The Library of History

Table 1

A TABLE OF The Principal Matters In the First Five BOOKS of Diodorus the Sicilian: Containing his MYTHOLOGIES.

  • ACteon; Torn in pieces by Dogs, and Occasion, Page 171
  • Adoption; the Rites of it among the Barbarians, 147
  • Adulteresses; an innumerable Company burnt in Egypt, 31
  • Aeacus; His Genealogy, 166
  • Aegestines; Their War with the Selinuntines, 297
  • Aegypt; Its Shape, Greatness, &c. 14
  • —All living Creatures first there, 3
  • —One Sea, 86
  • —Other Matters of Aegypt, 12, 13, 22, 36, 40, 41, &c. 42, 43, 51, 61
  • —Divided into three Parts; for the Priests, Kings, and Soldiers, 38
  • —Three other Classes, 39
  • —Their Gods most ancient, 3
  • —Many Colonies from hence; as Babylonians, Argives, Colchians, Jews, and Athenians, 13
  • —The Number of their Judges and Salaries, 39
  • —Their Kings, &c. p. 36 45, 46.
  • —Their Burials, 38 58
  • Aeolus, 164
  • —The Entertainer of Ulysses, 179
  • Aequinoctial; Under the Aequinox, the most temperate Air, and the State of the Days and Shadows, 82
  • Air; Airy Bodies seen in some Parts of Africa, 109
  • Aesculapius; His Original, 166
  • —Accus'd by Pluto, ibid. ibid.
  • Age; An Age accounted 30 Years with the Grecians, 81
  • Aethiopians; Boast they were the first Men; p. 85
  • —Religious 86 ibid
  • Aetna; Vomits Fire, 138.
  • Africa; Where Till'd, and where Desert, p. 108
  • —Freed from wild Beasts by Hercules, p. 136
  • —The nature of the Fruits of the African Palm-Tree, 81
  • Alexandria; Built by Alexander the Great; p. 26 33
  • Amalthea; Amalthea's Horn in Africa, p. 145
  • —In Aetolia, what? 120
  • Amazons of Africa, 110
  • —Their Seats, Arms, &c. 111, 112
  • The Scythian Amazons, 76
  • —Their Wars with Hercules, p. 77, 135 156
  • —Their Irruption into Attica, and Overthrow by Theseus, 141
  • Ammon King of Lybia, the Husband of Rhea, 120
  • —Overcome by Saturn, 122
  • Amphiraus General of the Argives at Thebes; a Conjurer Betray'd by his Wife, and Reveng'd by his Son, 163 188
  • Apis Consecrated to Osiris, 9
  • —Its Worship, 44, 45 55
  • Apollo; the Son of Jupiter,
  • —Found out the Laurel, 7
  • —His several Names, 211
  • —His good Acts, 209
  • —His Contest with Marsyas, and his Cruelty towards him, 114, 115
  • Apries; King of Aegypt, 35
  • —Strangl'd ibid.
  • Aquaduct; a Stately Aquaduct made by Semiramis at Ecbatana, 58 32
  • Arabia; its Description, Situation, People, &c. p. 78 92
  • —The Happy; its Fruitfulness, Spices, &c. p. 79
  • —The Tree as Cedar, Juniper, &c. ibid.
  • —Gold pure, Cattle, Wild Beasts, Precious Stones, 80
  • —A description of both Shoars in the Red-Sea, 102, &c. 122, 124
  • Arbaces the Mede, his Conspiracy against Sardanapalus, 66, 67 80
  • Argives; their War with the Thebans, 163
  • —The Destruction of the Seven Captains at Thebes, ibid.
  • Argonauts; the Expedition of the Argonauts, 148, &c. 181, 160
  • —Explanation of the Fable, 151
  • Ariadna; Ariadna's Crown in the Heavens, 160
  • Arts; one Man using several Trades not allow'd in Aegypt, 39
  • Asphaltes; the Lake Asphaltes, and its Brimstone or Pitch, 78
  • Assyrians; their Kings do not suffer Themselves to be openly seen, 64
  • —They sent Aid to the Trojans under Memnon, 65
  • Astrology; the Aegyptians excellent Astrologers, 26, 36 44
  • —So the Caldeans, 70
  • —Atlas Hercules, 141
  • —Hyperion 141
  • —The Heliadae in Rhodes, 200
  • Astyages; the last King of the Medes; overcome by Cyrus, 72
  • Atalanta; Belov'd by Meleager, Intrapt by the Thestiadae, 145
  • Athens; how their Common-wealth was divided, 13
  • Atlantides; their Country in Affrica, 115
  • —The Names of the Atlantides and their Offspring, ibid.
