

   unshare - disassociate parts of the process execution context


   #define _GNU_SOURCE
   #include <sched.h>

   int unshare(int flags);


   unshare()  allows  a  process  (or thread) to disassociate parts of its
   execution context that are currently being shared with other  processes
   (or  threads).   Part  of  the  execution  context,  such  as the mount
   namespace, is shared implicitly when a new  process  is  created  using
   fork(2)  or vfork(2), while other parts, such as virtual memory, may be
   shared by explicit request when creating  a  process  or  thread  using

   The  main  use of unshare() is to allow a process to control its shared
   execution context without creating a new process.

   The flags argument is a bit mask that  specifies  which  parts  of  the
   execution  context  should  be unshared.  This argument is specified by
   ORing together zero or more of the following constants:

          Reverse the effect of the clone(2)  CLONE_FILES  flag.   Unshare
          the file descriptor table, so that the calling process no longer
          shares its file descriptors with any other process.

          Reverse the effect  of  the  clone(2)  CLONE_FS  flag.   Unshare
          filesystem  attributes,  so  that  the calling process no longer
          shares  its  root  directory  (chroot(2)),   current   directory
          (chdir(2)),  or  umask  (umask(2))  attributes  with  any  other

   CLONE_NEWCGROUP (since Linux 4.6)
          This flag has the same effect as  the  clone(2)  CLONE_NEWCGROUP
          flag.   Unshare  the  cgroup  namespace.  Use of CLONE_NEWCGROUP
          requires the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability.

   CLONE_NEWIPC (since Linux 2.6.19)
          This flag has the same effect as the clone(2) CLONE_NEWIPC flag.
          Unshare  the  IPC  namespace,  so that the calling process has a
          private copy of the IPC namespace which is not shared  with  any
          other  process.   Specifying  this  flag  automatically  implies
          CLONE_SYSVSEM  as  well.   Use  of  CLONE_NEWIPC  requires   the
          CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability.

   CLONE_NEWNET (since Linux 2.6.24)
          This flag has the same effect as the clone(2) CLONE_NEWNET flag.
          Unshare the network namespace, so that the  calling  process  is
          moved  into a new network namespace which is not shared with any
          previously existing process.  Use of CLONE_NEWNET  requires  the
          CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability.

          This  flag has the same effect as the clone(2) CLONE_NEWNS flag.
          Unshare the mount namespace, so that the calling process  has  a
          private copy of its namespace which is not shared with any other
          process.  Specifying this flag automatically implies CLONE_FS as
          well.  Use of CLONE_NEWNS requires the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability.
          For further information, see mount_namespaces(7).

   CLONE_NEWPID (since Linux 3.8)
          This flag has the same effect as the clone(2) CLONE_NEWPID flag.
          Unshare the PID namespace, so that the calling process has a new
          PID namespace for its children which  is  not  shared  with  any
          previously  existing  process.  The calling process is not moved
          into the new namespace.  The first child created by the  calling
          process  will  have the process ID 1 and will assume the role of
          init(1)  in  the  new  namespace.   CLONE_NEWPID   automatically
          implies  CLONE_THREAD as well.  Use of CLONE_NEWPID requires the
          CAP_SYS_ADMIN  capability.    For   further   information,   see

   CLONE_NEWUSER (since Linux 3.8)
          This  flag  has  the  same  effect as the clone(2) CLONE_NEWUSER
          flag.  Unshare the user namespace, so that the  calling  process
          is  moved into a new user namespace which is not shared with any
          previously existing process.  As with the child process  created
          by  clone(2)  with  the CLONE_NEWUSER flag, the caller obtains a
          full set of capabilities in the new namespace.

          CLONE_NEWUSER requires that the calling process is not threaded;
          specifying  CLONE_NEWUSER  automatically  implies  CLONE_THREAD.
          Since  Linux  3.9,  CLONE_NEWUSER  also  automatically   implies
          CLONE_FS.   CLONE_NEWUSER requires that the user ID and group ID
          of the calling process are mapped to user IDs and group  IDs  in
          the  user  namespace  of  the calling process at the time of the

          For   further    information    on    user    namespaces,    see

   CLONE_NEWUTS (since Linux 2.6.19)
          This flag has the same effect as the clone(2) CLONE_NEWUTS flag.
          Unshare the UTS IPC namespace, so that the calling process has a
          private  copy  of the UTS namespace which is not shared with any
          other process.  Use of CLONE_NEWUTS requires  the  CAP_SYS_ADMIN

   CLONE_SYSVSEM (since Linux 2.6.26)
          This  flag  reverses  the  effect  of the clone(2) CLONE_SYSVSEM
          flag.  Unshare System V semaphore adjustment (semadj) values, so
          that the calling process has a new empty semadj list that is not
          shared with any other process.  If this is the last process that
          has  a  reference to the process's current semadj list, then the
          adjustments in  that  list  are  applied  to  the  corresponding
          semaphores, as described in semop(2).

