

   getstyle  -  dumps the current Window Maker style related configuration
   or creates a theme pack.


   getstyle [-t|--theme-options] [-p|--pack] [style file]


   getstyle can  either  dump  the  current  Window  Maker  style  related
   configuration  information  to a file/stdout or create a self-contained
   theme pack. A theme pack is a directory that contains  everything  that
   is  needed for a redistributable theme, including the style information
   and pixmaps used by it.

   Note that style information stored in the global configuration  of  the
   system is not read.


   --help print a help message with the list of options.

   --pack or -p
          creates  a  theme  pack in the directory named by the theme name
          appended with the .themed suffix.

   --theme-options or -t
          dumps theme related information too,  which  includes  the  root
          background  texture.   This option is always enabled when the -p
          option is used.

          print the version of Window Maker from which the program comes.


   The  following   options   are   stored   by   default:   TitleJustify,
   ClipTitleFont,     WindowTitleFont,     MenuTitleFont,    MenuTextFont,
   IconTitleFont,  LargeDisplayFont,  HighlightColor,  HighlightTextColor,
   ClipTitleColor, CClipTitleColor, FTitleColor, PTitleColor, UTitleColor,
   FTitleBack,  PTitleBack,  UTitleBack,  ResizebarBack,   MenuTitleColor,
   MenuTextColor,    MenuDisabledColor,    MenuTitleBack,    MenuTextBack,
   IconBack,     IconTitleColor,     IconTitleBack,      FrameBorderWidth,
   FrameBorderColor,          FrameSelectedBorderColor,         MenuStyle,
   WindowTitleExtendSpace, MenuTitleExtendSpace, and MenuTextExtendSpace.

   If either -t or  --theme-options  is  specified,  in  addition  to  the
   previous  options,  WorkspaceBack  is also stored, along with any user-
   definable mouse cursor settings (NormalCursor, ArrowCursor, MoveCursor,
   ResizeCursor,         TopLeftResizeCursor,        TopRightResizeCursor,
   BottomLeftResizeCursor, BottomRightResizeCursor,  VerticalResizeCursor,
   HorizontalResizeCursor,    WaitCursor,    QuestionCursor,   TextCursor,
   SelectCursor) that are present.


          specifies  the  initial  path  for   the   Defaults   directory.
          "Defaults/" is appended to this variable to determine the actual
          location of the databases.  If  the  variable  is  not  set,  it
          defaults to "~/GNUstep"


          This is the actual file that gets written.


   setstyle(1), wmaker(1)


   This man page was written by Marcelo Magallon <>.

   Window     Maker     was     written     by     Alfredo    K.    Kojima

                              April 2015                       getstyle(1)

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