

   rtc - real-time clock


   #include <linux/rtc.h>

   int ioctl(fd, RTC_request, param);


   This is the interface to drivers for real-time clocks (RTCs).

   Most  computers  have  one  or  more  hardware  clocks which record the
   current "wall clock" time.  These are called "Real Time Clocks" (RTCs).
   One  of  these  usually  has battery backup power so that it tracks the
   time even while the computer is turned off.  RTCs often provide  alarms
   and other interrupts.

   All  i386  PCs,  and ACPI-based systems, have an RTC that is compatible
   with the Motorola MC146818 chip on the original PC/AT.  Today  such  an
   RTC  is usually integrated into the mainboard's chipset (south bridge),
   and uses a replaceable coin-sized backup battery.

   Non-PC systems, such as embedded systems  built  around  system-on-chip
   processors,  use  other  implementations.  They usually won't offer the
   same functionality as the RTC from a PC/AT.

   RTC vs system clock
   RTCs should not be confused with the system clock, which is a  software
   clock  maintained  by  the kernel and used to implement gettimeofday(2)
   and time(2), as well as setting timestamps on files, and  so  on.   The
   system  clock  reports  seconds  and  microseconds since a start point,
   defined to be the POSIX Epoch: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000  (UTC).   (One
   common  implementation  counts timer interrupts, once per "jiffy", at a
   frequency of 100, 250, or 1000 Hz.)  That is, it is supposed to  report
   wall clock time, which RTCs also do.

   A  key  difference between an RTC and the system clock is that RTCs run
   even when the system is in a low power state (including "off"), and the
   system clock can't.  Until it is initialized, the system clock can only
   report time since system boot ... not since the  POSIX  Epoch.   So  at
   boot time, and after resuming from a system low power state, the system
   clock will often be set to the current wall clock time  using  an  RTC.
   Systems  without  an  RTC  need  to  set the system clock using another
   clock, maybe across the network or by entering that data manually.

   RTC functionality
   RTCs can be read and written with  hwclock(8),  or  directly  with  the
   ioctl requests listed below.

   Besides  tracking  the  date  and  time,  many  RTCs  can also generate

   *  on every clock update (i.e., once per second);

   *  at periodic intervals with a frequency that can be set to any power-
      of-2 multiple in the range 2 Hz to 8192 Hz;

   *  on reaching a previously specified alarm time.

   Each  of those interrupt sources can be enabled or disabled separately.
   On many systems, the alarm interrupt can  be  configured  as  a  system
   wakeup  event,  which can resume the system from a low power state such
   as Suspend-to-RAM (STR, called S3 in ACPI systems), Hibernation (called
   S4  in  ACPI  systems),  or even "off" (called S5 in ACPI systems).  On
   some systems, the  battery  backed  RTC  can't  issue  interrupts,  but
   another one can.

   The /dev/rtc (or /dev/rtc0, /dev/rtc1, etc.)  device can be opened only
   once (until it  is  closed)  and  it  is  read-only.   On  read(2)  and
   select(2)  the calling process is blocked until the next interrupt from
   that RTC is received.  Following the interrupt, the process can read  a
   long  integer,  of which the least significant byte contains a bit mask
   encoding the types of interrupt that occurred, while  the  remaining  3
   bytes contain the number of interrupts since the last read(2).

   ioctl(2) interface
   The  following  ioctl(2)  requests  are  defined  on  file  descriptors
   connected to RTC devices:

          Returns this RTC's time in the following structure:

              struct rtc_time {
                  int tm_sec;
                  int tm_min;
                  int tm_hour;
                  int tm_mday;
                  int tm_mon;
                  int tm_year;
                  int tm_wday;     /* unused */
                  int tm_yday;     /* unused */
                  int tm_isdst;    /* unused */

          The fields in this structure have the same meaning and ranges as
          for  the tm structure described in gmtime(3).  A pointer to this
          structure should be passed as the third ioctl(2) argument.

          Sets this RTC's time to  the  time  specified  by  the  rtc_time
          structure pointed to by the third ioctl(2) argument.  To set the
          RTC's time the  process  must  be  privileged  (i.e.,  have  the
          CAP_SYS_TIME capability).

          Read  and set the alarm time, for RTCs that support alarms.  The
          alarm interrupt must be separately enabled or disabled using the
          RTC_AIE_ON,  RTC_AIE_OFF  requests.  The third ioctl(2) argument
          is a pointer to an rtc_time structure.  Only the tm_sec, tm_min,
          and tm_hour fields of this structure are used.

