

   debconf-getlang - extract a language from a templates file


    debconf-getlang lang master [translation]
    debconf-getlang --stats master translation [...]


   Note: This utility is deprecated; you should switch to using the po-
   debconf package.

   This program helps make and manage translations of debconf templates.
   There are basically three situations in which this program might be

   A translation is just being started.
       You want to provide the translator with a file they can work on
       that has the English fields from your templates file, plus blank
       Field-ll fields for the target language that they can fill in.

       To do this, run the program with first parameter being the code for
       the language that is being translated to, and the second parameter
       being the filename of the English templates file.

   A translation is well under way.
       You have changed some English text, or added more items to your
       templates file, and you want to send the translators a file with
       the English text plus their current translations (or you are the
       translator, and you want to generate such a file for your own use).

       To accomplish this, run the program with the first parameter being
       the the code for the language that is being translated to, the
       second parameter being the filename of the master English templates
       file, and the third parameter being the filename of the current
       translated file.

       When run this way, the program is smart enough to notice fuzzy
       translations. For example a fuzzy Description will be output as
       Description-<lang>-fuzzy, and a new, blank Description-<lang> will
       be added.  Translators should remove the -fuzzy fields as they
       correct the fuzzy translations.

   Checking the status of a translation
       To check the status of a translation, use the --status flag, and
       pass the english template file as the first parameter, and all the
       other translated templates after that. It will output statistics
       for each of them. For example:

         debconf-getlang --stats debian/templates debian/templates.*


   Note that the text in the generated templates may be word-wrapped by




   Joey Hess <>

                              2016-04-27                DEBCONF-GETLANG(1)

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