

   querybts - view outstanding bug reports on a debbugs server


   querybts [options] <package | number [number2]...>


   querybts  is designed to provide a convenient and easy-to-use interface
   to the Debbugs bug tracking system, as used by Debian and several other
   projects.   You  can  specify  a  package  name  or  one or more report


   The program follows the  usual  GNU  command  line  syntax,  with  long
   options  starting  with  two  dashes  (`--').  A summary of options are
   included below.

   -h, --help
          Show summary of options.

          Show the version of querybts and exit.

   -A, --archive
          Browse  archived  bugs  instead  of  current  reports.   Debbugs
          servers clear out closed reports after 28 days and place them in
          a separate archive; this option  allows  those  older,  resolved
          reports  to  be  viewed  (at  least for servers that maintain an

   -B SYSTEM, --bts=SYSTEM
          Instead of the Debian bug server, use the  server  specified  by
          SYSTEM.   Valid  options are default and debian but check --help
          for an updated list.

   -b, --buglist
          Display a bugs list for the given package.

          Display the bug reports list sorted and with the latest  reports
          at the top.

          Specify a command to open the bug reports mbox file. You can use
          %s to substitute the mbox file to be used, and %%  to  insert  a
          literal  percent sign. If no %s is specified, the mbox file name
          is supplied at the end of the argument list.

   -m, --mbox
          Retrieve the given bug number(s) or package name(s) as a mailbox
          file,  instead  of  viewing  it.  It  will be dumped to standard

   --proxy=PROXY, --http_proxy=PROXY
          Specify the WWW proxy server to use to handle the queries to the
          bug tracking system.  You should only need this parameter if you
          are behind a firewall.

   -s, --source
          Query on source packages, rather than binary packages.

          Specify the network timeout, the number of seconds to wait for a
          resource  to respond. If nothing is specified, a default timeout
          of 1 minute is selected.

          In case of a network error, there are chances it's due to a  too
          low  timeout:  try  passing  the  --timeout option with a higher
          value than default.

   -u INTERFACE, --ui=INTERFACE, --interface=INTERFACE
          Specify the user interface to  use.   Valid  options  are  text,
          urwid,  gtk2;  default is taken from the reportbug configuration

   -w, --web
          Launch a web browser to view bug reports, instead of  using  the
          internal  interface.   This will also allow you to see the whole
          discussion about a  particular  bug  at  once,  instead  of  one
          message  at  a  time  as querybts would do.  (Only the first bug
          number on the command line will be opened.)


   querybts supports a simple run control file syntax.  Commands are  read
   from  /etc/reportbug.conf  and  $HOME/.reportbugrc with commands in the
   latter overriding those in the former.

   Commands are not case sensitive, and currently take 0  or  1  argument;
   arguments containing whitespace must be enclosed in quotes.

   Any line starting with # is taken to be a comment and will be ignored.

   Generally,  options  corresponding to the long options for querybts are
   supported,   without   leading   --   sequences.    See   the   default
   /etc/reportbug.conf  for  all  acceptable options and reportbug.conf(5)
   for all acceptable options and detailed information.

   Options only supported by reportbug will be silently ignored.


          Provides the address of a proxy server to handle the BTS  query.
          This  should  be  a valid http URL for a proxy server, including
          any required port  number  (simply  specifying  a  hostname,  or
          omitting a port other than 80, WILL NOT WORK).


   reportbug(1), reportbug.conf(5)


   Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org>, Sandro Tosi <morph@debian.org>.


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