The Library of History

Table 6

The FRAGMENTS out of the Lost Histories of Diodorus the Sicilian, Publish'd by F. Ʋrsinus.

  • A Chaians refus'd the Gift of Eumenes, s 13. Page 779
  • —Accept Seleucus's Present, ibid.
  • Aetolians in great Fear, s 5. 783
  • —Their fruitless Embassy, s 8. ibid.
  • Albans and Romans became Enemies to one another, s 1. 783
  • Ambassadors come from Rome to Rhodes, s 29. 779
  • Ambassadors come to Rome from all parts, s 20. 780
  • Antiochus the Great, s 6. 783
  • —Rejects Scipio's Advice, s 7. ibid.
  • —Freed from War, s 9. ibid,
  • Ariarathes commended by the Senate, s 24. ibid.
  • Arradians, s 29. 773
  • Asia; Princes of Asia fast Friends to the Romans, s 14. 782
  • Bocchus King of Lybia, s 33. 782
  • —Sends Commissioners to Marius to crave Pardon for his Crimes, ibid.
  • —Seizes Jugurtha, and delivers him bound, and by that means bought his safety, ibid
  • Caria assigned to the Rhodians, s 10. 779
  • Carthaginians deliver themselves and Countrey to the Romans, s 27. 780
  • —They are in great Consternation, ibid.
  • Celtiberians treat for Peace, s 26. ibid.
  • Cretians declared Friends to the Senate, s 35 783
  • —They are commanded to send in all their Ships, ibid.
  • —Are divided about it, and stir up the People to sedition, ibid.
  • Demetrius sends the Senate a Crown of great Value, s 25. 780
  • Egypt an Excellent Countrey. s 32. 782
  • Eumenes presented with an Ivory Charriot, s 16. 779
  • Flamininus sent to Rome, discharges the Italian Servants, s 3. 782
  • —He treats with Antiochus his Ambassador, s 4. ibid.
  • Gallatians or Gallogreeks, send Ambassadors to treat for Peace, and are refus'd, s 11. 779
  • Heraclides sent to Treat about a Peace, s 6. 783
  • Jugurtha sent for and seized, s 33. 782
  • Marathum deliver'd up, s 28. 773
  • Mark Anthony makes Peace with the Cretians, s 35 783
  • Mi〈…〉idates endeavours to corrupt the Senate, s 34. 782
  • Numantines treat with the Romans for a Peace, s 3. 773
  • —They renew the War with the Romans, ibid.
  • Perseus; War decreed against him by the Senate, s 17. 779
  • —Commanded to mend his manners, s 15 779
  • Philip freed from Tribute, and his Son Demetrius discharg'd, s 4 783
  • Prusias; his base and shameful Catriage, s 22. 780
  • Ptolemy endeavours to gain Caelo-Syria, s 18. ibid.
  • —Ptolemy the Elder; his Ambassadors rejected, f 23 780
  • Ptolemy the younger in favour with the Senate, ibid.
  • Ptolemy Euergetes meets the Ambassadors in Pomp and State, s 32. 782
  • —Shews them his Palace and Treasure, ibid.
  • Rhodians exceedingly afraid, s 19 779
  • —Deliver'd from their Fears, 780
  • Romans jealous of Eumenes, s 21 780
  • —Roman Ambassadors slight Ptolemy's Rarities and fins Things, s 32. 782
  • —Admire the Populousness and Situation of his Country, ibid.
  • —Travel through the World, ibid.
  • —Return highly applauded, ibid.
  • Saturnius after condemn'd to die, rescued by the People and declared Tribune, s 34. 782
  • Scipio and his Delegates highly applauded, s 32. 782
  • Termisian Ambassadors, s 30. 773
  • Tryphon of a private Man made King, s 31. 773

Bibliotheca Historica

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