from
          filename generation (globbing).

          Respect  multibyte  characters when found in strings.  When this
          option is set, strings are examined using the system library  to
          determine  how  many  bytes  form  a character, depending on the
          current locale.  This affects the way characters are counted  in
          pattern matching, parameter values and various delimiters.

          The  option  is  on  by  default  if the shell was compiled with
          MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT; otherwise it is off by  default  and  has  no
          effect if turned on.

          If the option is off a single byte is always treated as a single
          character.   This  setting  is  designed  purely  for  examining
          strings  known to contain raw bytes or other values that may not
          be characters in the current locale.  It  is  not  necessary  to
          unset  the  option  merely  because  the  character  set for the
          current locale does not contain multibyte characters.

          The option does not affect the  shell's  editor,   which  always
          uses  the  locale  to  determine  multibyte characters.  This is
          because the character set displayed by the terminal emulator  is
          independent of shell settings.

   NOMATCH (+3) <C> <Z>
          If  a  pattern  for filename generation has no matches, print an
          error, instead of leaving it unchanged  in  the  argument  list.
          This also applies to file expansion of an initial `~' or `='.

          If  a pattern for filename generation has no matches, delete the
          pattern from the argument list instead of  reporting  an  error.
          Overrides NOMATCH.

          If  numeric  filenames  are  matched  by  a  filename generation
          pattern,   sort   the   filenames   numerically   rather    than

          Array  expansions of the form `foo${xx}bar', where the parameter
          xx is set to (a b c),  are  substituted  with  `fooabar  foobbar
          foocbar'  instead  of  the  default `fooa b cbar'.  Note that an
          empty array will therefore cause all arguments to be removed.

          If set, regular expression matching with the  =~  operator  will
          use  Perl-Compatible  Regular Expressions from the PCRE library,
          if available.  If not set,  regular  expressions  will  use  the
          extended regexp syntax provided by the system libraries.

   SH_GLOB <K> <S>
          Disables  the  special  meaning  of  `(',  `|',  `)' and '<' for
          globbing the result of parameter and command substitutions,  and
          in  some  other  places  where  the  shell accepts patterns.  If
          SH_GLOB is set  but  KSH_GLOB  is  not,  the  shell  allows  the
          interpretation  of  subshell expressions enclosed in parentheses
          in some cases  where  there  is  no  space  before  the  opening
          parenthesis,  e.g.  !(true)  is  interpreted  as if there were a
          space after the !.  This option is set  by  default  if  zsh  is
          invoked as sh or ksh.

   UNSET (+u, ksh: +u) <K> <S> <Z>
          Treat  unset parameters as if they were empty when substituting.
          Otherwise they are treated as an error.

          Print a warning message when a global parameter is created in  a
          function  by  an  assignment  or  in  math  context.  This often
          indicates that a parameter has not been declared local  when  it
          should  have  been.   Parameters explicitly declared global from
          within a function using typeset -g do not cause a warning.  Note
          that  there  is no warning when a local parameter is assigned to
          in a nested function, which may also indicate an error.

          If this is set, zsh sessions will append their history  list  to
          the  history  file,  rather  than  replace  it.  Thus,  multiple
          parallel zsh sessions will all have the new entries  from  their
          history  lists added to the history file, in the order that they
          exit.  The file will still be periodically re-written to trim it
          when the number of lines grows 20% beyond the value specified by
          $SAVEHIST (see also the HIST_SAVE_BY_COPY option).

   BANG_HIST (+K) <C> <Z>
          Perform  textual  history  expansion,  csh-style,  treating  the
          character `!' specially.

          Save  each  command's  beginning timestamp (in seconds since the
          epoch) and the duration (in seconds) to the history  file.   The
          format of this prefixed data is:

          `: <beginning time>:<elapsed seconds>;<command>'.

          Add  `|'  to  output  redirections  in the history.  This allows
          history references to clobber files even when CLOBBER is unset.

          Beep in ZLE when a widget attempts to  access  a  history  entry
          which isn't there.

          If  the  internal history needs to be trimmed to add the current
          command line, setting this option will cause the oldest  history
          event  that  has  a  duplicate to be lost before losing a unique
          event from the list.  You should be sure to  set  the  value  of
          HISTSIZE  to  a larger number than SAVEHIST in order to give you
          some room for the duplicated events, otherwise this option  will
          behave  just like HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS once the history fills up
          with unique events.

          When writing out the history file, by default  zsh  uses  ad-hoc
          file  locking  to  avoid  known  problems  with  locking on some
          operating systems.  With this option locking is done by means of
          the  system's  fcntl  call,  where this method is available.  On
          recent operating systems this may provide better performance, in
          particular  avoiding history corruption when files are stored on

          When searching for history entries in the line  editor,  do  not
          display  duplicates  of  a  line  previously  found, even if the
          duplicates are not contiguous.

          If a new command line being added to the history list duplicates
          an  older  one, the older command is removed from the list (even
          if it is not the previous event).

          Do not enter command lines into the history  list  if  they  are
          duplicates of the previous event.

          Remove  command  lines  from  the  history  list  when the first
          character on the line is a space, or when one  of  the  expanded
          aliases  contains  a  leading  space.   Only normal aliases (not
          global or suffix aliases) have this behaviour.   Note  that  the
          command  lingers  in the internal history until the next command
          is entered before it vanishes, allowing you to briefly reuse  or
          edit the line.  If you want to make it vanish right away without
          entering another command, type a space and press return.

