

   vptovf - convert virtual property lists to virtual font metrics


   vptovf [-verbose] vpl_name[.vpl] [vfm_name[.vf] [tfm_name[.tfm]]]


   This  manual  page  is  not  meant  to  be  exhaustive.   The  complete
   documentation for this version of TeX can be found in the info file  or
   manual Web2C: A TeX implementation.

   The  vptovf program translates a (human-oriented) property list file to
   a pair of (program-oriented) files in the VF  (virtual  font)  and  TFM
   (TeX  font metric) formats. Thus, a virtual font file can be edited and
   its exact contents can be displayed mnemonically.  New  virtual  fonts,
   which  map characters as seen by TeX into an arbitrary sequence of low-
   level typesetting operations, can also be created in this way.

   All three filenames, vpl_name, vf_name, and tfm_name, are extended with
   the appropriate suffix, if they lack one.


   Without  the  -verbose  option,  vptovf  operates silently.  With it, a
   banner and progress report are printed on stdout.


   pltotf(1), tftopl(1), vftovp(1).


   Donald E. Knuth wrote the program, based in part on an  idea  of  David
   Fuchs, starting with the code for pltotf(1).  Karl Berry adapted it for
   compilation with web2c.

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