  • Atlas; his Kingdom, and chief Study, 115
  • —Why he's said to Carry the Heavens upon his Shoulders, ibid.
  • Avernus; a Description of the Lake Avernus, 138
  • Amber; where it is produc'd, 185, 186
  • Babylon; built by Semiramis, 57
  • —Its Walls, Towers, Lake, Passage under Water, Hanging Gardens, 57
  • Bacchus; how many there were, 116 to 119 148
  • —His Acts, 120 to 122 ibid. 141, &c.
  • —The Indian Bacchus the most Ancient, 126, 127
  • —Why he was of a double Shape, 129
  • —The natural meaning of Bacchus, 117
  • Bactra; 55, 56
  • —Besieg'd by Ninus, 57
  • Baleares; a Description of the Baliary Islands, 183
  • Balm; the Place and Usefulness, 79
  • Bards; Ancient Poets among the Gauls, 189
  • Belus; his Temple, 58
  • —His Statue, ibid.
  • Beasts; Worshipp'd in Aegypt, 43, 44 54
  • Brimstone; how it Rises up in the Lake Asphaltes, 79
  • —The Plenty of it about Babylon, 59
  • Britain; The Discription of the Island, 185
  • —Their Laws, Manners, &c 185
  • —Their Traffick with Tin there, ibid.
  • —The Island Discover'd by Julius Caesar, ibid.
  • Busiris; the Ground of the Story of his killing all Passengers that landed in Egypt. 46
  • Burials; the manner of Embalming in Egypt 47
  • Bull; a dreadfull wild Bull, 100
  • —The Marathonian Bull, 159
  • Cadmus; Built Thebes, his Wife, Children, &c. 127, 197 223
  • —Was the First that taught the Greeks Letters, and brought them into Greece, 201, 120 227
  • Cadusians; their perpetual War with the Medes, 71
  • Caesar; Julius Caesar first Discover'd the Northen Parts to the Romans, 185
  • —Conquer'd Britain, ibid.
  • Calydonia; the Calydonian Boar, the Hunting of him, 145
  • Camels; Wild Camels, 105
  • Camels; Leopards of Arabia, their Shape, 80
  • Campes; the Great Monster, kill'd by Bacchus, 122
  • Carbuncles; where they are Found, 111
  • Cat; Worship'd in Egypt, 47
  • Chastity; a Trial of Conjugal Chastity, 31
  • Celtiberians; their Description, Customs, &c. 190
  • Centaurs; their Original, 165
  • —Their Conflict with Hercules, 133
  • —And War with the Lapithae, 165
  • —Eurytion the Centaur kill'd by Hercules, 144
  • Cerberus; Drawn out of Hell by Hercules, 139, 140 c. 161
  • Ceres; is the Earth, 5, 117 137
  • —The same with Isis, as the Egyptians say, 206
  • —Her Acts, 177
  • —Obscene Speech in her Feasts, ibid.
  • Chaldeans; their Astrology, Augurs, 69, 70 82, 83
  • —Their Priests, 66
  • Chemmis King of Egypt, his Pyramid, 32
  • Chius; the Ancient Inhabitants of Chius, 239
  • Circes; her History, 150
  • Circumcision; the Troglodites Cicumcis'd, 98
  • Caelus King of the Atlantides, his Sons, 113, 115 135
  • Corsica; its Situation, Cities, ancient Inhabitants, &c. 181
  • —Bitter Honey, 182 ibid.
