

   crontab - tables for driving systemd-cron


   A  crontab  file  contains  instructions to systemd-cron of the general
   form: ``run this command at this time on this date''.   Each  user  has
   their  own  crontab, and commands in any given crontab will be executed
   as the user who owns the crontab.

   Blank lines and leading spaces and tabs are ignored.  Lines whose first
   non-space  character  is a hash-sign (#) are comments, and are ignored.
   Note that comments are not allowed on the same line as  cron  commands,
   since  they  will  be  taken  to  be  part  of the command.  Similarly,
   comments are not allowed on  the  same  line  as  environment  variable

   An  active line in a crontab will be either an environment setting or a
   cron command.  The crontab file is parsed from top to  bottom,  so  any
   environment  settings  will affect only the cron commands below them in
   the file.  An environment setting is of the form,

       name = value

   where the spaces around  the  equal-sign  (=)  are  optional,  and  any
   subsequent  non-leading  spaces  in  value  will  be  part of the value
   assigned to name.  The value string may be placed in quotes (single  or
   double, but matching) to preserve leading or trailing blanks. The value
   string is not parsed for environmental substitutions or replacement  of
   variables, thus lines like

       PATH = $HOME/bin:$PATH

   will not work as you might expect. And neither will this work

       C=$A $B

   There will not be any subsitution for the defined variables in the last

   An alternative for setting up the commands path is using the fact  that
   many shells will treat the tilde(~) as substitution of $HOME, so if you
   use bash for your tasks you can use this:


   Special variables:

          Those  are  set  up  automatically  by   systemd   itself,   see
          systemd.exec(5)  SHELL  defaults to /bin/sh.  SHELL and PATH may
          be overridden by settings in the crontab.

          On error systemd.cron(7) will  look  at  MAILTO.  If  MAILTO  is
          defined  mail is sent to this email address.  MAILTO may also be
          used  to  direct  mail  to  multiple  recipients  by  separating
          recipient  users  with  a comma.  If MAILTO is defined but empty
          (MAILTO=""), no mail will be sent.  Otherwise mail  is  sent  to
          the owner of the crontab.
          This  mail  only contains an small excerpt from the log, as seen
          when using systemctl status The full output remains  avaible  in
          the journal.

          (in minutes) environment variable is translated to AccuracySec=.

   DELAY  (in  minutes)  environment variable is translated to OnBootSec=.
          This works like the 'delay'  field  of  anacrontab(5)  and  make
          systemd wait # minutes after boot before starting the unit. This
          value can also  be  used  to  spread  out  the  start  times  of
          @daily/@weekly/@monthly... jobs on a 24/24 system.

          (in  hours)  environment  variable  is  translated to the ´hour´
          component of OnCalendar=.   This  variable  is  inheritted  from
          anacrontab(5),  but  also  supported  in  crontab(5) by systemd-
          crontab-generator. Anacron expect a time range in the  START-END
          format  (eg:  6-9),  systemd-crontab-generator will only use the
          starting hour of the range as reference.  Unless  you  set  this
          variable,  all the @daily/@weekly/@monthly/@yearly jobs will run
          at midnight. If you set this variable and  the  system  was  off
          during  the  ours defined in the range, the (persitent) job will
          start at boot.

          With this flag, you can overide the generator default heuristic.
          'yes': force all further jobs to be persistent
          'auto': only recognize @ keywords to be persistent
          'no': force all further jobs not to be persistent

   BATCH  This    boolean    flag     is     translated     to     options
          CPUSchedulingPolicy=idle and IOSchedulingClass=idle when set.

   The format of a cron command is the same as the one defined by the cron
   daemon.  Each line has  five  time  and  date  fields,  followed  by  a
   command,  followed  by  a newline character ('\n').  The system crontab
   (/etc/crontab) and the packages crontabs (/etc/cron.d/*) use  the  same
   format, except that the username for the command is specified after the
   time and date  fields  and  before  the  command.  The  fields  may  be
   separated by spaces or tabs.

   Commands  are  executed  by systemd when the minute, hour, and month of
   year fields match the current time, and when at least one  of  the  two
   day  fields  (day of month, or day of week) match the current time (see
   ``Note'' below).  The time and date fields are:

          field          allowed values
          -----          --------------
          minute         0-59
          hour           0-23
          day of month   1-31
          month          1-12 (or names, see below)
          day of week    0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)

   A field may be an asterisk (*), which always stands for ``first-last''.

   Ranges of numbers are allowed.  Ranges are two numbers separated with a
   hyphen.   The  specified  range is inclusive.  For example, 8-11 for an
   ``hours'' entry specifies execution at hours 8, 9, 10 and 11.

   Lists are allowed.  A list is a set of numbers (or ranges) separated by
   commas.  Examples: ``1,2,5,9'', ``0-4,8-12''.

