

   at.allow, at.deny - determine who can submit jobs via at or batch


   The  /etc/at.allow  and  /etc/at.deny  files  determine  which user can
   submit commands for later execution via at(1) or batch(1).

   The format of the files is a list  of  usernames,  one  on  each  line.
   Whitespace is not permitted.

   If  the  file  /etc/at.allow exists, only usernames mentioned in it are
   allowed to use at.

   If  /etc/at.allow  does  not  exist,  /etc/at.deny  is  checked,  every
   username not mentioned in it is then allowed to use at.

   An empty /etc/at.deny means that every user may use at.

   If neither exists, only the superuser is allowed to use at.


   at(1), cron(8), crontab(1), atd(8).

                               Sep 1997                        AT.ALLOW(5)

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