  • Corybantes; the Sons of the Mother of the Gods, 170
  • —Their Sacreds, 198
  • Crete; the Antiquities, 116, 122, 135, 204, 211 142, 230, 157, 238
  • —Its Name, whence, 122,
  • Crocodile; its Description, 16
  • —The Hunting of it, 16, 17
  • Crueltty of Hecates, 151, 152 151
  • Cyaxares; the first Monarch of the Medes, 71
  • Cybele; her Name, whence, 114
  • —The several Stories of the Atlantides and Phrygians concerning her, 114, 115 134
  • Cyrus transferr'd the Empire from the Medes, to the Persians, 72
  • —Crucified by the Scythian Queen, 76
  • Dactyli Judaei, 204
  • Daedalus; his Monument in Egypt, 170
  • —His Statues, 168
  • —His Works in Crete, 159
  • —In Sicily, ibid.
  • —His Wings, ibid. 182
  • —In Sardinia, 170
  • Daphne the Daughter of Tiresias, her Oracles, 164
  • —Her History, 173
  • Delphos; the Temple Rifl'd by the Gauls, 189
  • Derceto; the Syrian Goddess, the Mother of Semiramis, 55
  • Description of pleasant Places, 121, 173, 176, 194, 195 197, 199, 220
  • Diana; why the Nurse of Children, 208 235
  • —What Places Dedicated to Her in Sicily, 117
  • Deluge; by the Eruption of the Pontick Sea, 197
  • —In Boetia, 136
  • —Rhodes 200
  • —In Samo-Thracia, 197
  • —Deucalion 3
  • Diomedon; his Mares devour Men, 135
  • Dogs; Men with Dogs Heads, 100
  • —Why Worshipp'd in Egypt, 7
  • Doreans; their War with the Lapithae, 146
  • —Expuls'd by the Theban Exiles, 164
  • Dragon at Cholchos, what,
  • Druids; Poets of the Gauls, Philosophers, and Divines, 189
  • Dromenaries 106
  • Ecbatana; a Famous Aquaduct there, and the City Beautified by Semiramis, 60
  • —The Palace of Arbaces, 68
  • Effeminacy; a Remarkable Example of Effeminacy in Sardanapalus, 65
  • Elephants; the manner of Hunting them by the Ethiopians, 96
  • —How they are destroy'd by Serpents, 89
  • —Their Fight with the Rhinoceros, 99
  • —Their manner of Generation, bringing forth their Young, &c. 75
  • Epitaphs of Isis,
  • —Of Osiris of Osimanduas, 12
  • Ergamenes; King of Ethiopia, abolish'd the cruel Custom of forcing the Kings to kill Themselves, 87
  • Erycina; the Temple of Venus Erycina, 172
  • Eteocles; his cruel War with his Brother about the Kingdom of Thebes, 162
  • Euphrates; a Famous River, 67
  • Eurydices; the Wife of Orpheus, brought back out of Hell by Orpheus, 140
  • Eurystheus; imposes Labours upon Hercules, 132
  • —His Death, 158
  • Expiation; the strange manner of Expiation among the Ethiopians, 81
  • Famine all the World over, but in Egypt, 13
  • Fire; its Irruption, 138, 179 202
  • Fortunate Islands of Arabia, 108
  • —In the Atlantick Ocean, 183
  • Fruits; Two Harvests in the Year in India, 72
  • —The Fruitfulness of Taprobane. Corn first found out by Ceres in Sicily, 176, 177, 206 200, 232
  • Funerals; the Funeral Rites among the Egyptians, 38
  • —The Pompous Burials of their Kings, 30
  • Ganges a famous River, 73
  • Gades or Cadiz, by whom built, 184
  • Gauls; 186
  • —The Extream Cold, their Rivers, &c. ibid.
  • —The Description, 187, 188, 189 to 214
  • Geometry; first found out in Egypt, 36
  • —The Usefulness of it, 42
  • Giants; Egyptian Giants, 10, 11
  • —Their Triple War with Jupiter, 207
  • —Overcome by the Gods, 121
  • Giants of Phlegraea, overcome by Hercules, 138
  • —Why said to be Born of the Earth, ibid.
