

   synaptic - graphical management of software packages


   synaptic [options]


   Synaptic  is a frontend for the apt package managent system.  It allows
   you to perform all actions of  the  command  line  tool  apt-get  in  a
   graphical environemnt. This includes installing, upgrading, downgrading
   and removing of single packages or even upgrading your whole system.

   A manual with detailed instructions can be found in the  help  menu  of


   Synaptic  accepts all of the standard Gtk+ toolkit command line options
   as well as the following:

   -f, --filter-file=filename
          specify an alternative filter settings file

   -i, --initial-filter=int
          apply the filter with number int at startup

   -o, --option=option
          set an internal option (experts only)


   Synaptic   was   originally   developed   by    Alfredo    K.    Kojima
   <>.  His last official release was 0.16. Michael
   Vogt <> took over his CVS version, that already  included
   a  nearly  complete  port to Gtk+. Michael completed the port and added
   new features. See the NEWS file for the user visible changes from  that
   point  on.  Conectiva is still involved in the development of synaptic.
   Gustavo Niemeyer <> is  doing  a  great  deal  of

   All development is done at

   This    manual   page   was   originally   written   by   Wybo   Dekker
   <> and Michael Vogt <>  and  modified  by
   Sebastian Heinlein <>.


   Copyright  (C)  2001-2004 Conectiva S/A

   Copyright  (C)  2002-2004 Michael Vogt

   There  is  NO  warranty.   You may redistribute this software under the
   terms of  the  GNU General  Public License.  For more information about
   these matters, see the files named COPYING.

                              Mar 4, 2004                      SYNAPTIC(8)

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