

   setns - reassociate thread with a namespace


   #define _GNU_SOURCE             /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
   #include <sched.h>

   int setns(int fd, int nstype);


   Given  a  file  descriptor  referring  to  a namespace, reassociate the
   calling thread with that namespace.

   The fd argument is a file descriptor referring to one of the  namespace
   entries  in  a /proc/[pid]/ns/ directory; see namespaces(7) for further
   information  on  /proc/[pid]/ns/.    The   calling   thread   will   be
   reassociated   with   the   corresponding  namespace,  subject  to  any
   constraints imposed by the nstype argument.

   The nstype argument specifies  which  type  of  namespace  the  calling
   thread  may  be  reassociated  with.  This argument can have one of the
   following values:

   0      Allow any type of namespace to be joined.

   CLONE_NEWCGROUP (since Linux 4.6)
          fd must refer to a cgroup namespace.

   CLONE_NEWIPC (since Linux 3.0)
          fd must refer to an IPC namespace.

   CLONE_NEWNET (since Linux 3.0)
          fd must refer to a network namespace.

   CLONE_NEWNS (since Linux 3.8)
          fd must refer to a mount namespace.

   CLONE_NEWPID (since Linux 3.8)
          fd must refer to a descendant PID namespace.

   CLONE_NEWUSER (since Linux 3.8)
          fd must refer to a user namespace.

   CLONE_NEWUTS (since Linux 3.0)
          fd must refer to a UTS namespace.

   Specifying nstype as 0 suffices if the caller knows (or does not  care)
   what  type  of  namespace  is  referred to by fd.  Specifying a nonzero
   value for nstype is useful if the caller does not  know  what  type  of
   namespace  is  referred to by fd and wants to ensure that the namespace
   is of a particular type.  (The caller might not know the  type  of  the
   namespace  referred  to  by  fd  if  the  file descriptor was opened by
   another process and, for example, passed  to  the  caller  via  a  UNIX
   domain socket.)

   CLONE_NEWPID behaves somewhat differently from the other nstype values:
   reassociating the calling thread with a PID namespace changes only  the
   PID namespace that child processes of the caller will be created in; it
   does not change the PID namespace of the caller itself.   Reassociating
   with  a PID namespace is allowed only if the PID namespace specified by
   fd is a descendant (child, grandchild, etc.)  of the PID  namespace  of
   the   caller.    For   further   details   on   PID   namespaces,   see

   A process reassociating itself with a  user  namespace  must  have  the
   CAP_SYS_ADMIN   capability   in   the   target  user  namespace.   Upon
   successfully joining  a  user  namespace,  a  process  is  granted  all
   capabilities  in  that namespace, regardless of its user and group IDs.
   A multithreaded process may not change user namespace with setns().  It
   is  not  permitted  to use setns() to reenter the caller's current user
   namespace.  This prevents a caller that has dropped  capabilities  from
   regaining  those  capabilities  via  a  call  to setns().  For security
   reasons, a process can't join a new user namespace  if  it  is  sharing
   filesystem-related   attributes   (the   attributes  whose  sharing  is
   controlled by the clone(2) CLONE_FS flag) with  another  process.   For
   further details on user namespaces, see user_namespaces(7).

   A  process  may not be reassociated with a new mount namespace if it is
   multithreaded.  Changing the mount namespace requires that  the  caller
   possess  both  CAP_SYS_CHROOT and CAP_SYS_ADMIN capabilities in its own
   user namespace and CAP_SYS_ADMIN in the target  mount  namespace.   See
   user_namespaces(7)  for  details  on the interaction of user namespaces
   and mount namespaces.

   Using setns() to change the caller's cgroup namespace does  not  change
   the caller's cgroup memberships.


   On success, setns() returns 0.  On failure, -1 is returned and errno is
   set to indicate the error.


   EBADF  fd is not a valid file descriptor.

   EINVAL fd refers  to  a  namespace  whose  type  does  not  match  that
          specified in nstype.

   EINVAL There   is  problem  with  reassociating  the  thread  with  the
          specified namespace.

   EINVAL The caller tried to join an ancestor (parent,  grandparent,  and
          so on) PID namespace.

   EINVAL The  caller  attempted to join the user namespace in which it is
          already a member.

   EINVAL The caller shares filesystem (CLONE_FS)  state  (in  particular,
          the root directory) with other processes and tried to join a new
          user namespace.

   EINVAL The caller is  multithreaded  and  tried  to  join  a  new  user

   ENOMEM Cannot  allocate  sufficient  memory  to  change  the  specified

   EPERM  The calling thread did not have the required capability for this


   The  setns() system call first appeared in Linux in kernel 3.0; library
   support was added to glibc in version 2.14.


   The setns() system call is Linux-specific.


   Not all of the attributes that can be  shared  when  a  new  thread  is
   created using clone(2) can be changed using setns().


   The  program  below  takes  two  or more arguments.  The first argument
   specifies  the  pathname  of  a   namespace   file   in   an   existing
   /proc/[pid]/ns/  directory.   The remaining arguments specify a command
   and its arguments.  The program opens the namespace  file,  joins  that
   namespace using setns(), and executes the specified command inside that

   The following shell  session  demonstrates  the  use  of  this  program
   (compiled   as   a  binary  named  ns_exec)  in  conjunction  with  the
   CLONE_NEWUTS example program in the clone(2) man page  (complied  as  a
   binary named newuts).

   We   begin  by  executing  the  example  program  in  clone(2)  in  the
   background.  That program creates a child in a separate UTS  namespace.
   The  child  changes  the  hostname  in  its  namespace,  and  then both
   processes display the hostnames in their UTS namespaces, so that we can
   see that they are different.

       $ su                   # Need privilege for namespace operations
       # ./newuts bizarro &
       [1] 3549
       clone() returned 3550
       uts.nodename in child:  bizarro
       uts.nodename in parent: antero
       # uname -n             # Verify hostname in the shell

   We  then  run  the  program  shown  below, using it to execute a shell.
   Inside that shell, we verify that the hostname is the one  set  by  the
   child created by the first program:

       # ./ns_exec /proc/3550/ns/uts /bin/bash
       # uname -n             # Executed in shell started by ns_exec

   Program source
   #define _GNU_SOURCE
   #include <fcntl.h>
   #include <sched.h>
   #include <unistd.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>
   #include <stdio.h>

   #define errExit(msg)    do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
                           } while (0)

   main(int argc, char *argv[])
       int fd;

       if (argc < 3) {
           fprintf(stderr, "%s /proc/PID/ns/FILE cmd args...\n", argv[0]);

       fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);  /* Get file descriptor for namespace */
       if (fd == -1)

       if (setns(fd, 0) == -1)        /* Join that namespace */

       execvp(argv[2], &argv[2]);     /* Execute a command in namespace */


   clone(2), fork(2), unshare(2), vfork(2), namespaces(7), unix(7)


   This  page  is  part of release 4.09 of the Linux man-pages project.  A
   description of the project, information about reporting bugs,  and  the
   latest     version     of     this    page,    can    be    found    at

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