   In addition, CLONE_THREAD, CLONE_SIGHAND, and CLONE_VM can be specified
   in flags if the caller is single threaded (i.e., it is not sharing  its
   address  space  with  another  process or thread).  In this case, these
   flags  have  no  effect.   (Note  also  that  specifying   CLONE_THREAD
   automatically  implies  CLONE_VM, and specifying CLONE_VM automatically
   implies CLONE_SIGHAND.)  If the process is multithreaded, then the  use
   of these flags results in an error.

   If  flags  is  specified as zero, then unshare() is a no-op; no changes
   are made to the calling process's execution context.


   On success, zero returned.  On failure, -1 is returned and errno is set
   to indicate the error.


   EINVAL An invalid bit was specified in flags.

   EINVAL CLONE_THREAD, CLONE_SIGHAND, or CLONE_VM was specified in flags,
          and the caller is multithreaded.

   ENOMEM Cannot allocate sufficient memory  to  copy  parts  of  caller's
          context that need to be unshared.

   EPERM  The  calling  process  did  not have the required privileges for
          this operation.

   EPERM  CLONE_NEWUSER was specified in flags, but either  the  effective
          user  ID or the effective group ID of the caller does not have a
          mapping in the parent namespace (see user_namespaces(7)).

   EPERM (since Linux 3.9)
          CLONE_NEWUSER was specified in flags and  the  caller  is  in  a
          chroot  environment  (i.e., the caller's root directory does not
          match the root directory of the  mount  namespace  in  which  it

   EUSERS (since Linux 3.11)
          CLONE_NEWUSER  was  specified in flags, and the call would cause
          the limit  on  the  number  of  nested  user  namespaces  to  be
          exceeded.  See user_namespaces(7).


   The unshare() system call was added to Linux in kernel 2.6.16.


   The unshare() system call is Linux-specific.


   Not all of the process attributes that can be shared when a new process
   is  created  using  clone(2)  can  be  unshared  using  unshare().   In
   particular,  as  at kernel 3.8, unshare() does not implement flags that
   reverse the effects of CLONE_SIGHAND, CLONE_THREAD, or CLONE_VM.   Such
   functionality may be added in the future, if required.


   The  program  below  provides a simple implementation of the unshare(1)
   command, which unshares one or more namespaces and executes the command
   supplied  in  its command-line arguments.  Here's an example of the use
   of this program,  running  a  shell  in  a  new  mount  namespace,  and
   verifying  that  the  original  shell and the new shell are in separate
   mount namespaces:

       $ readlink /proc/$$/ns/mnt
       $ sudo ./unshare -m /bin/bash
       [sudo] password for cecilia:
       # readlink /proc/$$/ns/mnt

   The differing output of the two readlink(1) commands shows that the two
   shells are in different mount namespaces.

   Program source

   /* unshare.c

      A simple implementation of the unshare(1) command: unshare
      namespaces and execute a command.
   #define _GNU_SOURCE
   #include <sched.h>
   #include <unistd.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>
   #include <stdio.h>

   /* A simple error-handling function: print an error message based
      on the value in 'errno' and terminate the calling process */

   #define errExit(msg)    do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
                           } while (0)

   static void
   usage(char *pname)
       fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] program [arg...]\n", pname);
       fprintf(stderr, "Options can be:\n");
       fprintf(stderr, "    -i   unshare IPC namespace\n");
       fprintf(stderr, "    -m   unshare mount namespace\n");
       fprintf(stderr, "    -n   unshare network namespace\n");
       fprintf(stderr, "    -p   unshare PID namespace\n");
       fprintf(stderr, "    -u   unshare UTS namespace\n");
       fprintf(stderr, "    -U   unshare user namespace\n");

   main(int argc, char *argv[])
       int flags, opt;

       flags = 0;

       while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "imnpuU")) != -1) {
           switch (opt) {
           case 'i': flags |= CLONE_NEWIPC;        break;
           case 'm': flags |= CLONE_NEWNS;         break;
           case 'n': flags |= CLONE_NEWNET;        break;
           case 'p': flags |= CLONE_NEWPID;        break;
           case 'u': flags |= CLONE_NEWUTS;        break;
           case 'U': flags |= CLONE_NEWUSER;       break;
           default:  usage(argv[0]);

       if (optind >= argc)

       if (unshare(flags) == -1)

       execvp(argv[optind], &argv[optind]);


   unshare(1),    clone(2),    fork(2),   kcmp(2),   setns(2),   vfork(2),

   Documentation/unshare.txt in the Linux kernel source tree


   This page is part of release 4.09 of the Linux  man-pages  project.   A
   description  of  the project, information about reporting bugs, and the
   latest    version    of    this    page,    can     be     found     at

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