

   faxq - display fax jobs queued by faxspool(1)


   faxq [<command>] [-osa] [-v] [-r] [-P<job><prio>]


   Display the fax queue set up by faxspool(1).

   faxq    looks   for   all   the   jobs   queued   by   faxspool(1)   to
   /var/spool/fax/outgoing/*. For each job in  the  queue,  faxq  displays
   some  status  informations  about  it. If no options are specified, one
   line per queued fax job is printed, displaying the job number,  sender,
   number of pages and target fax number.


   faxq  stop  stops  the  fax  queue  processing  by  creating  the  file
   /var/spool/fax/outgoing/stop.  This command  works  only  if  you  have
   write  access  to  the spool directory.  Depending on local setup, this
   means ``root only'' or ``fax administrator group''.  If you don't  have
   write access, an error message is printed.

   faxq  start  re-starts  a previously stopped fax queue, by removing the
   ``stop'' file.  As for faxq stop this only  works  if  you  have  write


   -v     Tells faxq to print a more verbose report for each job (multiple

   -o     Show old jobs, already sent but still in  the  queue  directory,

   -s     Show  suspended  jobs  (stopped because of too many fatal errors
          during sending). You can restart those jobs with faxq -r

   -a     Show all jobs (active, old, suspended).

   -r     Restart suspended jobs. Every suspended job in the  queue  (that
          you  have write permissions for) will be requeued.  Use faxrm to
          delete jobs that you do not want to be sent!

   -P <job> <prio>
          Change the priority of fax job <job> to <prio>.  Example:  "faxq
          -P F000247 3".


   faxq doesn't handle time scheduling yet.

   faxq -P is currently broken (needs re-implementing with faxq-helper).


   faxrunq(1), faxspool(1), faxrm(1), faxqueue(5)


   faxq is Copyright (C) 1993 by Gert Doering, <gert@greenie.muc.de>.

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