

   request-key.conf - Instantiation handler configuration file


   This file and its associated key-type specific variants are used by the
   /sbin/request-key program to determine which program it should  run  to
   instantiate a key.

   request-key  looks  first  in /etc/request-key.d/ for a file of the key
   type name plus ".conf" that it can use.  If that is not found, it  will
   fall back to /etc/request-key.conf.

   request-key  scans  through the chosen file one line at a time until it
   finds a match, which it will then use. If  it  doesn't  find  a  match,
   it'll return an error and the kernel will automatically negate the key.

   Any  blank line or line beginning with a hash mark '#' is considered to
   be a comment and ignored.

   All other lines are assumed to be command lines with a number of  white
   space separated fields:

   <op> <type> <description> <callout-info> <prog> <arg1> <arg2> ...

   The  first  four  fields  are  used  to  match the parameters passed to
   request-key by the kernel. op is the operation type; currently the only
   supported operation is "create".

   type, description and callout-info match the three parameters passed to
   keyctl request2 or the request_key() system call.  Each  of  these  may
   contain  one  or  more  asterisk  '*'  characters as wildcards anywhere
   within the string.

   Should a match be made, the program specified by <prog> will be exec'd.
   This  must  have  a fully qualified path name. argv[0] will be set from
   the part of the program name that follows the last slash '/' character.

   If the program name is prefixed with a pipe bar character '|', then the
   program  will be forked and exec'd attached to three pipes. The callout
   information will be piped to it on it's stdin and the intended  payload
   data will be retrieved from its stdout. Anything sent to stderr will be
   posted in syslog. If the program exits 0, then  /sbin/request-key  will
   attempt  to  instantiate  the key with the data read from stdout. If it
   fails in any other way, then request-key will attempt  to  execute  the
   appropriate 'negate' operation command.

   The  program  arguments  can  be  substituted with various macros. Only
   complete argument substitution is supported - macro substitutions can't
   be embedded. All macros begin with a percent character '%'. An argument
   beginning with two percent characters will have one of them discarded.

   The following macros are supported:

          %o    Operation type
          %k    Key ID
          %t    Key type
          %d    Key description
          %c    Callout information
          %u    Key UID
          %g    Key GID
          %T    Requestor's thread keyring
          %P    Requestor's process keyring
          %S    Requestor's session keyring

   There's another macro substitution too that permits  the  interpolation
   of the contents of a key:


   This  performs  a lookup for a key of the given type and description on
   the requestor's keyrings, and if found, substitutes  the  contents  for
   the  macro.  If  not  found  an  error will be logged and the key under
   construction will be negated.


   A basic file will be installed in  the  /etc.  This  will  contain  two
   debugging lines that can be used to test the installation:

          create user debug:* negate /bin/keyctl negate %k 30 %S
          create user debug:loop:* * |/bin/cat
          create  user  debug:* * /usr/share/keyutils/
          %k %d %c %S
          negate * * * /bin/keyctl negate %k 30 %S

   This is set up so that something like:

          keyctl request2 user debug:xxxx negate

   will create a negative user-defined key, something like:

          keyctl request2 user debug:yyyy spoon

   will create an instantiated user-defined key with "Debug spoon" as  the
   payload, and something like:

          keyctl request2 user debug:loop:zzzz abcdefghijkl

   will   create   an  instantiated  user-defined  key  with  the  callout
   information as the payload.




   keyctl(1), request-key.conf(5)

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