

   pbm2g3 - convert portable bitmaps (PBM) into G3 fax files


   pbm2g3 [-r] [-w<pagewidth>] [-h<blanklines>] [-d] [-a] [pbmfile]


   Reads  a  portable bitmap as input, converting it into a G3 fax file on
   stdout. That file is suitable for faxing it with sendfax(8) or queueing
   it  for  faxing  with  faxspool(1)  (provided  that  it  gets a ``.g3''

   faxspool(1) uses pbm2g3(1) internally to convert various bitmap formats
   into fax g3 format.


   -a     byte-aligns  the  end-of-line  codes,  inserting padding bits as

   -w <page width>
          sets the width of the resulting G3 page. Default is 1728. If you
          want to be able to fax it with sendfax, don't use anything else.
          For other fax programs, 2048, 2432, 864 and 1216 may be  useful.
          For other purposes, use what you like.

          If you set it to 0, the width of the pbm file will be used.

   -h <blank lines>
          specifies  the  number  of  blank lines pbm2g3 should prepend to
          each page. Default is 0.

          To produce identical output as pbmplus' pbm2g3 program (with  my
          patch!)  does, use ``-h 4''.

   -r     reverse the bit order in the bytes.

   -d     will one day make pbm2g3 prepend a digifax header to the page.


   The standard for Group 3 fax is defined in CCITT Recommendation T.4.


   The -d option isn't implemented yet.

   If a raw pbm file is converted, and the width of the g3 file is smaller
   than the width of the pbm file, the former is rounded up  to  the  next
   multiple of 8.


   g32pbm(1), pbm(5), sendfax(8)


   pbm2g3 is Copyright (C) 1993 by Gert Doering, <gert@greenie.muc.de>. It
   is similar to the pbmtog3 program in Jef  Poskanzers  pbmplus  package,
   but it's a complete re-write. No code is copied.

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