

   tcpclient - create an outgoing TCP connection


   tcpclient   [   -46hHrRdDqQv   ]  [  -ilocalip  ]  [  -plocalport  ]  [
   -Ttimeoutconn ] [ -llocalname ] [ -ttimeoutinfo ] [ -Iinterface ]  host
   port program [ arg ...  ]


   tcpclient attempts to connect to a TCP server.  If it is successful, it
   runs program with the given arguments, with descriptor 6  reading  from
   the network and descriptor 7 writing to the network.

   The  server's  address  is  given  by  host  and  port.  host may be 0,
   referring to the local machine, or a dotted-decimal IP  address,  or  a
   host  name; if a host has several IP addresses, tcpclient tries each in
   turn.  port may be a numeric port number or a port name.

   tcpclient sets up several environment variables, as described  in  tcp-


          Use  localip  as  the  IP  address  for  the  local  side of the
          connection; quit if localip is not available.

          Use localport as the port number  for  the  local  side  of  the
          connection; quit if localport is not available.

          Use  interface  as  the  local  network interface.  This is only
          defined for IPv6 sockets and needed if you use  link-local  IPv6

          Give  up  on  the  connection attempt after timeoutconn seconds.
          Default: 60.  This timeout applies to each IP address tried.

   -d     (Default.)  Delay sending  data  for  a  fraction  of  a  second
          whenever  the  remote  host is responding slowly, to make better
          use of the network.

   -D     Never  delay  sending  data;  enable   TCP_NODELAY.    This   is
          appropriate for interactive connections.

   -q     Quiet.  Do not print any messages.

   -Q     (Default.)  Print error messages.

   -v     Verbose.  Print all available messages.


   -h     (Default.)  Look up the remote host name for TCPREMOTEHOST.

   -H     Do not look up the remote host name; unset TCPREMOTEHOST.

          Do   not  look  up  the  local  host  name;  use  localname  for

   -r     (Default.)  Attempt to  obtain  TCPREMOTEINFO  from  the  remote

   -R     Do not attempt to obtain TCPREMOTEINFO from the remote host.

          Give   up   on   the   TCPREMOTEINFO  connection  attempt  after
          timeoutinfo seconds. Default: 26.

   -4     Fall back to IPv4 sockets.  This  is  necessary  for  terminally
          broken  systems  like  OpenBSD  which  will not let IPv6 sockets
          connect to V4-mapped IPv6 addresses.  Please note that this also
          applies  to DNS lookups, so you will have to use an DNS resolver
          with an IPv6 address to connect to IPv6 systems.  Use DNSCACHEIP
          to set the DNS resolver IP dynamically.

   -6     Force  IPv6  mode  in UCSPI environment variables, even for IPv4
          connections.  This will set $PROTO to TCP6 and  put  IPv4-mapped
          IPv6 addresses in TCPLOCALIP and TCPREMOTEIP.


   date@(1),  finger@(1),  http@(1), mconnect(1), tcpcat(1), tcpserver(1),
   who@(1), tcp-environ(5)


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