  • Gods; the History of the Gods of Egypt, 23, 50
  • —Their Worship by the Cretians, Ethiopians, 210, 86 100, 237
  • —The God Jao of the Hebrews, 49
  • Gold; the Laborious way of making of Gold, in the Confines of Egypt, 89, 90 106
  • —The Gold Mines in Ethiopia, ibid.
  • —Gold chang'd for Brass or Iron, 106
  • —The History of the Golden Fleece, 157
  • —A River that flows down Gold, r.
  • Hecates; her History, 151
  • Helen; carry'd away by Theseus, 162
  • Heliopolis; by whom built, 50
  • Helius; the Son of Hypericon and Bazilia, metamorphos'd into the Sun, 113, 114
  • Hellespont; whence the Name deriv'd, 151
  • Heraclidae; Banish'd out of all Greece, 158
  • —Depart out of Peloponnesus for 50 Years, by Agreement, 158
  • Hercules; there were three, 124
  • —The Egyptian, Gelai, and him of Alcmena, ibid.
  • —The Acts of Hercules the Cretan, 210
  • —The Genealogy of the last, his Acts, 131
  • —His Sickness and Madness, 156
  • —His further Acts, 163
  • —His Labours, 132, &c.
  • —His Expedition into Spain, 153
  • —The Institutor of the Olympick Games, 134
  • —Is worship'd by the Agyrineans, 139
  • —Overcomes the Trojans, 152
  • —His Sickness,
  • —He burns himself, 147
  • Hermophrodites; their prodigious Originals, 129
  • Hermes; the Egyptian Hermes, 6
  • —His Inventions, ibid.
  • —First finder out of Arts, 23
  • Herodotus; the time he Flourish'd, 71
  • Hesion; expos'd to be devour'd by a Whale, 149
  • —Deliver'd by Hercules, ibid.
  • Hesperides; divers Opinions of the Hesperian Apples, 141
  • Hippolytus; his Stepmother falls in love with him, 161
  • —Is falsly Accus'd; Kill'd by his Chariot, ibid.
  • Homer; the most ancient of the Poets, 86
  • —His Works, 152, 164 176, 187
  • —Imitates Orpheus, 50
  • —The Place of his Birth, ibid.
  • Honey; bitter Honey, 182
  • Jambulus; his strange Voyage and Travels, 81, 84 99
  • Jason; Captain of the Argonauts, his Acts, 148, 149 171
  • —Goes to Corinth, cast of Medea, and marries Glauces, 145, 146
  • —His Death, ibid.
  • Iberians; their Gold Mines, 191
  • Ibis; the Usefulness of this Bird, 45
  • Ichneumenon; the Enemy of the Crocodile, 17 55
  • Ichthyophagi; not affected with any thing, 91
  • —The manner of their Burials, 93
  • Jehovah call'd Jao, 49
  • Indians; their Seven Tribes, 74, 75 89
  • —Their War with Semiramis, 62, 63
  • India; the Description, 72, 73 87
  • Indus River, 73
  • Jocasta; the Acts of Jocasta,
  • —The Mother of Oedipus, 162
  • Iolaus; one of the Thespidae brings a Colony into Sardinia, 142 164
  • Iris or Ireland, an Island of Britain, a fierce People, 189
  • Isis; the same with Ceres, 6
  • Jews; a Colony of Egypt, 10
  • —Why they are Circumcis'd, 28
  • Judges; the Proceedings in Judicature in Egypt, 39, 40
  • Jupiter; the Ancient Jupiter, was the Brother of Coelus, and King of Crete, whose Daughters were the Curetes: the other was Lord of the World, the Son of Saturn, 116 136
  • —The Kingdom of the Cretan Jupiter after Ammon and Bacchus, 123
  • —More 204 233
  • Ixion attempts to Ravish Juno, is tormented upon a Wheel, 165
  • Kings; draw a Chariot
  • —The strange way of living of the Kings of Egypt, 36
  • —Death to the Sabaean Kings to stir abroad, 107
  • Kingdoms; formerly bestow'd upon such as had done good Publick Service, 23
  • Lakes; a wonderful Lake in Ethiopia, 60
  • —A Description of the Lake of Myris, 26, 27 33, 34
  • —In Sicily, 139 161
  • Lapithae; their War with the Centaurs, 165
  • —With the Doreans and Hercules, 146
  • Laws; Of the Egyptians,
  • —Of the Ethiopians, 87
  • Liparae Islands; their fruitfullness, &c. 180
  • Letters; Two Sorts in Egypt, 86
  • —Hieroglyphicks of Egypt and Ethiopia, what, ibid.
