

   genisoimagerc - startup configuration file for genisoimage


   genisoimage(1)  searches for a configuration file in several places; it
   uses the first one it is able to open.   First,  if  the  GENISOIMAGERC
   environment  variable  is  set,  its  value  is  used  as the filename;
   likewise for the MKISOFSRC  environment  variable.   Next,  genisoimage
   looks  for  files  named  .genisoimagerc  or  .mkisofsrc,  first in the
   current working directory, then in the user's home directory.  Next, it
   looks  for  /etc/genisoimagerc.  Finally, it looks for a .genisoimagerc
   in the same directory as genisoimage itself is stored.

   The .genisoimagerc file contains lines of the form


   where TAG is one of the settings defined below.  The case of the tag is
   not  significant.   All  settings have command-line equivalents; if the
   command-line  parameter  is  specified,  it  takes  priority  over  the
   configuration file.

   Blank lines and lines beginning with `#' are ignored.


   ABST   The  abstract  information,  typically the name of a file on the
          disc containing an abstract.  There is space for 37  characters.
          Equivalent to the -abstract command-line option.

   APPI   The  application identifier should describe the application that
          will be on  the  disc.   There  is  space  for  128  characters.
          Equivalent to the -A command-line option.

   BIBL   The  bibliographic  information, often the name of a file on the
          disc  containing  a  bibliography.   There  is  space   for   37
          characters.  Equivalent to the -biblio command-line option.

   COPY   The  copyright  information, typically the name of a file on the
          disc containing the copyright notice.  There  is  space  for  37
          characters.  Equivalent to the -copyright command-line option.

          The  default  TYPE  for  Macintosh  files.  Must  be  exactly  4
          characters.  Equivalent to the  -hfs-type  command-line  option.
          The default value is TEXT.

          The  default  CREATOR  for  Macintosh  files.  Must be exactly 4
          characters.  Equivalent to the -hfs-creator command-line option.
          The default value is Unix.

   PREP   This  should describe the preparer of the CD-ROM, usually with a
          mailing address and  phone  number.   There  is  space  for  128
          characters.  Equivalent to the -p command-line option.

   PUBL   This should describe the publisher of the CD-ROM, usually with a
          mailing address and  phone  number.   There  is  space  for  128
          characters.  Equivalent to the -publisher command-line option.

   SYSI   The  System  Identifier.   There  is  space  for  32 characters.
          Equivalent to the -sysid command-line option.

   VOLI   The Volume  Identifier.   There  is  space  for  32  characters.
          Equivalent to the -V command-line option.

   VOLS   The  Volume  Set  Name.   There  is  space  for  128 characters.
          Equivalent to the -volset command-line option.

   genisoimage can also be configured at compile time  with  defaults  for
   many of these fields.  See the file defaults.h.


   The following file

          SYSI=Multics 75

   is equivalent to the genisoimage command-line parameters

          -copyright src/COPYING -sysid "Multics 75"




   See  the  genisoimage(1)  manual  page  for credits for the genisoimage
   program and documentation.

                              13 Dec 2006                 GENISOIMAGERC(5)

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