

   pstopnm - convert a PostScript file into a portable anymap


   pstopnm  [-stdout] [-forceplain] [-help] [-llx s] [-lly s] [-landscape]
   [-portrait] [-nocrop] [-pbm |-pgm |-ppm] [-urx s] [-ury  s]  [-verbose]
   [-xborder  n]  [-xmax  n]  [-xsize f] [-yborder f] [-ymax n] [-ysize n]


   Reads a PostScript file as input.  Produces PBM, PGM, or PPM  files  as
   output.   This  program  simply uses GhostScript to render a PostScript
   file with its PNM  device  drivers.   If  you  don't  have  GhostScript
   installed  (invoked by a gs command), or the version you have installed
   was not built with the relevant PNM device drivers, pstopnm will  fail.
   You  can  see if you have the proper environment by issuing the command
   gs --help .  If it responds and lists under  "Available  Devices"  pbm,
   pbmraw, pgm, pgmraw, pnm, pnmraw, ppm, or ppmraw, you're in business.

   pstopnm does not use the Netpbm libraries to generate the output files,
   so may not be entirely consistent with most Netpbm programs.

   psfile[.ps] is the name of the input file.  .pstopnm will add the ps to
   the end of the name you specify if no file exists by the exact name you
   specify, but one with added does.  Use - to indicate Standard Input.

   If you use the -stdout option, pstopnm outputs images of all the  pages
   as  a  multi-image file to Standard Output.  Otherwise, pstopnm creates
   one file for each page in the Postscript document.  The files are named
   as follows: If the input file is named, the name of the files
   will be psfile001.ppm, psfile002.ppm,  etc.   The  filetype  suffix  is
   .ppm,  .pgm, or .pbm, depending on which kind of output you choose with
   your invocation options.  If the input file name does not end  in  .ps,
   the  whole  file name is used in the output file name.  For example, if
   the  input  file  is  named  psfile.old,  the  output  file   name   is
   psfile.old001.ppm, etc.

   Note  that  the  output file selection is inconsistent with most Netpbm
   programs, because it does not default to Standard Output.  This is  for
   historical  reasons,  based on the fact that the Netpbm formats did not
   always provide for a sequence of images in a single file.

   Each output file contains the image of a rectangular part of  the  page
   to which it pertains.  The selected area will always be centered in the
   output file, and may have borders around it.   The  image  area  to  be
   extracted  from the PostScript file and rendered into a portable anymap
   is defined by four numbers, the lower left corner and the  upper  right
   corner x and y coordinates.  These coordinates are usually specified by
   the BoundingBox comment in the PostScript file header, but they can  be
   overridden  by  the  user  by  specifying  one or more of the following
   options: -llx, -lly, -urx, and -ury.  The presence and thickness  of  a
   border to be left around the image area is controlled by the use of the
   options -xborder and -yborder.  If pstopnm does  not  find  BoundingBox
   parameters  in  the input, and you don't specify image area coordinates
   on the command line, pstopnm uses default values.   If  your  input  is
   from  Standard  Input,  pstopnm does not use the BoundingBox parameters
   (due to the technical difficulty of  extracting  that  information  and
   still  feeding  the file to Ghostscript), so you either have to specify
   the image area coordinates or take the default.

   Unless you specify both output file width and height,  via  the  -xsize
   and  -ysize options, pstopnm maps the document into the output image by
   preserving its aspect ratio.

   It  has  been  reported  that  on  some  Postscript  Version  1  input,
   Ghostscript,  and therefore pstopnm, produces no output.  To solve this
   problem, you can convert the file to  Postscript  Version  3  with  the
   program ps2ps.  It is reported that the program pstops does not work.


          forces the output file to be in plain (text) format.  Otherwise,
          it is in raw (binary) format.  See pbm(1), etc.

   -llx bx
          selects bx as the lower left corner x coordinate (in inches).

   -lly by
          selects by as the lower left corner y coordinate (in inches).

          renders the image in landscape mode.

          renders the image in portrait mode.

          does  not  crop  the  output  image  dimensions  to  match   the
          PostScript image area dimensions.

   -pbm -pgm -ppm
          selects  the  format  of the output file.  By default, all files
          are rendered as portable pixmaps (ppm format).

          causes output to go to Standard Output  instead  of  to  regular
          files,  one  per  page  (see description of output files above).
          Use pnmsplit to extract individual pages from Standard Output.

   -urx tx
          selects tx as the upper right corner x coordinate (in inches).

   -ury ty
          selects ty as the upper right corner y coordinate (in inches).

          prints processing information to stdout.

   -xborder frac
          specifies that the border width along the Y axis should be  frac
          times  the  document  width  as  specified  by  the bounding box
          comment in the PostScript file header.   The  default  value  is

   -xmax xs
          specifies that the maximum output image width should have a size
          less or equal to xs pixels (default: 612).

   -xsize xsize
          specifies that the output image width must be exactly xs pixels.

   -yborder frac
          specifies that the border width along the X axis should be  frac
          times  the  document  width  as  specified  by  the bounding box
          comment in the PostScript file header.   The  default  value  is

   -ymax ys
          specifies  that  the  maximum  output image height should have a
          size less or equal to ys pixels (default: 792).

   -ysize ys
          specifies that the  output  image  height  must  be  exactly  ys


   The  program  will produce incorrect results with PostScript files that
   initialize the current transformation matrix.   In  these  cases,  page
   translation  and  rotation  will  not have any effect.  To render these
   files, probably the best bet is to use the following options:

      pstopnm -xborder 0 -yborder 0 -portrait -nocrop

   Additional options may be needed if the  document  is  supposed  to  be
   rendered on a medium different from letter-size paper.


   gs(1),     pstofits(1),    pnmtops(1),    psidtopgm(1),    pbmtolps(1),
   pbmtoepsi(1), pnmsplit(1)


   Copyright (c) 1992 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
   PostScript is a Trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.


   Alberto Accomazzi, WIPL, Center for Astrophysics.

                             28 June 2000                       pstopnm(1)

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