

   write - write to another user


   write [-ctynsprfSv] [ user [ tty ] ]
   ojot [-ltynsprfSv] [ user [ tty ] ]
   tel [-clynsprfSv] user [ tty ] [message...]


   Note: This is "Orville write", an enhanced version of the standard Unix
   write program.

   Write copies lines from your terminal to that of  another  user.   When
   first called, it sends the message:

        Message from your-logname your-tty ...

   The  recipient  of  the  message  should  write  back  at  this  point.
   Communication continues until an end of file is read from the  terminal
   or  an  interrupt  is  sent.   At  that point, write writes "EOF (your-
   logname)" on the other terminal and exits.

   The following protocol is strongly suggested for using write: when  you
   first  write  to another user, wait for him or her to write back before
   starting to type your message.  Each party should end each message with
   a  distinctive signal (o for ``over'' is conventional), indicating that
   the other may  reply;  oo  for  ``over  and  out''  is  suggested  when
   conversation  is  to  be terminated.  Avoid typing when it is the other
   person's turn, as your text will get all garbled with theirs.   Anyway,
   it's rude.

   The  ojot  command  is  a  variation of write which normally sends each
   character to the other user as you type it instead of waiting  for  you
   to finish a line before sending anything as write does.

   The  tel  command  sends  one  line  ``telegrams'' and then immediately
   disconnects.  The message may be given on the command lines  (in  which
   case  it  is  usually best to quote it).  If you don't put a message on
   the command line, you will be prompted for it.   This  is  usually  the
   preferable way to invoke tel.

   All three commands are actually the same program, and share much of the
   same behavior.

   Permission to write may be denied or granted  by  use  of  the  mesg(1)
   command.  Your write permissions upon login are installation dependent.
   If you write a person who has permissions on, but is currently  writing
   someone  else,  you will be warned of the fact and be given a chance to
   cancel your write request before interupting  the  other  conversation.
   If  you  write a person who is running a command under amin(1) you will
   be warned similarly.

   You can always send messages to people who  are  currently  writing  to
   you,  even  if  there  message permissions are off.  If you have sent a
   person a tel message, then that person can write or telegram to you for
   the  next  4  minutes,  even if your message permissions are off.  This
   means that you won't be sitting  around  wondering  why  someone  won't
   reply,  just  because you've forgotten to turn your permissions on.  It
   also means that if you don't want someone to be able to  talk  to  you,
   then you shouldn't talk to them.  Root may write anyone.

   If  you  invoke  the write or ojot command with no user name, they will
   write to whatever user is currently writing you.  If no one is  writing
   you, an error message is printed.

   If  you  invoke the write, ojot, or tel command with the user name '.',
   they will write again to whoever you wrote to  last.   If  you  haven't
   written  to  anyone in this login session, an error message is printed.
   This is especially useful when you are exchanging a series of  messages
   back and forth with tel.

   If you want to write to a user who is logged in more than once, the tty
   argument may be used to indicate the appropriate terminal.  If the  tty
   argument  is  not  given, the terminal from which you are being written
   will be written to, if there is one.  If not, one of the lines you have
   write  permission to will be chosen.  If the tty argument is given, the
   user name can be given as "-", in which case it will write to  whomever
   is on that tty, if anyone is.

   On  some systems there may be users designated as ``helpers''.  If your
   system has helpers, then doing ``write help'' will write to some helper
   who is not busy.  If more than one helper is available, one is selected
   at random to distribute the  workload.   Helpers  designate  themselves
   with the mesg(1) command.  They are considered busy if they are writing
   someone else, or if they  are  running  a  command  under  the  amin(1)

   If  the  character  !  ,  | , or & is found at the beginning of a line,
   write calls the shell to execute  the  rest  of  the  line  as  a  unix
   command.   If the command began with a ! the output of the command will
   be sent only to your terminal.  If it began with a |,  output  will  be
   sent only to the other person's terminal.  If it began with a & each of
   you will recieve a copy of the output.  Note  that  write  expands  all
   strange  control  characters  before sending them to the other person's
   terminal, but does not  do  so  for  characters  echoed  back  to  your

   Write  provides  several  command  line  options.   Actually,  the only
   difference between write, ojot, and tel is  what  default  values  they
   have for these options:

   -c     Send each character as it is typed.  Actually, it will not begin
          doing so until after the other party has replied.  Also, if  you
          type  a  line  starting  with a ")" then the rest of the current
          line will be held until you hit return and the sent  (minus  the
          ")").   When  this  option used, typing a control-R will reprint
          the text of the line you are  currently  typing,  and  control-W
          will  erase  the  last  word you typed, even if your unix system
          doesn't usually support these.  In the ojot command this is  the

   -l     Send  no  characters until a full line has been entered.  In the
          write command this is the default.

   -n     During the duration of this conversation, temporarily  turn  off
          your  message  permissions, so as not to allow people other than
          the person being writen to write you.

   -y     During the duration of this conversation,  temporarily  turn  on
          your  message  permissions,  allowing  other people to write you
          after warning them that you are writing someone else.

   -p     Postpone the receipt of telegrams during  the  duration  of  the
          conversation.   All  telegram  received  during the conversation
          will be saved in your .lastmesg file, and will be displayed when
          you  are  finished.   The  huh(1) command can be used in a shell
          escape to check saved messages without leaving write.

