

   psfaddtable - add a Unicode character table to a console font


   psfaddtable fontfile tablefile outfile


   psfaddtable  takes  a console font in .psf format given by fontfile and
   merges it with the  Unicode  character  table  given  by  tablefile  to
   produce  a font file with an embedded character table, which is written
   to outfile.  An input file name of "-" denotes standard input,  and  an
   output  file  name  of  "-"  denotes  standard output.  If the fontfile
   already contains an embedded character table, it is ignored.


   Each line in the tablefile should be either blank,  contain  a  comment
   (preceded  by  #),  or  contain a sequence of numbers in either decimal
   (default), octal (preceded by  0),  or  hexadecimal  (preceded  by  0x)
   format,  separated  by  spaces  or tabs.  The first number on each line
   indicates the glyph slot in the font that is being referred to, this is
   between  0  and  0xff  for  a  256-character font and 0 and 0x1ff for a
   512-character font.  Any  subsequent  numbers  on  the  same  line  are
   Unicodes  matched  by  this  specific  glyph slot.  Instead of a single
   Unicode one may have a sequence of Unicodes  separates  by  commas,  to
   denote that the glyph depicts the corresponding composed symbol.  It is
   permissible to have multiple lines for the same glyph.


   setfont(8), psfgettable(1), psfstriptable(1), psfxtable(1)

                              25 Oct 1994                   PSFADDTABLE(1)

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