          Read  and  set  the  frequency for periodic interrupts, for RTCs
          that support periodic interrupts.  The periodic  interrupt  must
          be   separately   enabled  or  disabled  using  the  RTC_PIE_ON,
          RTC_PIE_OFF  requests.   The  third  ioctl(2)  argument  is   an
          unsigned long * or an unsigned long, respectively.  The value is
          the frequency in interrupts per second.  The  set  of  allowable
          frequencies  is  the  multiples  of  two in the range 2 to 8192.
          Only a privileged process (i.e., one having the CAP_SYS_RESOURCE
          capability)  can  set  frequencies  above the value specified in
          /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq.  (This file contains the  value
          64 by default.)

          Enable  or  disable  the  alarm interrupt, for RTCs that support
          alarms.  The third ioctl(2) argument is ignored.

          Enable or disable the interrupt on every clock update, for  RTCs
          that support this once-per-second interrupt.  The third ioctl(2)
          argument is ignored.

          Enable or disable the periodic interrupt, for RTCs that  support
          these  periodic  interrupts.   The  third  ioctl(2)  argument is
          ignored.  Only  a  privileged  process  (i.e.,  one  having  the
          CAP_SYS_RESOURCE  capability)  can enable the periodic interrupt
          if the frequency is currently set above the value  specified  in

          Many  RTCs  encode the year in an 8-bit register which is either
          interpreted as an 8-bit binary number or as a  BCD  number.   In
          both  cases,  the  number  is interpreted relative to this RTC's
          Epoch.  The RTC's Epoch is initialized to 1900 on  most  systems
          but  on  Alpha  and  MIPS  it might also be initialized to 1952,
          1980, or 2000, depending on the value of an RTC register for the
          year.   With  some RTCs, these operations can be used to read or
          to set  the  RTC's  Epoch,  respectively.   The  third  ioctl(2)
          argument   is   an   unsigned   long *   or  an  unsigned  long,
          respectively, and the value returned (or assigned) is the Epoch.
          To  set  the  RTC's  Epoch the process must be privileged (i.e.,
          have the CAP_SYS_TIME capability).

          Some RTCs support a more powerful alarm interface,  using  these
          ioctls to read or write the RTC's alarm time (respectively) with
          this structure:

              struct rtc_wkalrm {
                  unsigned char enabled;
                  unsigned char pending;
                  struct rtc_time time;

          The enabled  flag  is  used  to  enable  or  disable  the  alarm
          interrupt,  or  to  read  its  current  status; when using these
          calls, RTC_AIE_ON and RTC_AIE_OFF are  not  used.   The  pending
          flag  is  used by RTC_WKALM_RD to report a pending interrupt (so
          it's mostly useless on Linux, except when  talking  to  the  RTC
          managed  by  EFI  firmware).   The  time  field  is as used with
          RTC_ALM_READ and RTC_ALM_SET except that  the  tm_mday,  tm_mon,
          and  tm_year fields are also valid.  A pointer to this structure
          should be passed as the third ioctl(2) argument.


   /dev/rtc, /dev/rtc0,  /dev/rtc1,  etc:  RTC  special  character  device

   /proc/driver/rtc: status of the (first) RTC.


   When  the  kernel's  system  time  is  synchronized  with  an  external
   reference  using  adjtimex(2)  it  will   update   a   designated   RTC
   periodically  every  11  minutes.   To do so, the kernel has to briefly
   turn off periodic interrupts; this might  affect  programs  using  that

   An  RTC's  Epoch  has  nothing to do with the POSIX Epoch which is used
   only for the system clock.

   If the year according to the RTC's Epoch and the year register is  less
   than  1970  it  is assumed to be 100 years later, that is, between 2000
   and 2069.

   Some RTCs  support  "wildcard"  values  in  alarm  fields,  to  support
   scenarios  like periodic alarms at fifteen minutes after every hour, or
   on the first day of each month.  Such usage  is  nonportable;  portable
   user-space  code expects only a single alarm interrupt, and will either
   disable or reinitialize the alarm after receiving it.

   Some RTCs support periodic interrupts with periods that  are  multiples
   of  a  second  rather  than  fractions  of  a  second; multiple alarms;
   programmable  output  clock  signals;  nonvolatile  memory;  and  other
   hardware capabilities that are not currently exposed by this API.


   date(1),   adjtimex(2),   gettimeofday(2),  settimeofday(2),  stime(2),
   time(2), gmtime(3), time(7), hwclock(8)

   Documentation/rtc.txt in the Linux kernel source tree


   This page is part of release 4.09 of the Linux  man-pages  project.   A
   description  of  the project, information about reporting bugs, and the
   latest    version    of    this    page,    can     be     found     at

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