

   faxqueue - sendfax fax spool queue control files




   The  JOB  files  in  the  subdirectories  of  the  outgoing  fax  spool
   directory, /var/spool/fax/outgoing build up a queue of faxes to be sent
   by  faxrunq(1).  They  are  created  by faxspool(1), can be viewed with
   faxq(1), and be deleted by faxrm(1).


   The format of the JOB file is as follows:

   Each line consists of a leading keyword and associated  data  (rest  of
   the  line).  Some are required, some others are optional. The currently
   implemented keywords are:

   phone <number>
          The telephone number to send the fax to. Required.

   user <user>
          The originating user name (on the local machine). If  no  "mail"
          field  is  present, this user will get the status mail about the
          fax. Required.

   mail <email>
          If this field is present, faxrunq(1) will send its  status  mail
          to  the  address  given  here.  If  not, faxrunq(1) will use the
          "user" field.  Optional.

   input <file(s)>
          The file names passed to faxspool(1).  Optional,  used  only  by

   pages <file(s)>
          The  file names, relative to the directory where the JOB file is
          found, that are to be sent with sendfax(8). The  files  have  to
          exist,  and  be  readable  by  the  user  that  runs faxrunq(1).
          Required, except if "poll" is used, then it's optional.

   priority <0-9>
          This can be used to set the priority for this  job  in  the  fax
          queue (higher priority jobs get sent before all lower-pri jobs).
          So far, only faxrunqd uses this field, faxrunq does  NOT.  9  is
          the highest, 0 the lowest priority. 5 is the default.

   Status <message>
          Automatically  appended  by faxrunq(1) after each run, tells the
          reader about successful and unsuccessful tries to send this job.
          If  more  than  five  "FATAL"  errors are listed, the fax job is
          removed from the queue.

   verbose_to <blurb>
          A  plain-text  description  of  the  receiver  of  the  fax.  Is
          returned,  if  present,  in  the  mail  messages  "your  fax  to
          <blurb>". Optional.

   time <hhmm>
          If present, faxrunq won't send this job before the  given  time.
          The  format  must  be exactly "hhmm", in 24-hr-format, otherwise
          faxrunq won't understand it. Optional.

   poll   Flag token.  If present, faxrunq will  try  to  poll  the  given
          phone number for documents (see "sendfax -p").

          Flag  token.   If present, faxrunq will transmit all pages using
          normal resolution (see "sendfax -n").

   acct_handle <arbitrary string>
          This is a pure comment field, but sendfax(8) will  log  it  into
          its  transaction  log  file.  So  this can be used as a customer
          handle, a job number, whatever you need to get the  phone  bills
          charged  to  the  customer  (the programs won't look at it, just
          pass it through). Optional.

   subject <arbitrary string>
          This is also a pure comment field, used only  for  informational
          purposes.  faxrunq will return it in the sucess/failure mail. If
          you use faxspool -s <subj>, it will put this string on the cover
          page and in the JOB file.


   Starting    with    mgetty    1.1.29,    the    fax   spool   directory
   /var/spool/fax/outgoing is no longer  world-writeable.   It  should  be
   owned  by  the  user  'uucp'  and  be  mode  755.   The  faxrunq(1) and
   faxrunqd(1) programs should also be run under that user ID if possible.

   If the fax spool directory is world- or group-writeable,  there  are  a
   number  of  denial  of  service or file overwrite / file access attacks
   possible that it's very hard to guard against. So don't do this!

   If the fax spool  directory  has  the  proper  permissions,  there  are
   currently  no  known attacks against faxrunq/faxrunqd, even if they run
   as "root", but it's always more safe to run as untrusted user.


   While a given JOB file is processed by faxrunq(1), it's locked  against
   sending  it  multiple  times  by temporarily renaming it to JOB.locked,
   thus it may happen that a faxq(1) command  doesn't  show  this  job.  (
   faxrunqd(8)  is  a  bit smarter and does the locking by creating a hard

   When a job is successfully sent, it's not deleted but the JOB  file  is
   renamed  to JOB.done.  Because of this, you can still see old jobs with
   "faxq -o". You should regularly clean up the  outgoing  fax  directory,
   removing  old  faxes.  If  you  don't  want  this  behaviour,  edit the
   faxrunq(1) config file and enable the option delete-sent-jobs yes

   When a job  cannot  be  sent  after  several  tries  (excluding  normal
   difficulties  like  the  called number being busy or the modem being in
   use), the JOB file is renamed to JOB.suspended.  To re-queue this  job,
   call faxq -r -- this renames the JOB file back.


   faxrunq(1), faxspool(1), faxrm(1), faxq(1), faxrunqd(8)

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