

   getdate,  getdate_r  -  convert  a date-plus-time string to broken-down


   #include <time.h>

   struct tm *getdate(const char *string);

   extern int getdate_err;

   #include <time.h>

   int getdate_r(const char *string, struct tm *res);

   Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)):

       _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 500


   The function getdate() converts a string representation of a  date  and
   time,  contained in the buffer pointed to by string, into a broken-down
   time.  The broken-down time is stored in a tm structure, and a  pointer
   to  this  structure  is  returned  as  the  function  result.   This tm
   structure is allocated in static storage, and consequently it  will  be
   overwritten by further calls to getdate().

   In  contrast  to  strptime(3), (which has a format argument), getdate()
   uses the formats found in the file whose full pathname is given in  the
   environment  variable DATEMSK.  The first line in the file that matches
   the given input string is used for the conversion.

   The matching  is  done  case  insensitively.   Superfluous  whitespace,
   either in the pattern or in the string to be converted, is ignored.

   The  conversion  specifications  that  a  pattern can contain are those
   given for strptime(3).  One more conversion specification is  specified
   in POSIX.1-2001:

   %Z     Timezone name.  This is not implemented in glibc.

   When  %Z  is  given,  the  structure containing the broken-down time is
   initialized with values corresponding to the current time in the  given
   timezone.   Otherwise,  the structure is initialized to the broken-down
   time corresponding  to  the  current  local  time  (as  by  a  call  to

   When  only  the  day  of  the week is given, the day is taken to be the
   first such day on or after today.

   When only the month is given (and no year), the month is  taken  to  be
   the first such month equal to or after the current month.  If no day is
   given, it is the first day of the month.

   When no hour, minute and second are given, the current hour, minute and
   second are taken.

   If  no  date is given, but we know the hour, then that hour is taken to
   be the first such hour equal to or after the current hour.

   getdate_r() is a GNU extension that provides  a  reentrant  version  of
   getdate().   Rather than using a global variable to report errors and a
   static buffer to return the broken down time, it returns errors via the
   function  result  value,  and returns the resulting broken-down time in
   the caller-allocated buffer pointed to by the argument res.


   When  successful,  getdate()  returns  a  pointer  to  a   struct   tm.
   Otherwise,  it returns NULL and sets the global variable getdate_err to
   one  of  the  error  numbers  shown  below.   Changes  to   errno   are

   On  success getdate_r() returns 0; on error it returns one of the error
   numbers shown below.


   The following errors are returned via getdate_err (for getdate()) or as
   the function result (for getdate_r()):

   1   The DATEMSK environment variable is not defined, or its value is an
       empty string.

   2   The template  file  specified  by  DATEMSK  cannot  be  opened  for

   3   Failed to get file status information.

   4   The template file is not a regular file.

   5   An error was encountered while reading the template file.

   6   Memory allocation failed (not enough memory available).

   7   There is no line in the file that matches the input.

   8   Invalid input specification.


          File containing format patterns.

          Variables used by strptime(3).


   For   an   explanation   of   the  terms  used  in  this  section,  see

   Interface    Attribute      Value                             
   getdate()    Thread safety  MT-Unsafe race:getdate env locale 
   getdate_r()  Thread safety  MT-Safe env locale                


   POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008.


   The  POSIX.1  specification   for   strptime(3)   contains   conversion
   specifications  using  the %E or %O modifier, while such specifications
   are not given for getdate().  In glibc, getdate() is implemented  using
   strptime(3),  so  that  precisely the same conversions are supported by


   The  program  below  calls  getdate()  for  each  of  its  command-line
   arguments,  and  for each call displays the values in the fields of the
   returned tm structure.  The following shell  session  demonstrates  the
   operation of the program:

       $ TFILE=$PWD/tfile
       $ echo '%A' > $TFILE       # Full name of the day of the week
       $ echo '%T' >> $TFILE      # ISO date (YYYY-MM-DD)
       $ echo '%F' >> $TFILE      # Time (HH:MM:SS)
       $ date
       $ export DATEMSK=$TFILE
       $ ./a.out Tuesday '2009-12-28' '12:22:33'
       Sun Sep  7 06:03:36 CEST 2008
       Call 1 ("Tuesday") succeeded:
           tm_sec   = 36
           tm_min   = 3
           tm_hour  = 6
           tm_mday  = 9
           tm_mon   = 8
           tm_year  = 108
           tm_wday  = 2
           tm_yday  = 252
           tm_isdst = 1
       Call 2 ("2009-12-28") succeeded:
           tm_sec   = 36
           tm_min   = 3
           tm_hour  = 6
           tm_mday  = 28
           tm_mon   = 11
           tm_year  = 109
           tm_wday  = 1
           tm_yday  = 361
           tm_isdst = 0
       Call 3 ("12:22:33") succeeded:
           tm_sec   = 33
           tm_min   = 22
           tm_hour  = 12
           tm_mday  = 7
           tm_mon   = 8
           tm_year  = 108
           tm_wday  = 0
           tm_yday  = 250
           tm_isdst = 1

   Program source

   #define _GNU_SOURCE
   #include <time.h>
   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>

   main(int argc, char *argv[])
       struct tm *tmp;
       int j;

       for (j = 1; j < argc; j++) {
           tmp = getdate(argv[j]);

           if (tmp == NULL) {
               printf("Call %d failed; getdate_err = %d\n",
                      j, getdate_err);

           printf("Call %d (\"%s\") succeeded:\n", j, argv[j]);
           printf("    tm_sec   = %d\n", tmp->tm_sec);
           printf("    tm_min   = %d\n", tmp->tm_min);
           printf("    tm_hour  = %d\n", tmp->tm_hour);
           printf("    tm_mday  = %d\n", tmp->tm_mday);
           printf("    tm_mon   = %d\n", tmp->tm_mon);
           printf("    tm_year  = %d\n", tmp->tm_year);
           printf("    tm_wday  = %d\n", tmp->tm_wday);
           printf("    tm_yday  = %d\n", tmp->tm_yday);
           printf("    tm_isdst = %d\n", tmp->tm_isdst);



   time(2), localtime(3), setlocale(3), strftime(3), strptime(3)


   This  page  is  part of release 4.09 of the Linux man-pages project.  A
   description of the project, information about reporting bugs,  and  the
   latest     version     of     this    page,    can    be    found    at

                              2016-03-15                        GETDATE(3)

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