

   fstopgm - convert a Usenix FaceSaver(tm) file into a portable graymap


   fstopgm [fsfile]


   Reads  a  Usenix  FaceSaver(tm)  file  as  input.   Produces a portable
   graymap as output.

   FaceSaver(tm) files sometimes have rectangular pixels.   While  fstopgm
   won't  re-scale  them  into square pixels for you, it will give you the
   precise pnmscale command that  will  do  the  job.   Because  of  this,
   reading a FaceSaver(tm) image is a two-step process.  First you do:
     fstopgm > /dev/null
   This  will  tell you whether you need to use pnmscale.  Then use one of
   the following pipelines:
     fstopgm | pgmnorm
     fstopgm | pnmscale -whatever | pgmnorm
   To go to PBM, you want something more like one of these:
     fstopgm | pnmenlarge 3 | pgmnorm | pgmtopbm
     fstopgm | pnmenlarge 3 | pnmscale <whatever> | pgmnorm | pgmtopbm
   You want to enlarge when going to a bitmap because otherwise  you  lose
   information; but enlarging by more than 3 does not look good.

   FaceSaver  is  a  registered  trademark  of Metron Computerware Ltd. of
   Oakland, CA.


   pgmtofs(1), pgm(5), pgmnorm(1), pnmenlarge(1), pnmscale(1), pgmtopbm(1)


   Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

                              06 April 89                       fstopgm(1)

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