The Library of History

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THE former Book being the Sixteenth of our History, began with theReign of Philip the Son of Amyntas, and comprehended not only the Things done by him to the very Day of his Death, but the Actions and Affairs of other Kings, Cities, and Countries during the space of Four and twenty Years. Being now in this to declare what follow'd, we shall begin with the Reign of Alexander; and in treating of the Actions of this Prince, from the Beginning to the End, we shall take along with us the most remarkable Things done through all Parts of the World.

And the Relations (we conceive) will be the better remembred, if Things be methodically digested, as it were, into distinct Heads, so as that the Beginning and End may, as by one Thread, be knit one to the other: For this King did great Things in a very short time, and excell'd all the Princes that ever were before him in his wonderful Atchievements, effected by his own Valour and Policy. For he Conquer'd a great Part of Europe, and almost all Asia, within the space of Twelve Years: So that his Fame was (deservedly) advanc'd to that degree, that in Glory he surmounted all the Heroes and Semigods.

But we need not (we judge) in a Preface anticipate any of the worthy Actions of this King; for the particular Relations themselves will sufficiently evidence his Greatness, and the Fame and Glory of his Name. Alexander therefore descended from Hercules on the Father's side, and from Achilles on the Mother's, seem'd to derive his Valo •r as well as his Person from such Famous Ancestors.

The Time thus stated for this present Relation, we return to the Course of our History.


Conspiracies of the Cities against Alexander. The Athenians send Ambassadors to Alexander to beg Pardon. He's made General by the Amphictyons. Attalus kill'd by Alexander's Command. The Wickedness of Bagoas. Darius commended. Raises Forces. A Description of Mount Ida. Alexander invades the Illyrians, and others. Thebes besieg'd by Alexander, and raz'd. The Miseries of Thebes. Prodigies. Alexander demands Demosthenes and others to be deliver'd up to him by the Athenians: Their Answer. He returns into Macedonia; and Feasts his Soldiers.

WHEN Evaenetus was Lord Chancellor in Athens, and Lucius Furius and CaiusManlius were Roman Consuls, Alexander ascended the Throne, and in the first place executed Justice upon the Murtherers of his Father: And when he had with great care celebrated his Funerals, he set in order the Concerns of the Kingdom much better than most expected: For being very young, and upon that account despis'd, he sought first to win the Common People by fair Words and courteous Addresses: Amongst others, he told them that the Name of the King was only chang'd, but that the Government should not be manag'd a jot worse than it was when his Father was alive. He courteously likewise gave Audience to the Ambassadors, and desir'd the Grecians that they would have the same Kindness for him that they had for his Father, which he so esteem'd, as that he look'd upon it as part of his Inheritance. Then he employ'd himself in the frequent Trainings of the Soldiers, and in Martial Exercises, and brought the Army readily to submit to his Commands. Attalus, the Uncle of Cleopatra, Philip's other Wife, conspir'd to gain the Kingdom; and therefore he

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books