          By default, shell history that is read in from  files  is  split
          into  words  on all white space.  This means that arguments with
          quoted  whitespace  are  not   correctly   handled,   with   the
          consequence  that references to words in history lines that have
          been read from a file may be inaccurate.  When  this  option  is
          set,  words  read  in  from  a  history file are divided up in a
          similar fashion to normal shell command line handling.  Although
          this  produces  more  accurately delimited words, if the size of
          the history file is large this can be slow.  Trial and error  is
          necessary to decide.

          Remove  function  definitions  from the history list.  Note that
          the function lingers in the  internal  history  until  the  next
          command  is  entered before it vanishes, allowing you to briefly
          reuse or edit the definition.

          Remove the history (fc -l) command from the  history  list  when
          invoked.   Note that the command lingers in the internal history
          until the next command is entered before it  vanishes,  allowing
          you to briefly reuse or edit the line.

          Remove  superfluous blanks from each command line being added to
          the history list.

          When the history file is re-written, we  normally  write  out  a
          copy of the file named $HISTFILE.new and then rename it over the
          old one.  However, if this option is unset, we instead  truncate
          the old history file and write out the new version in-place.  If
          one of the history-appending options  is  enabled,  this  option
          only  has  an  effect when the enlarged history file needs to be
          re-written to trim it down to size.  Disable this  only  if  you
          have  special  needs,  as  doing  so  makes  it possible to lose
          history entries if zsh gets interrupted during the save.

          When writing out a copy of the history file, zsh  preserves  the
          old file's permissions and group information, but will refuse to
          write out a new file if  it  would  change  the  history  file's

          When writing out the history file, older commands that duplicate
          newer ones are omitted.

          Whenever the user enters a line with  history  expansion,  don't
          execute  the  line  directly; instead, perform history expansion
          and reload the line into the editing buffer.

          This options works like APPEND_HISTORY except that  new  history
          lines  are added to the $HISTFILE incrementally (as soon as they
          are entered), rather than waiting until the  shell  exits.   The
          file  will  still be periodically re-written to trim it when the
          number  of  lines  grows  20%  beyond  the  value  specified  by
          $SAVEHIST (see also the HIST_SAVE_BY_COPY option).

          This  option  is a variant of INC_APPEND_HISTORY in which, where
          possible, the history entry is written out to the file after the
          command  is  finished,  so that the time taken by the command is
          recorded correctly  in  the  history  file  in  EXTENDED_HISTORY
          format.  This means that the history entry will not be available
          immediately from other instances of the shell that are using the
          same history file.

          This   option   is   only   useful   if  INC_APPEND_HISTORY  and
          SHARE_HISTORY are turned  off.   The  three  options  should  be
          considered mutually exclusive.


          This option both imports new commands from the history file, and
          also causes your typed commands to be appended  to  the  history
          file  (the  latter  is like specifying INC_APPEND_HISTORY, which
          should be turned off if this option is in effect).  The  history
          lines  are  also  output  with  timestamps  ala EXTENDED_HISTORY
          (which makes it easier to  find  the  spot  where  we  left  off
          reading the file after it gets re-written).

          By  default,  history movement commands visit the imported lines
          as well as the local lines, but you can toggle this on  and  off
          with  the set-local-history zle binding.  It is also possible to
          create a zle widget that will make some commands ignore imported
          commands, and some include them.

          If  you  find  that you want more control over when commands get
          imported,   you   may   wish   to   turn   SHARE_HISTORY    off,
          INC_APPEND_HISTORY  or  INC_APPEND_HISTORY_TIME  (see above) on,
          and then manually import commands whenever you need  them  using
          `fc -RI'.

   ALL_EXPORT (-a, ksh: -a)
          All parameters subsequently defined are automatically exported.

          If  this  option  is  set,  passing  the -x flag to the builtins
          declare, float, integer, readonly and typeset  (but  not  local)
          will  also  set  the  -g flag;  hence parameters exported to the
          environment will not be made local to  the  enclosing  function,
          unless they were already or the flag +g is given explicitly.  If
          the option is unset, exported parameters will be made  local  in
          just the same way as any other parameter.

          This  option is set by default for backward compatibility; it is
          not recommended that its behaviour be relied  upon.   Note  that
          the  builtin  export  always  sets both the -x and -g flags, and
          hence its effect extends  beyond  the  scope  of  the  enclosing
          function;  this  is  the  most  portable  way  to  achieve  this

   GLOBAL_RCS (-d) <D>
          If this option is unset, the  startup  files  /etc/zsh/zprofile,
          /etc/zsh/zshrc, /etc/zsh/zlogin and /etc/zsh/zlogout will not be
          run.  It can be disabled and re-enabled at any  time,  including
          inside local startup files (.zshrc, etc.).

   RCS (+f) <D>
          After /etc/zsh/zshenv is sourced on startup, source the .zshenv,
          /etc/zsh/zprofile,    .zprofile,     /etc/zsh/zshrc,     .zshrc,
          /etc/zsh/zlogin,  .zlogin,  and  .zlogout files, as described in
          the  section  `Files'.    If   this   option   is   unset,   the
          /etc/zsh/zshenv  file  is  still  sourced, but any of the others
          will not be; it can be set at any time to prevent the  remaining
          startup  files  after  the  currently  executing  one from being

          Expand aliases.

   CLOBBER (+C, ksh: +C) <D>
          Allows `>' redirection to truncate  existing  files.   Otherwise
          `>!' or `>|' must be used to truncate a file.