   Step  values can be used in conjunction with ranges.  Following a range
   with ``/<number>'' specifies skips of the number's  value  through  the
   range.   For  example,  ``0-23/2''  can  be  used in the hours field to
   specify command execution every other hour (the alternative in  the  V7
   standard   is   ``0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22'').   Steps  are  also
   permitted after an asterisk, so if you want to say ``every two hours'',
   just use ``*/2''.

   Names  can  also  be used for the ``month'' and ``day of week'' fields.
   Use the first three letters  of  the  particular  day  or  month  (case
   doesn't matter).  Ranges or lists of names are not allowed.

   The  ``sixth'' field (the rest of the line) specifies the command to be
   run.  The entire command portion of the line, up to a newline , will be
   executed  by /bin/sh or by the shell specified in the SHELL variable of
   the crontab file.

   systemd-crontab-generator doesn't handle multi-line  command  split  by
   the % character like vixie-cron.

   Note: The day of a command's execution can be specified by two fields —
   day of month, and day of week.  If both fields  are  restricted  (i.e.,
   aren't  *),  the  command  will  be  run  when either field matches the
   current time.  For example,
   ``30 4 1,15 * 5'' would cause a command to be run at 4:30 am on the 1st
   and  15th  of  each month, plus every Friday. One can, however, achieve
   the desired result by adding a  test  to  the  command  (see  the  last
   example in EXAMPLE CRON FILE below).

   Instead  of  the  first  five  fields, one of eight special strings may

          string         meaning
          ------         -------
          @reboot        Run once, at startup.
          @yearly        Run once a year, "0 0 1 1 *".
          @annually      (same as @yearly)
          @monthly       Run once a month, "0 0 1 * *".
          @weekly        Run once a week, "0 0 * * 0".
          @daily         Run once a day, "0 0 * * *".
          @midnight      (same as @daily)
          @hourly        Run once an hour, "0 * * * *".

   Please note that startup, as far as @reboot is concerned, may be before
   some system daemons, or other facilities, were startup.  This is due to
   the boot order sequence of the machine.


   The following lists an example of a user crontab file.

   # use /bin/bash to run commands, instead of the default /bin/sh
   # mail errors to `paul', no matter whose crontab this is
   # run five minutes after midnight, every day
   5 0 * * *       $HOME/bin/daily.job >> $HOME/tmp/out 2>&1
   # run at 2:15pm on the first of every month
   15 14 1 * *     $HOME/bin/monthly
   23 0-23/2 * * * echo "run 23 minutes after midn, 2am, 4am ..., everyday"
   5 4 * * sun     echo "run at 5 after 4 every sunday"
   # Run on every second Saturday of the month
   0 4 8-14 * *    test $(date +\%u) -eq 6 && echo "2nd Saturday"


   The following lists the content of a regular system-wide crontab  file.
   Unlike  a  user's crontab, this file has the username field, as used by

   # /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab
   # Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab'
   # command to install the new version when you edit this file
   # and files in /etc/cron.d. These files also have username fields,
   # that none of the other crontabs do.


   # m h dom mon dow usercommand
   17 * * * *  root  cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly
   25 6 * * *  root  test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )
   47 6 * * 7  root  test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly )
   52 6 1 * *  root  test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly )

   This is only an example, systemd-cron uses  native  units  instead  for
   those jobs.
   If you add those lines, your jobs will run twice.


   systemd.cron(7), systemd-crontab-generator(8), crontab(1)


   The  systemd-cron units runs with a defined timezone. It currently does
   not support per-user timezones. All the tasks: system's and user's will
   be  run  based on the configured timezone. Even if a user specifies the
   TZ environment variable in  his  crontab  this  will  affect  only  the
   commands  executed  in  the  crontab,  not the execution of the crontab
   tasks themselves.

   The crontab syntax does not make it possible  to  define  all  possible
   periods  one could image off. For example, it is not straightforward to
   define the last weekday of a month. If a task needs  to  be  run  in  a
   specific  period  of time that cannot be defined in the crontab syntaxs
   the best approach would be to have the program itself  check  the  date
   and  time information and continue execution only if the period matches
   the desired one.

   systemd-crontab-generator doesn't support these vixie-cron features:

   *      spawning forking deamons, the 'Service' units are all  set  with

   *      multi-line jobs separated by the '%' character

   *      vixie-cron  requires  that  each  entry  in  a  crontab end in a
          newline character. If the last entry in a crontab is  missing  a
          newline  (ie,  terminated  by EOF), vixie-cron will consider the
          crontab (at least partially) broken.
          systemd-crontab-generator considers this crontab as valid


   You can see how your crontab where translated by typing:
   systemctl cat cron-<userid>-*

   systemctl cat does support command-line completion.


   Paul Vixie <> is the author of cron and original creator of
   this  manual page. This page has also been modified for Debian by Steve
   Greenland, Javier Fernandez-Sanguino and Christian Kastner.
   This page has been reworded  by  Alexandre  Detiste  for  inclusion  in

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