

   XMapWindow, XMapRaised, XMapSubwindows - map windows


   int XMapWindow(Display *display, Window w);

   int XMapRaised(Display *display, Window w);

   int XMapSubwindows(Display *display, Window w);


   display   Specifies the connection to the X server.

   w         Specifies the window.


   The XMapWindow function maps the window and all of its subwindows that
   have had map requests.  Mapping a window that has an unmapped ancestor
   does not display the window but marks it as eligible for display when
   the ancestor becomes mapped.  Such a window is called unviewable.  When
   all its ancestors are mapped, the window becomes viewable and will be
   visible on the screen if it is not obscured by another window.  This
   function has no effect if the window is already mapped.

   If the override-redirect of the window is False and if some other
   client has selected SubstructureRedirectMask on the parent window, then
   the X server generates a MapRequest event, and the XMapWindow function
   does not map the window.  Otherwise, the window is mapped, and the X
   server generates a MapNotify event.

   If the window becomes viewable and no earlier contents for it are
   remembered, the X server tiles the window with its background.  If the
   window's background is undefined, the existing screen contents are not
   altered, and the X server generates zero or more Expose events.  If
   backing-store was maintained while the window was unmapped, no Expose
   events are generated.  If backing-store will now be maintained, a full-
   window exposure is always generated.  Otherwise, only visible regions
   may be reported.  Similar tiling and exposure take place for any newly
   viewable inferiors.

   If the window is an InputOutput window, XMapWindow generates Expose
   events on each InputOutput window that it causes to be displayed.  If
   the client maps and paints the window and if the client begins
   processing events, the window is painted twice.  To avoid this, first
   ask for Expose events and then map the window, so the client processes
   input events as usual.  The event list will include Expose for each
   window that has appeared on the screen.  The client's normal response
   to an Expose event should be to repaint the window.  This method
   usually leads to simpler programs and to proper interaction with window

   XMapWindow can generate a BadWindow error.

   The XMapRaised function essentially is similar to XMapWindow in that it
   maps the window and all of its subwindows that have had map requests.
   However, it also raises the specified window to the top of the stack.

   XMapRaised can generate a BadWindow error.

   The XMapSubwindows function maps all subwindows for a specified window
   in top-to-bottom stacking order.  The X server generates Expose events
   on each newly displayed window.  This may be much more efficient than
   mapping many windows one at a time because the server needs to perform
   much of the work only once, for all of the windows, rather than for
   each window.

   XMapSubwindows can generate a BadWindow error.


   BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.


   XChangeWindowAttributes(3), XConfigureWindow(3), XCreateWindow(3),
   XDestroyWindow(3), XRaiseWindow(3), XUnmapWindow(3)
   Xlib - C Language X Interface

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