          If  the  option is not set, and the option APPEND_CREATE is also
          not set, `>>!' or `>>|' must be  used  to  create  a  file.   If
          either option is set, `>>' may be used.

   CORRECT (-0)
          Try  to  correct  the spelling of commands.  Note that, when the
          HASH_LIST_ALL option is not set or when some directories in  the
          path  are  not readable, this may falsely report spelling errors
          the first time some commands are used.

          The shell variable CORRECT_IGNORE may be set  to  a  pattern  to
          match words that will never be offered as corrections.

          Try to correct the spelling of all arguments in a line.

          The  shell  variable CORRECT_IGNORE_FILE may be set to a pattern
          to match file names that will never be offered as corrections.

   DVORAK Use the Dvorak keyboard instead of the standard qwerty  keyboard
          as  a  basis for examining spelling mistakes for the CORRECT and
          CORRECT_ALL options and the spell-word editor command.

          If this option is unset,  output  flow  control  via  start/stop
          characters  (usually  assigned  to  ^S/^Q)  is  disabled  in the
          shell's editor.

   IGNORE_EOF (-7)
          Do not exit on end-of-file.  Require the use of exit  or  logout
          instead.   However, ten consecutive EOFs will cause the shell to
          exit anyway, to avoid the shell hanging if its tty goes away.

          Also, if this option is set and the Zsh  Line  Editor  is  used,
          widgets  implemented  by  shell  functions  can  be bound to EOF
          (normally  Control-D)  without  printing  the   normal   warning
          message.  This works only for normal widgets, not for completion

          Allow comments even in interactive shells.

          Note the location of each command the first time it is executed.
          Subsequent  invocations  of  the same command will use the saved
          location, avoiding a path search.  If this option is  unset,  no
          path  hashing  is  done  at  all.  However, when CORRECT is set,
          commands whose names do not appear in the functions  or  aliases
          hash  tables  are  hashed  in  order  to avoid reporting them as
          spelling errors.

          Whenever a command name is hashed, hash the directory containing
          it,  as  well as all directories that occur earlier in the path.
          Has no effect if neither HASH_CMDS nor CORRECT is set.

          When hashing commands because of HASH_CMDS, check that the  file
          to be hashed is actually an executable.  This option is unset by
          default as if the path contains a large number of  commands,  or
          consists  of  many remote files, the additional tests can take a
          long time.  Trial and error is needed to show if this option  is

          Print  a  warning message if a mail file has been accessed since
          the shell last checked.

          Perform a path search even on  command  names  with  slashes  in
          them.  Thus if `/usr/local/bin' is in the user's path, and he or
          she types `X11/xinit',  the  command  `/usr/local/bin/X11/xinit'
          will  be  executed  (assuming  it  exists).  Commands explicitly
          beginning with `/', `./' or `../' are not subject  to  the  path
          search.  This also applies to the `.' and source builtins.

          Note  that  subdirectories  of  the current directory are always
          searched for executables specified in  this  form.   This  takes
          place before any search indicated by this option, and regardless
          of whether `.' or the current directory appear  in  the  command
          search path.

          If  this  option  is  not  set,  a  script  passed  as the first
          non-option argument to the shell must contain the  name  of  the
          file  to  open.   If this option is set, and the script does not
          specify a directory path, the script is looked for first in  the
          current  directory,  then  in the command path.  See the section
          INVOCATION in zsh(1).

          Print eight bit characters literally in completion  lists,  etc.
          This  option  is  not necessary if your system correctly returns
          the printability of eight bit characters (see ctype(3)).

          Print the exit value of  programs  with  non-zero  exit  status.
          This  is  only  available  at  the  command  line in interactive

          Allow the character sequence `'''  to  signify  a  single  quote
          within  singly  quoted  strings.   Note  this  does not apply in
          quoted strings using the  format  $'...',  where  a  backslashed
          single quote can be used.

   RM_STAR_SILENT (-H) <K> <S>
          Do not query the user before executing `rm *' or `rm path/*'.

          If  querying  the  user  before executing `rm *' or `rm path/*',
          first wait ten seconds and ignore anything typed in  that  time.
          This  avoids  the  problem of reflexively answering `yes' to the
          query when one didn't really mean it.  The wait  and  query  can
          always be avoided by expanding the `*' in ZLE (with tab).

          Allow  the  short forms of for, repeat, select, if, and function

          If a line ends with a backquote, and there are an odd number  of
          backquotes  on the line, ignore the trailing backquote.  This is
          useful on some keyboards where the return key is too small,  and
          the   backquote   key  lies  annoyingly  close  to  it.   As  an
          alternative the  variable  KEYBOARD_HACK  lets  you  choose  the
          character to be removed.

   Job Control
          With this option set, stopped jobs that are removed from the job
          table with the disown builtin command are automatically  sent  a
          CONT signal to make them running.

          Treat   single  word  simple  commands  without  redirection  as
          candidates for resumption of an existing job.

   BG_NICE (-6) <C> <Z>
          Run all background jobs at a lower priority.  This option is set
          by default.

          Report  the  status  of  background  and  suspended  jobs before
          exiting a shell with job control; a second attempt to  exit  the
          shell   will  succeed.   NO_CHECK_JOBS  is  best  used  only  in
          combination  with  NO_HUP,  else  such  jobs  will   be   killed

          The  check  is  omitted  if  the  commands run from the previous
          command line included a `jobs' command, since it is assumed  the
          user  is  aware  that there are background or suspended jobs.  A
          `jobs' command run from one of the hook functions defined in the
          section  SPECIAL FUNCTIONS in zshmisc(1) is not counted for this

   HUP <Z>
          Send the HUP signal to running jobs when the shell exits.

