

   gbp-clone - Clone a repository from remote


   gbp   clone   [   --version   ]   [   --help   ]   [   --verbose   ]  [
   --color=[auto|on|off] ] [ --color-scheme=COLOR_SCHEME ]  [  --all  ]  [
   --[no-]pristine-tar  ]  [  --debian-branch=branch_name  ] [ --upstream-
   branch=branch_name ] [ --depth=depth ]  [  --reference=repository  ]  [
   --postclone=COMMAND  ]  [ --[no-]hooks ] [ --repo-user=[GIT|DEBIAN] ] [
   --repo-email=[GIT|DEBIAN] ] repository [ directory ]


   gbp clone clones a remote repository and sets up tracking branches  for
   the debian, upstream and pristine-tar branches. This way you can easily
   update later using gbp pull.


          Print  version  of  the  program,  i.e.  version  of  the   git-
          buildpackage suite


          Verbose execution


   --help Print help and exit

          Whether to use colored output.

          Colors  to use in output (when color is enabled). The format for
          COLOR_SCHEME is  '<debug>:<info>:<warning>:<error>'.   Numerical
          values  and  color  names  are  accepted, empty fields imply the
          default color. For example, --git-color-scheme='cyan:34::' would
          show  debug  messages  in  cyan, info messages in blue and other
          messages in default (i.e. warning and error messages in red).

   --all  Track all branches, not only debian and upstream.

          The branch in the Git repository the  Debian  package  is  being
          developed on, default is master.

          The  branch  in  the Git repository the upstream sources are put
          onto. Default is upstream.

          Git history depth, for creating shallow git clones.

          Local repository to use as alternate instead of re-copying  data
          from remote repository.

          Track pristine tar branch.

          Enable running hooks.

          Execute COMMAND after cloning the source from the remote.

          Exported  environment variables are: GBP_GIT_DIR (the repository
          the package is being built from).

          Note that if  you  clone  a  repository  that  contains  a  hook
          configuration  in  debian/gbp.conf  this  hook  will  not be run
          automatically to prevent execution of untrusted code.

          When set to DEBIAN use the DEBEMAIL environment variable to  set
          the Git configuration otherwise use Git's defaults.

          When  set  to DEBIAN use the DEBUSER environment variable to set
          the Git configuration otherwise use Git's defaults.

          The (possibly remote) repository to clone from.

          The directory to clone to.


   Clone a repository and setup a  tracking  branch  for  pristine-tar  as

         gbp clone --pristine-tar git://


   Several  gbp.conf  files  are  parsed  to  set  defaults  for the above
   command-line arguments. See the gbp.conf(5)> manpage for details.


   gbp-buildpackage(1)>, gbp-pull(1)>, gbp.conf(5)>


   Guido Guenther <>

                           31 December 2016                   GBP-CLONE(1)

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