The Library of History

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Page 115 Match that they should both make a Second Trial of their Skill before the Judges: Apollo therefore leading the way, first began as before, and added to the melodiousness of his Harp, the Harmony of his Voice, and by that means gain'd the Victory over the Applause formerly wan by the Hoboy. At which Marsyas was in a Rage, and said, that he was highly injur'd in not being allow'd the preheminence, for that they ought to judge by the Art in playing, and not in the Voice and in singing, and that according to that Rule, Trial should be made, and Judgment given concerning the Melody and Harmony between the Harp and Hoboy; and that it was unjust to lay in the ballance Two Arts against one. To which it's said, Apollo answered, that he did no more than the other; for that Marsyas did the same thing, when he tun'd his Hoboy with his Breath, and therefore either both ought to be allowed the same Priviledge, or both should be restrained from making use of their Mouths, and their Hands only should be the Instruments of evidencing the excellency of their Art and Skill. What Apollo said, seem'd most just and reasonable to all the Auditors. Then there was a Third Contest between them, in which Marsyas was again overcome: But Apollo was so incens'd with his vying with him, that he flea'd him alive: But presently after he was so sorry for what he had done, that he broke in pieces all the Strings of his Harp, and destroy'd that Musick which he himself had invented. But it was afterwards reviv'd; for the Muses restor'd the Meane, Linus the String call'd the Tenor, and Orpheus and Thamyris the Two Strings call'd the Base, and next to the Base.

They say that Apollo consecrated both the Harp and Hoboy to Bacchus, and left them in his Cave; and afterwards falling in love with Cybele, wandred up and down with her as far as to the Hyperborean Mountains.

And whereas there was a Plague and Famine in Phrygia, the Phrygians inquir'd at the Oracle how they should be freed from the Calamity they lay under, It's said the God commanded them to bury Attis, and adore Cybele as a Goddess.

The Phrygians therefore (because they could not find any part of his Body through length of time since he was kill'd) made a Statue for him, which they follow'd as to his Burial, with Howling, Lamentations, and other honourable Ceremonies proper for his Funeral, and so made an Attonement for their former Offence; which Solemnity they constantly observe to this very Day; and offer Yearly Sacrifices to Cybele, who formerly erected Altars to the Gods there. In honour of this Cybele, they built a magnificent Temple in Pesinunte, a City of Phrygia, and instituted solemn Sacrifices, and Divine Worship to her, which Work was advanc'd by the assistance of King Midas. They Plac'd Leopards and Lions standing by the Statue of the Goddess, because it was generally believ'd she was nurs'd up by them. And these are the things which the Phrygians and the Atlantides, the Inhabitants of the Coasts bordering on the Ocean, do report of this Mother of the Gods.

After the Death of Hyperion, they report that the Children of * Coelus divided the Kingdom amongst themselves; amongst whom Atlas and Saturn were the most renown'd. The Country bordering upon the Ocean, fell by lot upon Atlas, who call'd the People there Atlantides, and the greatest Mountain in the World Atlas, after his own Name.

They say, that he was an excellent Astrologer, and was the first that discover'd the Knowledge of the Sphere; whence rose the common Opinion, that he carry'd the World upon his Shoulders; noting by this Fancy, his Invention and Description of the Sphere. The most eminent among his many Sons, was Hesperus, for Piety towards the Gods, and Justice and Kindness towards his Subjects. Being upon the Top of Mount Atlas to observe the motion of the Stars, he suddainly vanisht in a Tempest. The People hereupon much lamenting the loss of him, that they might for ever honour him, call'd the Brightest Star in the Heavens after his Name.

Atlas likewise had Seven Daughters, who were all call'd after their Father's Name Atlantides; but their several proper Names were Maia, Electra, Taygeta, Asterope, Merope, Halcyone, and Celaeno. All these were got with Child by several Heroick Princes, and even by some of the Gods themselves, and bore divers Sons

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books