          List jobs in the long format by default.

   MONITOR (-m, ksh: -m)
          Allow job control.  Set by default in interactive shells.

   NOTIFY (-5, ksh: -b) <Z>
          Report the status of background jobs  immediately,  rather  than
          waiting until just before printing a prompt.

          This  option  makes  job  control  more compliant with the POSIX

          When the option is not set, the MONITOR option is unset on entry
          to subshells, so that job control is no longer active.  When the
          option is set, the MONITOR option and job control remain  active
          in  the  subshell,  but  note that the subshell has no access to
          jobs in the parent shell.

          When the option is not  set,  jobs  put  in  the  background  or
          foreground with bg or fg are displayed with the same information
          that would be reported by jobs.  When the option  is  set,  only
          the  text  is  printed.   The  output  from  jobs  itself is not
          affected by the option.

          When the option is not set,  job  information  from  the  parent
          shell is saved for output within a subshell (for example, within
          a pipeline).  When the option is set,  the  output  of  jobs  is
          empty until a job is started within the subshell.

          In  previous  versions  of the shell, it was necessary to enable
          POSIX_JOBS in order for the builtin command wait to  return  the
          status  of  background jobs that had already exited.  This is no
          longer the case.

          If set, `!' is  treated  specially  in  prompt  expansion.   See
          EXPANSION OF PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1).

   PROMPT_CR (+V) <D>
          Print  a  carriage  return  just before printing a prompt in the
          line editor.  This is on by default  as  multi-line  editing  is
          only  possible  if  the editor knows where the start of the line

          Attempt to preserve a partial line (i.e. a line that did not end
          with  a  newline)  that  would  otherwise  be  covered up by the
          command prompt due to  the  PROMPT_CR  option.   This  works  by
          outputting some cursor-control characters, including a series of
          spaces, that should make the terminal wrap to the next line when
          a  partial line is present (note that this is only successful if
          your terminal has automatic margins, which is typical).

          When a partial line is preserved, by default  you  will  see  an
          inverse+bold  character  at  the end of the partial line:  a `%'
          for a normal user  or  a  `#'  for  root.   If  set,  the  shell
          parameter  PROMPT_EOL_MARK  can be used to customize how the end
          of partial lines are shown.

          NOTE: if the PROMPT_CR option is not set, enabling  this  option
          will have no effect.  This option is on by default.

          If  set,  `%'  is  treated  specially  in prompt expansion.  See
          EXPANSION OF PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1).

          If set, parameter expansion, command substitution and arithmetic
          expansion   are  performed  in  prompts.   Substitutions  within
          prompts do not affect the command status.

          Remove any right prompt from display when  accepting  a  command
          line.   This  may  be useful with terminals with other cut/paste

   Scripts and Functions
          Output hexadecimal numbers in the standard C format, for example
          `0xFF' instead of the usual `16#FF'.  If the option OCTAL_ZEROES
          is also set (it is  not  by  default),  octal  numbers  will  be
          treated  similarly  and hence appear as `077' instead of `8#77'.
          This option has no effect on the choice of the output base,  nor
          on  the  output of bases other than hexadecimal and octal.  Note
          that these formats will be understood on input  irrespective  of
          the setting of C_BASES.

          This  alters  the  precedence of arithmetic operators to be more
          like C and other programming languages; the  section  ARITHMETIC
          EVALUATION in zshmisc(1) has an explicit list.

          Run  the  DEBUG  trap  before  each command; otherwise it is run
          after each command.  Setting this option mimics the behaviour of
          ksh 93; with the option unset the behaviour is that of ksh 88.

   ERR_EXIT (-e, ksh: -e)
          If  a command has a non-zero exit status, execute the ZERR trap,
          if set, and exit.  This is disabled while running initialization

          The behaviour is also disabled inside DEBUG traps.  In this case
          the option is handled specially: it is unset  on  entry  to  the
          trap.   If  the  option  DEBUG_BEFORE_CMD  is  set,  as it is by
          default, and the option ERR_EXIT is found to have  been  set  on
          exit,  then  the  command  for  which  the  DEBUG  trap is being
          executed is skipped.  The option  is  restored  after  the  trap

          Exiting   due   to   ERR_EXIT   has  certain  interactions  with
          asynchronous jobs noted in the section JOBS in in zshmisc(1).

          If a command has a non-zero exit status, return immediately from
          the  enclosing  function.   The  logic  is identical to that for
          ERR_EXIT, except that an implicit return statement  is  executed
          instead  of an exit.  This will trigger an exit at the outermost
          level of a non-interactive script.

          If set, line numbers of expressions evaluated using the  builtin
          eval  are tracked separately of the enclosing environment.  This
          applies both to the parameter LINENO and the line number  output
          by  the  prompt  escape  %i.   If  the option is set, the prompt
          escape %N will output the string `(eval)' instead of the  script
          or function name as an indication.   (The two prompt escapes are
          typically used in the parameter PS4 to be output when the option
          XTRACE is set.)  If EVAL_LINENO is unset, the line number of the
          surrounding  script  or  function   is   retained   during   the

   EXEC (+n, ksh: +n) <D>
          Do execute commands.  Without this option, commands are read and
          checked for syntax errors, but not executed.  This option cannot
          be  turned  off  in  an  interactive  shell, except when `-n' is
          supplied to the shell at startup.