   -s     During the duration  of  this  conversation,  leave  your  write
          permissions unchanged.  This normally the default.

   -r     This causes write to prompt for the root passwd.  If it is given
          correctly, you will be able to write anyone, no matter  how  his
          message permissions are set, amd you can override his preference
          for write or tel.

   -f     Disallow piping input through write and disable the '&' and  '|'
          shell  escapes.   This  is  mostly meant to be used on 'options'
          commands in the orville.conf file.  It has been mostly obsoleted
          by the 'pipes' configuration command.

   -t     Sends   a   one  line  message  (called  a  telegram)  and  then
          disconnects immediately.  The text of the message may  be  given
          on  the  command line, or, if it isn't, you will be prompted for
          it.  Though write will attempt to blank out  messages  given  on
          the command line so they cannot be seen by users running w(1) or
          ps(1), this will not always work, so secret messages should  not
          be  placed  on the command line.  This is the default in the tel

   -S     Normally if you send a telegram to someone who has  indicated  a
          preference  for  writes,  you get asked if you want to switch to
          writing, and vice versa.  The -S flag suppresses this  question,
          and  just  makes  it quietly fail (unless you are root, in which
          case it quietly succeeds).

   -v     print the version number.

   The options selected by the writer may in some cases be  overridden  by
   the  recipient.   You  can  set  your  preferences  for  writes  versus
   telegrams, and for line mode versus character  mode  with  the  mesg(1)
   command.  If the recipient has set write/telegram preferences, you will
   be asked if you want to use the other if you write him the  wrong  way.
   If  you  invoke Write with a -S flag, then you will not be asked if you
   want to switch.   Only  root  can  actually  override  the  recipient's
   preferences.   For regular users, if you decline to switch, the command

   If the recipient has set character/line  mode  preferences,  a  message
   will be printed and you will be forced into his or her prefered mode.


   The  orville.conf  file  contains configuration information for Orville
   write and the associated utilities.  Lines starting with '#' and  blank
   lines are ignored.  Other lines contain the commands listed below:

   answertel <seconds>
             Normally  you can send telegrams to a person for four minutes
             (240 seconds) after they sent you a telegram, even  if  their
             message permissions are off.  This command can be used to set
             size of that window to other values.

   disconnect [y|n]
             If disconnect is enabled the 'mesg d' and 'mesg  N'  commands
             can  be  used  by the writee to disconnect everyone currently
             writing them.  (See mesg(1)).  It is enabled by default.

   exceptions [y|n]
             If exceptions  are  enabled  the  'mesg  ye'  and  'mesg  ne'
             commandsa can be used to limit which particular users can and
             cannot write you (See mesg(1)).  It is enabled by default.

   fromhost [y|n]
             If this flag is set, then message announcement  banners  will
             include  the  hostname  of  the  sender's  machine  (and  the
             reciever's   since   write   does   not    allow    interhost
             communications).  It is disabled by default.

   helperlist <path>
             If  this flag is set, then only people whose logins appear in
             the given file may be helpers.  Otherwise, anyone may be.  It
             is disabled by default.

   helpername <name>
             By  default  you get help by doing 'write help'.  If you want
             to use some keyword other than 'help', use  this  command  to
             define it.

   helpers [y|n]
             Can  people  designate  themselves  to be helpers, and should
             'write help' work?  By default, no.

   log <path>
             What file should logging be done in?  If not defined,  or  if
             it  is  defined  and the file does not exist, then no logging
             will be done.

   loglevel <num>
             How much logging should be done?  Level 0 means none.   Level
             1  means  only  log  help  requests  (with  information about
             whether they succeeded or not).  Level 2 means logging a one-
             line  description  of each write connection made.  Of course,
             no logging is done if 'log' is not defined or does not exist.
             No  content  of  any  write conversation is ever logged.  The
             default is 1.

   nohelp <path>
             If someone does 'write help', but no helpers are found,  this
             file  is  displayed.   Normally  it  has information on other
             places to get help.  If not defined, nothing is printed.

   pipes [y|n]
             If turned off, this disallows piping data through  write,  so
             you  can't  do  escapes.  This may be necessary if many users
             are using write to annoy other users by sending large  chunks
             of data.  It defaults on.

   novicehelp <path>
             If the environment variable NOVICE is defined, then print the
             contents of this file before running write.  If not  defined,
             nothing is printed.

   options <command-name> -<flags>...
             Set default options for different links to the write program.
             For example, if you have the line 'options jot  -c'  and  you
             make  a  link to the write program named 'jot', then jot will
             default to character mode instead of line mode.  If  command-
             name  is '*', then all links (even ones created by users) get
             that option.

   wrthist <path>
             This is  the  full  pathname  of  the  'wrthist'  file  which
             maintains  information  about  user's recent messages.  It is
             used to limit telegram flooding attacks, and allow replies to
             telegrams during the four minute window.  By default it is in
             the same directory as the

   wrttmp <path>
             This  is  the  full  pathname  of  the  'wrttmp'  file  which
             maintains information about user's current state.  By default
             it is in the same directory as the


   Jan Wolter


   mail(1), mesg(1), who(1), huh(1), finger(1), amin(1), helpers(1).

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