  • —Greek Letters, why call'd Pelasgian, and Phaenician, 120
  • Letters in Tabrobanana, vii Figures, 83
  • Locusts; Eaten, and liv'd upon by the Ethiopians, 97
  • Lotus; of Egypt, what,
  • —Tall Trees of Lotus, 105
  • Macarian Islands; why so call'd, 213
  • Megabarean Ethiopians; their manner of Burial, 98
  • —Their voluntary Deaths, 99
  • Marathon; the Marathonian Bull, 159
  • Maraneans of Arabia; how destroy'd, and rooted out by the Garyndaneans, 105
  • Marsyas: His Contest with Apollo in Musick; his Death, 114, 115
  • Mars; his Inventions and Acts, 209
  • Medea; assists the Argonauts with her Advice, and makes an Agreement with Jason, 151, 152 174
  • —Her wonderful Witcheraft in the Palace of Pelias, 153, 154 177
  • —Forsaken by Jason, and cruel Revenge upon her own Children, 156
  • Media; a Catalogue of the Kings, 71
  • Meleager; his sad Destiny, 145
  • Malta Island; its Description, 181
  • Menas; the first King of Egypt, how preserv'd by a Crocodile, 46
  • Mercury; the Egyptian Mercury, his Invention of Arts, Eloquence, Musick, &c. 6, 23 28
  • —Conductor of Souls, 50
  • Meroes; Islands in Nile, their Description, 20
  • Minerva; the Place of her Birth, 208
  • —Her Inventions, 209
  • Minos the first, Son of Jupiter, 160
  • —The second, of Lycasta, ibid.
  • —His Cities, Laws, &c. 211
  • —His Death in Sicily, 170
  • Minotaur; Kill'd by Theseus, 160
  • —How born, 169
  • Money; the Punishment of those that counterfeited Money in Egypt, 41
  • Moses; the first that put Laws in writing, 49
  • —His Praise, ibid.
  • Mice; Bred in Egypt out of the Mud or Slime, 2
  • Muses; Accompany Bacchus, 127, 128
  • —And Osiris, 8
  • —Why Virgins, 130
  • —Their Names, ibid.
  • Miris King of Egypt; his Lake, 26, 27 34
  • —His Pyramid and Sepulchre in the Lake, 27
  • Myrrhe; A Description of Myrrhe, 194
  • Nabathean Arabians, 78, 105 130
  • —Thieves, never Conquer'd, ibid.
  • Naxus; the History of Naxus, 198, 199 224, 225
  • Nemean; a Description of the Nemean Lion, his Place, Death, &c. 132
  • Neptune; his Inventions, good Deeds, why accounted God of the Sea, 207
  • Nile; the Islands in it, 15 20
  • —The Cattracts, Mouths, ibid.
  • —Beasts, Fishes, &c. 16, 17 21
  • —Flow its Decrease is observ'd, and the different Opinions of the Inundations of Nile, 18, &c. &c.
  • Ninus, King of Assyria; his Acts, 54, 55, 56 65, 66
  • —His Death and Sepulchre, 57
  • Nineveh; Built, 55,
  • —Its Shape, Compass, &c. ibid.
  • —Its Siege, and taking by Arbaces, 66, 67, 68
  • Ninyas; the Son of Ninus, 64
  • Niobe; her Pride and Punishment, 167
  • Nysa; the pleasant Situation of the City the Birth-place of Bacchus, 120, 121
  • —The Cave of Nysa, a most pleasant Place, 127
  • Obscenity; Obscene Speech us'd in the Feasts of Ceres, 177 201
  • Obelisks; the Obelisks of Semiramis, one of the seven Wonders of the World, 59
  • Oedipus; his Birth, Casting forth, his Acts, Marriage, &c. 162 185
  • Olympicks; the Years: The Olympicks were distant one from another,
  • —Invented by Hercules Dactylus, 204
  • —Instituted by Hercules, 134, 155 178
  • Orion; the Story of Orion, 173
  • Osymanduas; King of Egypt, 24
  • —His stately Pyramid, ibid.