          When executing a shell function or sourcing  a  script,  set  $0
          temporarily  to  the  name  of  the  function/script.  Note that
          toggling FUNCTION_ARGZERO from on to off (or off to on) does not
          change  the  current  value of $0.  Only the state upon entry to
          the function or script has an effect.  Compare POSIX_ARGZERO.

          When this option is not set, the effect of  break  and  continue
          commands  may  propagate outside function scope, affecting loops
          in calling functions.  When the  option  is  set  in  a  calling
          function,  a  break  or  a  continue that is not caught within a
          called function (regardless of the setting of the option  within
          that function) produces a warning and the effect is cancelled.

          If  this  option  is  set  at  the  point of return from a shell
          function, most options (including this one) which were in  force
          upon  entry  to  the function are restored; options that are not
          restored are PRIVILEGED and RESTRICTED.   Otherwise,  only  this
          option, and the LOCAL_LOOPS, XTRACE and PRINT_EXIT_VALUE options
          are restored.  Hence if this is  explicitly  unset  by  a  shell
          function  the other options in force at the point of return will
          remain so.  A shell function can also guarantee itself  a  known
          shell  configuration  with  a formulation like `emulate -L zsh';
          the -L activates LOCAL_OPTIONS.

          If this option is set at  the  point  of  return  from  a  shell
          function, the state of pattern disables, as set with the builtin
          command `disable -p', is  restored  to  what  it  was  when  the
          function  was  entered.  The behaviour of this option is similar
          to the effect of LOCAL_OPTIONS on options; hence `emulate -L sh'
          (or  indeed  any  other  emulation with the -L option) activates

          If this option is set  when  a  signal  trap  is  set  inside  a
          function,  then  the previous status of the trap for that signal
          will be restored when the function exits.  Note that this option
          must  be set prior to altering the trap behaviour in a function;
          unlike LOCAL_OPTIONS, the value on exit  from  the  function  is
          irrelevant.   However,  it  does  not  need to be set before any
          global trap for that to be correctly  restored  by  a  function.
          For example,

                 unsetopt localtraps
                 trap - INT
                 fn() { setopt localtraps; trap '' INT; sleep 3; }

          will restore normal handling of SIGINT after the function exits.

          Allow definitions of multiple functions at once in the form `fn1
          fn2...()'; if the option is not set, this causes a parse  error.
          Definition  of  multiple  functions with the function keyword is
          always allowed.  Multiple function  definitions  are  not  often
          used and can cause obscure errors.

          Perform  implicit  tees  or  cats when multiple redirections are
          attempted (see the section `Redirection').

          Interpret any integer constant beginning with a 0 as octal,  per
          IEEE  Std 1003.2-1992 (ISO 9945-2:1993).  This is not enabled by
          default as it causes problems with parsing of, for example, date
          and time strings with leading zeroes.

          Sequences  of  digits indicating a numeric base such as the `08'
          component  in  `08#77'  are  always  interpreted   as   decimal,
          regardless of leading zeroes.

          By  default,  when  a pipeline exits the exit status recorded by
          the shell and returned by the shell variable $? reflects that of
          the rightmost element of a pipeline.  If this option is set, the
          exit status instead reflects the status of the rightmost element
          of  the  pipeline  that  was  non-zero,  or zero if all elements
          exited with zero status.

          If set, zsh will print an informational message  announcing  the
          name of each file it loads.  The format of the output is similar
          to that for the XTRACE option, with the  message  <sourcetrace>.
          A  file  may be loaded by the shell itself when it starts up and
          shuts down  (Startup/Shutdown  Files)  or  by  the  use  of  the
          `source' and `dot' builtin commands.

          If  this  is  unset,  executing  any  of the `typeset' family of
          commands with no options and a list of parameters that  have  no
          values  to  be assigned but already exist will display the value
          of the parameter.  If the option is set, they will only be shown
          when  parameters  are selected with the `-m' option.  The option
          `-p' is available whether or not the option is set.

   VERBOSE (-v, ksh: -v)
          Print shell input lines as they are read.

   XTRACE (-x, ksh: -x)
          Print commands and their arguments as they  are  executed.   The
          output  is preceded by the value of $PS4, formatted as described
          in the section EXPANSION OF PROMPT SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1).

   Shell Emulation
          This option only applies when NO_CLOBBER (-C) is in effect.

          If this option is not set, the shell will report an error when a
          append  redirection (>>) is used on a file that does not already
          exists (the traditional zsh behaviour of  NO_CLOBBER).   If  the
          option is set, no error is reported (POSIX behaviour).

          When  set,  matches  performed with the =~ operator will set the
          BASH_REMATCH array variable, instead of the  default  MATCH  and
          match  variables.   The  first element of the BASH_REMATCH array
          will contain the entire matched  text  and  subsequent  elements
          will contain extracted substrings.  This option makes more sense
          when KSH_ARRAYS is also set, so that the entire matched  portion
          is  stored  at  index  0  and the first substring is at index 1.
          Without this option, the  MATCH  variable  contains  the  entire
          matched text and the match array variable contains substrings.

          Make  the  echo builtin compatible with the BSD echo(1) command.
          This disables  backslashed  escape  sequences  in  echo  strings
          unless the -e option is specified.

          If  a  fatal  error  is  encountered  (see the section ERRORS in
          zshmisc(1)), and the code is running in a script, the shell will
          resume  execution at the next statement in the script at the top
          level, in other words outside all functions or shell  constructs
          such  as  loops  and  conditions.   This mimics the behaviour of
          interactive shells, where the shell returns to the  line  editor
          to  read  a new command; it was the normal behaviour in versions
          of zsh before 5.0.1.

