

   ppmlabel - add text to a portable pixmap


   ppmlabel [-angle angle] [-background transparent | colour] [-colour
            colour] [-file filename] [-size textsize] [-text 'text
            string'] [-x column] [-y row] ...  [ppmfile]


   ppmlabel  uses  the text drawing facilities of ppmdraw to add text to a
   portable pixmap.  The location, size, baseline  angle,  colour  of  the
   text  and  background  colour  (if  any) are controlled by command line
   arguments.  The text can be specified on the command line or read  from
   files.   Any  number  of  separate  text  strings  can  be added by one
   invocation of ppmlabel, limited only  by  the  maximum  length  of  the
   command line.

   If  no  ppmfile  is  specified,  ppmdraw  reads  its  input pixmap from
   standard input.


   The arguments on the ppmlabel command  line  are  not  options  in  the
   strict  sense;  they  are  commands  which  control  the  placement and
   appearance of the text being added  to  the  input  pixmap.   They  are
   executed left to right, and any number of arguments may appear.

   All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.

   -angle angle
             Sets  the angle of the baseline of subsequent text.  angle is
             specified  as  an  integral  number  of   degrees,   measured
             counterclockwise from the row axis of the pixmap.

   -background transparent | colour
             If  the  argument  is ``transparent'', text is drawn over the
             existing pixels in the pixmap.  If a colour is given (see the
             -colour  switch  below  for  information  on  how  to specify
             colours), rectangles enclosing  subsequent  text  are  filled
             with that colour.

   -colour colour
             Sets  the  colour  for  subsequent  text.   The colour can be
             specified in five ways:

             *      A name, assuming that a pointer to an X11-style colour
                    names file was compiled in.

             *      An X11-style hexadecimal specifier: rgb:r/g/b, where r
                    g and b are each 1- to 4-digit hexadecimal numbers.

             *      An X11-style decimal specifier: rgbi:r/g/b, where r  g
                    and b are floating point numbers between 0 and 1.

             *      For    backwards   compatibility,   an   old-X11-style
                    hexadecimal  number:  #rgb,  #rrggbb,  #rrrgggbbb,  or

             *      For  backwards  compatibility,  a  triplet  of numbers
                    separated by commas:  r,g,b,  where  r  g  and  b  are
                    floating  point  numbers between 0 and 1.  (This style
                    was added before MIT came up  with  the  similar  rgbi

   -file filename
             Reads  text from the file filename and draws it on successive

   -size textsize
             Sets the height of the tallest characters above the  baseline
             to textsize pixels.

   -text 'text string'
             Draws  the  given  text  string  (which  must be quoted if it
             contains  spaces).   The  location  for  subsequent  text  is
             advanced  by  1.75  times  the current textsize, which allows
             drawing multiple lines of text in a reasonable manner without
             specifying the position of each line.

   -x column Sets  the  column  at  which  subsequent  text  will  be left
             justified.  Depending on the shape of  the  first  character,
             the  actual  text may begin a few pixels to the right of this

   -y row    Sets the row which will form the baseline of subsequent text.
             Characters  with descenders, such as ``y'', will extend below
             this line.


   Text strings are restricted to 7 bit ASCII.   The  text  font  used  by
   ppmdraw doesn't include definitions for 8 bit ISO 8859/1 characters.

   When  drawing multiple lines of text with a non-transparent background,
   it should probably fill the space between the lines with the background
   colour.  This is tricky to get right when the text is rotated to a non-
   orthogonal angle.

   The -size, -x, and -y options MUST precede the -text option  specifying
   the  string they apply to, or they will be silently ignored in favor of
   the defaults.


   ppmmake(1), ppm(5)


           Copyright (C) 1995 by John Walker (kelvin@fourmilab.ch)
                   WWW home page: http://www.fourmilab.ch/

   Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software  and  its
   documentation  for  any  purpose  and  without  fee  is hereby granted,
   without any conditions or restrictions.  This software is provided ``as
   is'' without express or implied warranty.

                             14 June 1995                      ppmlabel(1)

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