  • —His Epitaph, 25
  • Orpheus; why said to draw Beasts after him, 139, 140
  • —His History, 140 ibid.
  • —His Verses, 45
  • —Rites of Bacchus brought into Greece by him, 50
  • Osiris; his Expedition throughout the whole World, and Acts, 5, 6, 7, 8 10
  • —Deify'd; Death, Burial, and Epitaph, 9, 12 12
  • Palestina, 104, 105
  • Palm-Trees; a full Description of the Palm-Trees in Arabia, and the Province of Babylon, 81
  • Palmetum; a pleasant Place of Palms, and other Delights in Arabia, 104, 105
  • Panchaian Islands; their Descriptian, 195 221
  • —Genius and Customs of the Inhabitants, 196
  • Paradise; the Earthly Paradise in India, 121
  • Parents; the Honour given to dead Parents in Egypt, 48
  • Pasiphae; the Wife of Minos, 160
  • —Her Carnal knowledge of a Bull, 169 193
  • Patricides, 162 185
  • —How Patricides are punish'd, 40
  • Pelias; King of Colchos; his strange Death by his own Daughters, through the Witchcrafts of Medea, 154, 155 178
  • Penthesilea; the Amazon Queen, assists the Trojans, 77
  • Perjury; the punishment of Perjury, 40
  • Persians; the Persians record their Antiquities in Rolls of Parchment, or Skins, 71
  • Plague; a great Plague in Rhodes, and the Cause, 213
  • Phaeton; the Story of Phaeton, 186
  • Phineus; a Prince in Thrace: his Cruelty towards his two Sons, 149
  • Phaenicians brought Letters into Greece, 209
  • —Eminent for getting of Wealth, 191
  • —Their Colonies, 184
  • Perithous; the History of Perithous, the Rape of Helen, 161, 162 185
  • Pillars; Hercules Pillars, 135, 136
  • Pityusa; Islands Describ'd,
  • Pleiades; their Names, 115
  • Pluto; his Genealogy, Invention, 211
  • —Why call'd the God of the Dead, 207
  • Punishment of various Crimes in Egypt, 40
  • Polynices; his War with his Brother, 163
  • Pontus or the Pontick Sea; once but a Lake, 197
  • —Of its Breach, 148
  • Priamus; King of Troy, 168
  • —Plac'd in the Kingdom by Hercules, 152
  • Priapus; what, 129
  • Promotheus; the Explication of the Fable, of his stealing of Fire, 205
  • —His Eagle, what,
  • —Loos'd from his Chains by Hercules, 135
  • Proserpina; her Rape, 176, 177
  • —Places in Sicily dedicated to her, 177
  • Proteus; King of Egypt, 32
  • —Why he was said to have several Shapes, ibid.
  • Pyramids; the Pyramid of Chemmis, one of the seven Wonders of the World, 32
  • —Mountains like Pyramids, 106
  • Pythagoras; What be learnt from Egypt, 51
  • —His Opinion of the Metempsychosis among the Gauls, 187, 188
  • Religion: The Neglect of Religion punish'd; the Calydonian Boar, 145
  • Remphis; the Egyptian King, exceeding Covetous, 32
  • Rhadamanthus; his Justice, Acts, Sons, 211
  • —His Parents, 211
  • —The Lawmaker in Crete, 160
  • Rhinoceros 99
  • —His Fight with an Elephant, ibid.
  • Rhodes; divided into three Parts, 158
  • —The great Deluge there, 200
  • —Why so call'd, ibid.
  • Rome; taken by the Gauls, 189
  • —Built by Romulus, 137
  • Sabaean Arabians, 107
  • —The Kings, Riches, &c. 107, 108
  • Samothracia; The Name, Inhabitants, Deluge, Mysteries, Temple, &c. 197, 198 223
  • Sands; Mountains of Sand, 106
  • —The sandy Deserts of Arabia, 81
  • Sardanapalus; his Effeminacy, Luxury, Deposition, Death, 65, &c. 79, 81
  • Saturn, King of Egypt, 5
  • —Saturn one of the Titans, 204, 205
  • —Kill'd his Children, 207
  • —Overcome by Bacchus, 122,
  • —Saturn the Brother of Atlas, 116
  • —His Impiety, &c. ibid.