          A history reference without an event specifier will always refer
          to  the  previous  command.  Without this option, such a history
          reference refers to the  same  event  as  the  previous  history
          reference  on  the  current  command  line,  defaulting  to  the
          previous command.

          Allow loop bodies to take the form `list; end'  instead  of  `do
          list; done'.

          Changes  the  rules  for single- and double-quoted text to match
          that of csh.  These require that embedded newlines  be  preceded
          by  a backslash; unescaped newlines will cause an error message.
          In double-quoted strings, it is made impossible to  escape  `$',
          ``'  or  `"' (and `\' itself no longer needs escaping).  Command
          substitutions are only expanded once, and cannot be nested.

          Do not use the values of NULLCMD and  READNULLCMD  when  running
          redirections  with no command.  This make such redirections fail
          (see the section `Redirection').

          Emulate ksh array handling as  closely  as  possible.   If  this
          option  is  set, array elements are numbered from zero, an array
          parameter without subscript refers to the first element  instead
          of  the  whole  array,  and  braces  are  required  to delimit a
          subscript (`${path[2]}' rather than just `$path[2]').

          Emulate ksh  function  autoloading.   This  means  that  when  a
          function   is  autoloaded,  the  corresponding  file  is  merely
          executed, and must define the function itself.  (By default, the
          function  is  defined to the contents of the file.  However, the
          most common ksh-style case -  of  the  file  containing  only  a
          simple  definition  of  the  function - is always handled in the
          ksh-compatible manner.)

          Alters the way options settings are printed: instead of separate
          lists  of  set  and unset options, all options are shown, marked
          `on' if they are in the non-default state, `off' otherwise.

          This option is now obsolete:  a  better  appropximation  to  the
          behaviour  of  other  shells  is obtained with the reserved word
          interface to declare, export, float,  integer,  local,  readonly
          and  typeset.   Note  that  the  option is only applied when the
          reserved word interface is not in use.

          Alters the way arguments to  the  typeset  family  of  commands,
          including  declare,  export, float, integer, local and readonly,
          are processed.  Without this option,  zsh  will  perform  normal
          word   splitting   after  command  and  parameter  expansion  in
          arguments of an assignment; with it,  word  splitting  does  not
          take place in those cases.

          Treat  use  of  a  subscript  of  value  zero in array or string
          expressions as a  reference  to  the  first  element,  i.e.  the
          element that usually has the subscript 1.  Ignored if KSH_ARRAYS
          is also set.

          If neither this option nor KSH_ARRAYS is  set,  accesses  to  an
          element  of  an  array  or  string with subscript zero return an
          empty element or string, while attempts to set element  zero  of
          an  array  or string are treated as an error.  However, attempts
          to set an otherwise valid subscript  range  that  includes  zero
          will succeed.  For example, if KSH_ZERO_SUBSCRIPT is not set,


          is an error, while


          is not and will replace the first element of the array.

          This  option  is  for  compatibility  with older versions of the
          shell and is not recommended in new code.

          When this option is set, reserved words are not  candidates  for
          alias expansion:  it is still possible to declare any of them as
          an alias, but the alias will never be expanded.  Reserved  words
          are described in the section RESERVED WORDS in zshmisc(1).

          Alias expansion takes place while text is being read; hence when
          this option is set it does not take effect until the end of  any
          function  or other piece of shell code parsed as one unit.  Note
          this may cause differences  from  other  shells  even  when  the
          option  is  in effect.  For example, when running a command with
          `zsh -c', or even `zsh -o posixaliases -c', the  entire  command
          argument  is  parsed  as one unit, so aliases defined within the
          argument are not available even in later lines.   If  in  doubt,
          avoid use of aliases in non-interactive code.

          This  option may be used to temporarily disable FUNCTION_ARGZERO
          and thereby restore the value of $0 to the name used  to  invoke
          the  shell  (or  as  set  by  the  -c command line option).  For
          compatibility with previous versions of  the  shell,  emulations
          use  NO_FUNCTION_ARGZERO  instead  of  POSIX_ARGZERO,  which may
          result in unexpected scoping of $0  if  the  emulation  mode  is
          changed  inside a function or script.  To avoid this, explicitly
          enable POSIX_ARGZERO in the emulate command:

                 emulate sh -o POSIX_ARGZERO

          Note that NO_POSIX_ARGZERO has no effect unless FUNCTION_ARGZERO
          was already enabled upon entry to the function or script.

          When  this  option  is  set  the  command builtin can be used to
          execute shell builtin commands.  Parameter assignments specified
          before  shell  functions and special builtins are kept after the
          command completes unless the special builtin  is  prefixed  with
          the   command  builtin.   Special  builtins  are  .,  :,  break,
          continue, declare, eval, exit, export, integer, local, readonly,
          return, set, shift, source, times, trap and unset.

          In  addition, various error conditions associated with the above
          builtins or exec cause a non-interactive shell to  exit  and  an
          interactive shell to return to its top-level processing.

          Furthermore,  the  getopts builtin behaves in a POSIX-compatible
          fashion in that the associated variable OPTIND is not made local
          to functions.

          When  this option is set, only the ASCII characters a to z, A to
          Z, 0 to 9 and _ may be  used  in  identifiers  (names  of  shell
          parameters and modules).

