Personal Opportunity

Free Software
Free Harvard and MIT Courses
Stolen Legacy
The History of Herodotus
Library of History by Diodorus Siculus
King James Bible
Linux Manpages



Linux was originally developed as a free operating system for personal computers but is currently used for more computer platforms than any other operating system.

Free software is primarily a matter of liberty, not price: users, individually or collectively, are free to do whatever they want with it - this includes the freedom ... to sell it

Our goal is to increase awareness of open source and to assist everyone in leveraging its economic and social value. Learn how to use open source to create opportunity and wealth. Linux

Free and Open Source - Free software is software that grants everyone permission to use, study, copy, modify and/or distribute the software. Users, individually or collectively, are free to do whatever they want with it - this includes the freedom to sell it. Learn more about Free and Open Source software.

There is no doubt that free and open source software is a major force in technology today and that it is positioned to continue to have a significant role. The economic impact is in the billions of dollars annually and there are countless initiatives in technology, government, business and education.

The broad use of open source and it's availability creates significant opportunity to learn and use the software for the individual. The fact that everyone has access to the software utilized by all these institutions represents significant opportunity for career growth and business development.

Understanding open source provides employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in all business sectors because almost every sector uses it. Every sector utilizes computers and software and everyone is potentially a developer, administrator, manager or business owner for this technology.

Every student will not go into technology but every student should be aware of this opportunity. The availability of the source code (patents) and copyrights for open source provide instructions and rights to some of the most significant inventions of our time. Having access to study, use, modify and sale the programs and protocols that drive the Internet is unparalleled.

This is an opportunity that should not be wasted or ignored.

Get Started

If you want to learn more about Open Source, you will find links to useful sites, documentation and additional information on Open Source and Linux commands at the following urls: What is Open Source, What is Linux, Linux Commands and Concepts, Useful Programs.

You don't have to be a programmer or work in computers in order to leverage Open Source. The technical skills needed to provide support for you or your project are widely available. Consultants can assist you to get online, reduce the costs for your business and/or develop a product or service.

Financial Opportunity - Everyone has free and unlimited access to billions of dollars of sofware. The only cost is the knowledge of how to use it. Everyone should understand the opportunity and share the knowledge. Free software is the unhidden secret that provides unlimited opportunity.

Harvard - MIT - Stanford - The open edX platform delivers free online courses from Harvard, MIT, Columbia, UC Berkeley and other top Universities. Hundreds of courses are available and include almost all major subject areas and course levels. Paid courses and certifications are also available.

Free Office Software - The Libre Office Suite is available for Linux or Windows and incldues, Writer, the word processor, Calc, the spreadsheet application, Impress, the presentation engine, Draw, our drawing and flowcharting application, Base, our database and database frontend, and Math for editing mathematics.