

   fc-cache - build font information cache files


   fc-cache  [  -EfrsvVh  ]   [  --error-on-no-fonts  ]   [  --force  ]  [
   --really-force ]  [  [ -y dir ]  [ --sysroot dir ]  ]  [  --system-only
   ]  [ --verbose ]  [ --version ]  [ --help ]  [ dir... ]


   fc-cache  scans  the  font  directories  on  the system and builds font
   information cache files for applications  using  fontconfig  for  their
   font handling.

   If  directory  arguments are not given, fc-cache uses each directory in
   the current font configuration. Each  directory  is  scanned  for  font
   files   readable  by  FreeType.  A  cache  is  created  which  contains
   properties of each font and the associated  filename.   This  cache  is
   used to speed up application startup when using the fontconfig library.

   Note  that  fc-cache must be executed once per architecture to generate
   font information customized for that architecture.


   This program follows the usual  GNU  command  line  syntax,  with  long
   options  starting  with  two  dashes  (`-').  A  summary  of options is
   included below.

   -E     Raise an error if there are no fonts in dir  or  directories  in
          the configuration if not given.

   -f     Force   re-generation  of  apparently  up-to-date  cache  files,
          overriding the timestamp checking.

   -r     Erase all existing cache files and rescan.

   -s     Only scan system-wide directories, omitting the  places  located
          in the user's home directory.

   -v     Display status information while busy.

   -y     Prepend dir to all paths for scanning.

   -h     Show summary of options.

   -V     Show version of the program and exit.

   dir    Directory to scan for fonts.


   fc-cache  returns  zero if the caches successfully generated. otherwise


          These files are generated by fc-cache and contain maps from file
          names  to  font  properties.  They  are  read  by the fontconfig
          library at application startup to locate appropriate fonts.


   fc-cat(1) fc-list(1) fc-match(1) fc-pattern(1) fc-query(1) fc-scan(1)

   The     fontconfig     user's     guide,      in      HTML      format:


   This  manual  page was written by Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com> and
   Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org>.

                             Aug 13, 2008                      FC-CACHE(1)

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