          In  addition, setting this option limits the effect of parameter
          substitution with no  braces,  so  that  the  expression  $#  is
          treated  as  the  parameter  $#  even  if  followed  by  a valid
          parameter name.  When it is unset, zsh allows expressions of the
          form  $#name  to  refer to the length of $name, even for special
          variables, for example in expressions such as $#- and $#*.

          When the option is unset  and  multibyte  character  support  is
          enabled  (i.e.  it  is  compiled  in and the option MULTIBYTE is
          set), then additionally any alphanumeric characters in the local
          character set may be used in identifiers.  Note that scripts and
          functions written with this feature are not portable,  and  also
          that  both  options must be set before the script or function is
          parsed; setting them during execution is not sufficient  as  the
          syntax  variable=value  has  already  been  parsed  as a command
          rather than an assignment.

          If multibyte character support is not compiled  into  the  shell
          this  option  is ignored; all octets with the top bit set may be
          used  in  identifiers.   This  is  non-standard   but   is   the
          traditional zsh behaviour.

          This  option affects processing of quoted strings.  Currently it
          only affects the behaviour of null characters, i.e. character  0
          in the portable character set corresponding to US ASCII.

          When  this  option  is  not set, null characters embedded within
          strings of the form $'...' are treated as  ordinary  characters.
          The  entire  string is maintained within the shell and output to
          files where necessary, although owing  to  restrictions  of  the
          library  interface the string is truncated at the null character
          in  file  names,  environment  variables,  or  in  arguments  to
          external programs.

          When  this  option is set, the $'...' expression is truncated at
          the null character.  Note  that  remaining  parts  of  the  same
          string beyond the termination of the quotes are not truncated.

          For example, the command line argument a$'b\0c'd is treated with
          the option off as the characters a, b, null, c, d, and with  the
          option on as the characters a, b, d.

          When  this  option  is set, the usual zsh behaviour of executing
          traps for EXIT on exit from shell functions is  suppressed.   In
          that case, manipulating EXIT traps always alters the global trap
          for exiting the shell; the LOCAL_TRAPS option is ignored for the
          EXIT  trap.   Furthermore, a return statement executed in a trap
          with no argument passes back from the function  the  value  from
          the surrounding context, not from code executed within the trap.

          Perform  filename expansion (e.g., ~ expansion) before parameter
          expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion and  brace
          expansion.  If this option is unset, it is performed after brace
          expansion, so things like `~$USERNAME' and `~{pfalstad,rc}' will

          Do  not  use  the  values  of NULLCMD and READNULLCMD when doing
          redirections, use `:' instead (see the section `Redirection').

          If this option is set the shell tries to interpret single letter
          options  (which  are  used  with  set and setopt) like ksh does.
          This also affects the value of the - special parameter.

   SH_WORD_SPLIT (-y) <K> <S>
          Causes field splitting to be  performed  on  unquoted  parameter
          expansions.   Note  that this option has nothing to do with word
          splitting.  (See the section `Parameter Expansion'.)

          While waiting for a program to  exit,  handle  signals  and  run
          traps  immediately.   Otherwise  the  trap  is run after a child
          process has exited.  Note this does  not  affect  the  point  at
          which  traps  are  run for any case other than when the shell is
          waiting for a child process.

   Shell State
   INTERACTIVE (-i, ksh: -i)
          This  is  an  interactive  shell.   This  option  is  set   upon
          initialisation  if  the standard input is a tty and commands are
          being  read  from  standard  input.   (See  the  discussion   of
          SHIN_STDIN.)   This  heuristic may be overridden by specifying a
          state for this option on the command line.  The  value  of  this
          option  can  only be changed via flags supplied at invocation of
          the shell.  It cannot be changed once zsh is running.

   LOGIN (-l, ksh: -l)
          This is a login shell.  If this option is  not  explicitly  set,
          the  shell  becomes  a login shell if the first character of the
          argv[0] passed to the shell is a `-'.

   PRIVILEGED (-p, ksh: -p)
          Turn on privileged mode. Typically this is used when  script  is
          to  be  run  with  elevated  privileges.  This should be done as
          follows directly with the -p option to  zsh  so  that  it  takes
          effect during startup.

                 #!/bin/zsh -p

          The  option is enabled automatically on startup if the effective
          user (group) ID is not equal to the real  user  (group)  ID.  In
          this  case, turning the option off causes the effective user and
          group IDs to be set to the real user and  group  IDs.  Be  aware
          that  if  that fails the shell may be running with different IDs
          than was intended so a script should check for failure  and  act
          accordingly, for example:

                 unsetopt privileged || exit

          The  PRIVILEGED option disables sourcing user startup files.  If
          zsh  is  invoked  as  `sh'  or  `ksh'  with  this  option   set,
          /etc/suid_profile  is sourced (after /etc/profile on interactive
          shells). Sourcing ~/.profile is disabled and the contents of the
          ENV variable is ignored. This option cannot be changed using the
          -m option of setopt and  unsetopt,  and  changing  it  inside  a
          function   always   changes   it   globally  regardless  of  the
          LOCAL_OPTIONS option.

          Enables restricted mode.  This option cannot  be  changed  using
          unsetopt,  and  setting  it  inside a function always changes it
          globally  regardless  of  the  LOCAL_OPTIONS  option.   See  the
          section `Restricted Shell'.

