

   pamdice - slice a Netpbm image into many horizontally and/or vertically


   pamslice    -outstem=filenamestem    [-width=width]    [-height=height]
   [-verbose] [filename]

   You can use the minimum unique abbreviation of the  options.   You  can
   use  two  hyphens instead of one.  You can separate an option name from
   its value with white space instead of an equals sign.


   Reads a PAM, PBM, PGM, or PPM image as input.  Splits  it  horizontally
   and/or  vertically into equal size pieces and writes them into separate
   files as the same kind of image.

   See the -outstem option for information on naming of the output files.

   The -width and -height options determine the size of the output pieces.

   pnmcat can rejoin the images.


          This option determines the names  of  the  output  files.   Each
          output file is named filenamestem_y_x.type where filenamestem is
          the value of the -outstem option, x and y are the horizontal and
          vertical  locations,  respectively,  in  the  input image of the
          output image, zero being the leftmost and top, and type is .pbm,
          .pgm, .ppm, or .pam, depending on the type of image.

          gives  the  width in pixels of the output images.  The rightmost
          pieces are smaller than  this  if  the  input  image  is  not  a
          multiple of width pixels wide.

          gives  the  height  in  pixels of the output images.  The bottom
          pieces are smaller than  this  if  the  input  image  is  not  a
          multiple of height pixels high.

          Print information about the processing to Standard Error.


   pamcut(1), pnmcat(1), pgmslice(1), pnm(5)


   put by Bryan Henderson in the public domain in 2001

                            31 January 2001                     pamdice(1)

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