

   ppmhist - print a histogram of a portable pixmap


   ppmhist [-hexcolor] [-noheader] [-map] [-nomap] [-sort={frequency,rgb}]


   Reads a PPM image as input.  Generates a histogram of the colors in the
   image,  i.e. a list of all the colors and how many pixels of each color
   are in the image.


          The -sort option determines the order in which  the  colors  are
          listed  in the output.  frequency means to list them in order of
          how pixels in the input image have  the  color,  with  the  most
          represented  colors  first.  rgb means to sort them first by the
          intensity of the red component of the color, the of  the  green,
          then of the blue, with the least intense first.

          The default is frequency.

          Print the color components in hexadecimal.  Default is decimal.

          Do not print the column headings.

   -map   Generates  a  PPM  file  of the colormap for the image, with the
          color histogram as comments.

   -nomap Generates the histogram for human reading.  This is the default.


   ppm(5), pgmhist(1), ppmtomap(1), pnmhistmap(1), ppmchange(1)


   Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

                           17 September 2000                    ppmhist(1)

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