

   pnmsplit  -  split  a multi-image portable anymap into multiple single-
   image files


   pnmsplit [pnmfile[ output_file_pattern]]


   Reads a Netpbm file as input.  Copies each image in the  input  into  a
   separate file, in the same format.

   pnmfile  is  the file specification of the input file, or - to indicate
   Standard Input.  The default is Standard Input.

   output_file_pattern tells how to name the output files.  It is the file
   specification  of  the  output file, except that the first occurence of
   "%d" in it is replaced by the image sequence number in  unpadded  ASCII
   decimal,  with  the sequence starting at 0.  If there is no "%d" in the
   pattern, pnmsplit fails.

   The default output file pattern is "image%d".

   Note that to do the reverse operation (combining multiple  single-image
   PNM  files into a multi-image one), there is no special Netpbm program.
   Just use cat.


   pnm(5), cat(1)


   Written by Bryan Henderson

                             19 June 2000                      pnmsplit(1)

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