

   ximtoppm - convert an Xim file into a portable pixmap


   ximtoppm [--alphaout={alpha-filename,-}] [ximfile]


   Reads an Xim file as input.  Produces a portable pixmap as output.  The
   Xim toolkit is included in the contrib tree of the X.V11R4 release.


          ximtoppm creates a PGM (portable graymap)  file  containing  the
          alpha  channel  values  in  the input image.  If the input image
          doesn't  contain  an  alpha  channel,  the  alpha-filename  file
          contains  all  zero  (transparent)  alpha  values.  If you don't
          specify --alphaout, ximtoppm does not generate  an  alpha  file,
          and  if  the  input  image has an alpha channel, ximtoppm simply
          discards it.

          If you specify - as the  filename,  ximtoppm  writes  the  alpha
          output to Standard Output and discards the image.

          Actually,  an  Xim image can contain an arbitrary fourth channel
          -- it need not be  an  Alpha  channel.   ximtoppm  extracts  any
          fourth channel it finds as described above; it doesn't matter if
          it is an alpha channel or not.

          See pnmcomp(1) for one way to use the alpha output file.

   All options can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.


   pnmcomp(1), ppm(5)


   Copyright (C) 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

                             April 2, 2000                     ximtoppm(1)

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