

   XConfigureWindow, XMoveWindow, XResizeWindow, XMoveResizeWindow,
   XSetWindowBorderWidth, XWindowChanges - configure windows and window
   changes structure


   int XConfigureWindow(Display *display, Window w, unsigned value_mask,
          XWindowChanges *changes);

   int XMoveWindow(Display *display, Window w, int x, y);

   int XResizeWindow(Display *display, Window w, unsigned width, unsigned

   int XMoveResizeWindow(Display *display, Window w, int x, int y,
          unsigned width, unsigned height);

   int XSetWindowBorderWidth(Display *display, Window w, unsigned width);


   display   Specifies the connection to the X server.

             Specifies which values are to be set using information in the
             values structure.  This mask is the bitwise inclusive OR of
             the valid configure window values bits.

   values    Specifies the XWindowChanges structure.

   w         Specifies the window to be reconfigured, moved, or resized..

   width     Specifies the width of the window border.

   height    Specify the width and height, which are the interior
             dimensions of the window.

   y         Specify the x and y coordinates, which define the new
             location of the top-left pixel of the window's border or the
             window itself if it has no border or define the new position
             of the window relative to its parent.


   The XConfigureWindow function uses the values specified in the
   XWindowChanges structure to reconfigure a window's size, position,
   border, and stacking order.  Values not specified are taken from the
   existing geometry of the window.

   If a sibling is specified without a stack_mode or if the window is not
   actually a sibling, a BadMatch error results.  Note that the
   computations for BottomIf, TopIf, and Opposite are performed with
   respect to the window's final geometry (as controlled by the other
   arguments passed to XConfigureWindow), not its initial geometry.  Any
   backing store contents of the window, its inferiors, and other newly
   visible windows are either discarded or changed to reflect the current
   screen contents (depending on the implementation).

   XConfigureWindow can generate BadMatch, BadValue, and BadWindow errors.

   The XMoveWindow function moves the specified window to the specified x
   and y coordinates, but it does not change the window's size, raise the
   window, or change the mapping state of the window.  Moving a mapped
   window may or may not lose the window's contents depending on if the
   window is obscured by nonchildren and if no backing store exists.  If
   the contents of the window are lost, the X server generates Expose
   events.  Moving a mapped window generates Expose events on any formerly
   obscured windows.

   If the override-redirect flag of the window is False and some other
   client has selected SubstructureRedirectMask on the parent, the X
   server generates a ConfigureRequest event, and no further processing is
   performed.  Otherwise, the window is moved.

   XMoveWindow can generate a BadWindow error.

   The XResizeWindow function changes the inside dimensions of the
   specified window, not including its borders.  This function does not
   change the window's upper-left coordinate or the origin and does not
   restack the window.  Changing the size of a mapped window may lose its
   contents and generate Expose events.  If a mapped window is made
   smaller, changing its size generates Expose events on windows that the
   mapped window formerly obscured.

   If the override-redirect flag of the window is False and some other
   client has selected SubstructureRedirectMask on the parent, the X
   server generates a ConfigureRequest event, and no further processing is
   performed.  If either width or height is zero, a BadValue error

   XResizeWindow can generate BadValue and BadWindow errors.

   The XMoveResizeWindow function changes the size and location of the
   specified window without raising it.  Moving and resizing a mapped
   window may generate an Expose event on the window.  Depending on the
   new size and location parameters, moving and resizing a window may
   generate Expose events on windows that the window formerly obscured.

   If the override-redirect flag of the window is False and some other
   client has selected SubstructureRedirectMask on the parent, the X
   server generates a ConfigureRequest event, and no further processing is
   performed.  Otherwise, the window size and location are changed.

   XMoveResizeWindow can generate BadValue and BadWindow errors.

   The XSetWindowBorderWidth function sets the specified window's border
   width to the specified width.

   XSetWindowBorderWidth can generate a BadWindow error.


   The XWindowChanges structure contains:

   /* Configure window value mask bits */

   #define   CWX                         (1<<0)
   #define   CWY                         (1<<1)
   #define   CWWidth                     (1<<2)
   #define   CWHeight                    (1<<3)
   #define   CWBorderWidth               (1<<4)
   #define   CWSibling                   (1<<5)
   #define   CWStackMode                 (1<<6)
   /* Values */

   typedef struct {
           int x, y;
           int width, height;
           int border_width;
           Window sibling;
           int stack_mode;
   } XWindowChanges;

   The x and y members are used to set the window's x and y coordinates,
   which are relative to the parent's origin and indicate the position of
   the upper-left outer corner of the window.  The width and height
   members are used to set the inside size of the window, not including
   the border, and must be nonzero, or a BadValue error results.  Attempts
   to configure a root window have no effect.

   The border_width member is used to set the width of the border in
   pixels.  Note that setting just the border width leaves the outer-left
   corner of the window in a fixed position but moves the absolute
   position of the window's origin.  If you attempt to set the border-
   width attribute of an InputOnly window nonzero, a BadMatch error

   The sibling member is used to set the sibling window for stacking
   operations.  The stack_mode member is used to set how the window is to
   be restacked and can be set to Above, Below, TopIf, BottomIf, or


   BadMatch  An InputOnly window is used as a Drawable.

   BadMatch  Some argument or pair of arguments has the correct type and
             range but fails to match in some other way required by the

   BadValue  Some numeric value falls outside the range of values accepted
             by the request.  Unless a specific range is specified for an
             argument, the full range defined by the argument's type is
             accepted.  Any argument defined as a set of alternatives can
             generate this error.

   BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.


   XChangeWindowAttributes(3), XCreateWindow(3), XDestroyWindow(3),
   XMapWindow(3), XRaiseWindow(3), XUnmapWindow(3)
   Xlib - C Language X Interface

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