   SHIN_STDIN (-s, ksh: -s)
          Commands  are  being read from the standard input.  Commands are
          read from standard input if no command is specified with -c  and
          no  file  of  commands  is  specified.   If  SHIN_STDIN  is  set
          explicitly  on  the  command  line,  any  argument  that   would
          otherwise  have  been  taken  as  a  file to run will instead be
          treated as a normal positional parameter.  Note that setting  or
          unsetting  this  option on the command line does not necessarily
          affect the state the option will have while the shell is running
          -  that  is  purely  an indicator of whether or not commands are
          actually being read from standard  input.   The  value  of  this
          option  can  only be changed via flags supplied at invocation of
          the shell.  It cannot be changed once zsh is running.

   SINGLE_COMMAND (-t, ksh: -t)
          If the shell is reading from standard input, it  exits  after  a
          single  command  has  been  executed.  This also makes the shell
          non-interactive, unless the INTERACTIVE option is explicitly set
          on  the  command  line.   The  value  of this option can only be
          changed via flags supplied  at  invocation  of  the  shell.   It
          cannot be changed once zsh is running.

   BEEP (+B) <D>
          Beep on error in ZLE.

          Assume   that   the   terminal   displays  combining  characters
          correctly.  Specifically, if a base  alphanumeric  character  is
          followed  by  one  or  more  zero-width  punctuation characters,
          assume that the  zero-width  characters  will  be  displayed  as
          modifications  to the base character within the same width.  Not
          all  terminals  handle  this.   If  this  option  is  not   set,
          zero-width  characters  are  displayed  separately  with special

          If this option is set, the pattern  test  [[:WORD:]]  matches  a
          zero-width  punctuation character on the assumption that it will
          be used as part of a word in combination with a word  character.
          Otherwise  the  base  shell does not handle combining characters

   EMACS  If ZLE is loaded, turning on  this  option  has  the  equivalent
          effect  of  `bindkey  -e'.  In addition, the VI option is unset.
          Turning it off  has  no  effect.   The  option  setting  is  not
          guaranteed  to  reflect  the  current  keymap.   This  option is
          provided  for  compatibility;   bindkey   is   the   recommended

          Start up the line editor in overstrike mode.

          Use single-line command line editing instead of multi-line.

          Note  that  although  this  is on by default in ksh emulation it
          only provides superficial compatibility with the ksh line editor
          and reduces the effectiveness of the zsh line editor.  As it has
          no effect on shell syntax, many users may wish to  disable  this
          option when using ksh emulation interactively.

   VI     If  ZLE  is  loaded,  turning  on this option has the equivalent
          effect of `bindkey -v'.  In addition, the EMACS option is unset.
          Turning  it  off  has  no  effect.   The  option  setting is not
          guaranteed to  reflect  the  current  keymap.   This  option  is
          provided   for   compatibility;   bindkey   is  the  recommended

   ZLE (-Z)
          Use the zsh line editor.  Set by default in  interactive  shells
          connected to a terminal.


   Some  options have alternative names.  These aliases are never used for
   output, but can be used just like normal option names  when  specifying
   options to the shell.

          NO_IGNORE_BRACES (ksh and bash compatibility)

          GLOB_DOTS (bash compatibility)

          HASH_CMDS (bash compatibility)

          APPEND_HISTORY (bash compatibility)

          BANG_HIST (bash compatibility)

   LOG    NO_HIST_NO_FUNCTIONS (ksh compatibility)

          MAIL_WARNING (bash compatibility)

          SINGLE_COMMAND (bash compatibility)

          CHASE_LINKS (ksh and bash compatibility)

          PROMPT_SUBST (bash compatibility)

   STDIN  SHIN_STDIN (ksh compatibility)

          HASH_CMDS (ksh compatibility)


   Default set
   -0     CORRECT
   -2     NO_BAD_PATTERN
   -3     NO_NOMATCH
   -4     GLOB_DOTS
   -5     NOTIFY
   -6     BG_NICE
   -7     IGNORE_EOF
   -8     MARK_DIRS
   -9     AUTO_LIST
   -B     NO_BEEP
   -C     NO_CLOBBER
   -F     NO_GLOB
   -G     NULL_GLOB
   -J     AUTO_CD
   -K     NO_BANG_HIST
   -N     AUTO_PUSHD
   -Q     PATH_DIRS
   -S     REC_EXACT
   -V     NO_PROMPT_CR
   -X     LIST_TYPES
   -Z     ZLE
   -a     ALL_EXPORT
   -e     ERR_EXIT
   -f     NO_RCS
   -l     LOGIN
   -m     MONITOR
   -n     NO_EXEC
   -p     PRIVILEGED
   -r     RESTRICTED
   -s     SHIN_STDIN
   -u     NO_UNSET
   -v     VERBOSE
   -w     CHASE_LINKS
   -x     XTRACE
   -y     SH_WORD_SPLIT

   sh/ksh emulation set
   -C     NO_CLOBBER
   -X     MARK_DIRS
   -a     ALL_EXPORT
   -b     NOTIFY
   -e     ERR_EXIT
   -f     NO_GLOB
   -l     LOGIN
   -m     MONITOR
   -n     NO_EXEC
   -p     PRIVILEGED
   -r     RESTRICTED
   -s     SHIN_STDIN
   -u     NO_UNSET
   -v     VERBOSE
   -x     XTRACE

   Also note
   -A     Used by set for setting arrays
   -b     Used on the command line to specify end of option processing
   -c     Used on the command line to specify a single command
   -m     Used by setopt for pattern-matching option setting
   -o     Used in all places to allow use of long option names
   -s     Used by set to sort positional parameters

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