The Library of History

Page 113

Page 113 Thrace. They with Sipylus and Mompsus overcame the other in a Battel, in which Merina the Amazon Queen, and many more of the Amazons were slain. In process of Time (after the Thracians had overcome them in several Engagements,) they say that those that remain'd of the Nations of the Amazons, retir'd into Lybia. And such was the end of the Amazonian Expedition out of Africa.

And now since we have made mention of the Atlantides, we judge it not impertinent to relate what the Atlantides fabulously report concerning the Genealogy of the Gods, not much differing from the Fables of the Greeks.

The Atlantides inhabited a Rich Country, bordering upon the Ocean, and were esteem'd to excel all their Neighbours in civil Reception and Entertainment of Strangers; and they boast that the Gods were born amongst them, and say that the most famous Poet amongst the Grecians does confirm this their Assertion, where he brings in Juno speaking thus—

〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉
〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉
The utmost bounds of Earth far off I see,
Where Thetys and Ocean boast to be
The Parents of the Gods.—

They say that Ʋranus was their first King, who caus'd the People (who then wandred up and down) to dwell in Towns and Cities, and reducing them from a lawless and savage Course of Life, taught them to use and lay up the Fruits of the Earth, and many other things useful for Man's Life. It's said he had under his Dominion, the greatest part of the World, especially towards the West and the Northern Parts: And that being much addicted to Astrology, he prognosticated many things that were come to pass in the World; and measur'd the Year according to the Course of the Sun, and the Months according to the Motion of the Moon; and divided the Days into Hours, and therefore the People, as at that time ignorant of the constant motion of the Stars, did so admire his Prognostications, that it grew into a common Opinion among them, that he was a God; and when he was dead, (by reason of his Deserts, and Art in Astronomy) they honour'd him as a God.

The Starry Heaven was call'd after his Name, because that he was so familiarly acquainted with the Rising and setting of the Stars, and other things hapning in the Etherial World; and for that his Merits transcended all the Honours that could be attributed to him, he was call'd the Eternal King of the Universe.

They report that this Ʋranus had Five and Forty Children by several Wives, and Eighteen of these were by one Titea, who had each of them a peculiar Name, but all in Common call'd Titanes, from their Mother Titea, who for her Wisdom and Beneficence was after her Death reputed a Goddess by those whom she had oblig'd by her Kindnesses, and was call'd Terra.

Of Ʋranus and Titea were born several Daughters, of whom Two were most famous above the rest, Basilea and Rhea, by some call'd Pandora. Basilea being the Eldest (and most Prudent and Discreet) bred up her Brothers with the care and affection of a Mother, and therefore was call'd the Great Mother.

After the Death of her Father, by the general Suffrage of the People and Consent of her Brothers she was elected Queen, being as yet a Virgin, and remarkable for her Modesty and Chastity. She was long unwilling to marry; but afterwards (desiring to leave Heirs of her own Body to succeed in the Kingdom) she marry'd Hyperion one of her Brothers, whom she most dearly lov'd, by whom she had two Children, Helio and Selene, who for their Beauty and Modesty were the Admiration of all; her other Brothers (they say) partly out of Envy at the Issue, and partly out of fear lest Hyperion should assume the Kingdom intirely to himself, committed a notorious wicked Act; for entring into a Conspiracy, they assassinated Hyperion and drown'd Helio (then a tender Infant) in Eridanus.

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books