  • —The Golden Age of Saturn,
  • Satyrs; the Companions of Bacchus, 129
  • —Of Osyris,
  • —Why they are worshipp'd, 45
  • Scorpions; where they abound, 97, 91
  • Semele; her Adultery with Jupiter, and how she was consum'd, 117, 118 138
  • Semiramis; her History, 55, 56 66
  • —Her Journey into Bactria,
  • —Builds Babylon, 57
  • —Her Expedition into India, and other Actions, 60, &c. &c.
  • Serbon; The Lake of Serbon very dangerous, 14
  • Serpents; vast Serpents in Ethiopia, 100, 101
  • —Destroy Elephants, 89, 102
  • —The great Serpent taken, and brought to Alexandria, 101
  • —How taken, fed and made tame, ibid.
  • —Serpents infest Khodes, 201
  • Sesostris; King of Egypt, 27, 28 31
  • —Travels through the World, his famous Acts, 29, 30 35, &c.
  • —Sesostris the Second, how cur'd of his Blindness, 31
  • Sicily; its ancient Names, 176
  • —Its Circuit, Princes, &c. 178, 179
  • —Once a Peninsula, 173
  • Silla a wonderful River, 73
  • Silenus; the first King of Nysa, 122
  • —Tutor of Bacchus, 128
  • Sun; in what Shape it rises among the Arabians, 108
  • —Its Circuit and Course, 51
  • —India directly subject to the Tropick of Capricorn, 72
  • Spectra's; in the Air among the Lybians, 109
  • —The natural Reason of them, 110
  • Sphinx 162
  • Spouses; in the Baliaries prostituted at the Nuptial Feasts to all the Guests, 183
  • Suatues 168
  • —As if they were living Men, ibid.
  • Stratagems; Mock-Elephants made by Semiramis, 62
  • Stymphalia; the devouring Birds of Stymphalick Lake destroy'd by Herculess 133
  • Tantalus; his History in short, 167
  • Taprobana; a Description of the Island, and of the Inhabitants and their Manners, 90, 97, 98, 99 82, &c.
  • Thebes; in Egypt built by Osiris, 6
  • Thebans in Greece; their War with the Argives, 162, &c. 187.
  • Theseus; his Original, Acts, Wives, &c. 159, &c. 183
  • Thespiadae; their Original, 142
  • —Driven out of Sardinia, settle about Cuma, 182
  • Titans; in Africa, 113
  • —Assist Saturn, 116
  • —Are rooted out by Bacchus, 123
  • —The Titans in Crete, their Parents, Sisters, &c. 204, 205
  • Troglodites; their Manners, 18, 98, 99, 100 117, 120
  • Troy; taken by Hercules, 143, 144 166, 175
  • —The Pedigree of the Kings, 167, 168
  • Typhon; the Giant in Phrygia, 127,
  • Trees; how Sinnis destroy'd Men by binding Trees together,
  • —Them that sleep in Trees, 159
  • Uchoreus; King of Egypt, built Memphis, 26 33
  • Venus; the Daughter of Saturn, 5
  • —Her Office, 208
  • —Her several Names, 211
  • —Her magnificent Temple in Sicily, 172
  • Vesuvius; Mount Vesuvius in Campania vomits Fire, 138
  • Virgin; a monstrous Virgin in Scythia, 76
  • Vulcan; the Inventer of Fire, 5
  • —Where he is worshipp'd, 209
  • Writing; from the top of the Leaf downward, in Tapribana, 83
  • Wine; made of Barley, found out by Osiris, 8
  • Xerxes; his innumerable Army, 56
  • Years; an Account of the Egyptian Year, 26
  • —The Greeks Great Year, 78
  • —The Lunar Year of 30 Days, 12
  • —The Year of 4 Months, ibid.
  • Zythus; a Drink of Barley, 127

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books