

   lneato - A Customizable Graph Editor


   lneato [ -V ] [ -lmmode ] [ -ellev ] [ file ]


   lneato  is  a graph editor for the X Window System.  It may be run as a
   standalone editor, or as a front end for applications that use  graphs.
   It can control multiple windows viewing different graphs.

   lneato  is  written  on  top  of  neato and lefty.  lefty is a general-
   purpose  programmable  editor  for  technical  pictures.   It  has   an
   interpretive  programming  language  similar  to  AWK  and C.  The user
   interface and graph editing operations of lneato are written  as  lefty
   functions.   Programmer-defined graph operations may be loaded as well.
   Graph layouts are made by neato, which runs as a separate process  that
   communicates with lefty through pipes.

   If  the  input  graph contains xdot attributes, lneato will use that to
   display  the  graph.  Otherwise,  it  runs  neato  to   obtain   layout


   The file name is optional. If present, the graph contained in that file
   is displayed in the lneato window.


   -V     Prints the version.

          Sets the layout mode. The mode can be sync or async. The default
          is async.

   -ellev Sets the mesage level. The lev can be 0 or 1. The default is 0.


   neato(1), lefty(1), dotty(1), xdot(3),
   dotty user guide.


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