The Library of History

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Page 137 gain the favour of the Grecians, but that in Beotia he did to punish the Minyae, because they opprest the Thebans.

Hercules having committed the Government of the Kingdom of Iberia to the chiefest of the Inhabitants, marcht away with his Army into Celtica; and over 〈…〉 n the whole Country, and put an end to their usual Impieties and Murdering of Strangers.

And whereas a vast multitude from all Nations came and listed themselves of their own accord in his Army; having such a number, he built a Famous large City, which he call'd from his wandering Expedition Alesia. But because many of the Barbarians from the neigbouring Places were mixt among the Citizens, it happened that the rest of the Inhabitants (being much inferior in number) learnt the Barbarians Manners of the other. The Celtae at this Day have a great esteem and honour for this City, as being the chief and Metropolis of all Gaul; and ever since the time of Hercules it has remain'd Free never taken by any to our very days; till at length Caius Caesar, who (by reason of the greatness of his actions) was call'd Divus, took it by storm, and so it came into the hands of the Romans. With the rest of the Gauls Hercules marching out of Gaul into Italy, as he pass'd over the Alps levell'd and open'd those rough and difficult Ways (that were scarce passable) to make way for his Army and Carriages. The Barbarians who Inhabited those Mountainous Parts, were us'd to Kill and Rob, in the straight and craggy Places, Armies as they happned to pass this way; but he subdu'd them and put to Death the Ringleaders of those wicked practices, and so made the Passage safe this way to all Posterity. Having pass'd the Alps, he continu'd his March through Gaul, as it's now call'd, and came into Liguria. The Ligurians inhabit a rough and barren Soil, but being forc'd by continual Labour and Toyl, it produces some little Corn and other Fruits: The People here are short and low, but by reason of their constant Labours well set and strong; for they are far from idle and luxurious livers, and therefore are very active, and Valiant in time of War. To conclude, because all these neighbouring Regions are ply'd with continual Labours and Pains (for that the Land requires it) it's the Custom for the Women to work and labour in that kind, as well as the Men; and whereas the Women as well as the Men work for Hire, there fell out a remarkable Accident concerning one of these Women, strange and unusual to any of our Female Sex. Being great with Child, and falling in Labour in the midst of her work amongst the Men, without any noise or complaint she withdrew herself into a certain Grove there near at hand, and there being Delivered, she cover'd the Infant with Leaves, and hid it among the Shrubs, and then return'd to her Work again, without the least sign of having born a Child, and continu'd with her Fellow-labourers in her Work as she did before. But the Infant crying and bawling, discover'd the whole matter; yet the Overseer of the Workmen would by no means be perswaded to suffer her to leave her miserable Labour, till he that hir'd her, pitying her condition, paid her her Wages, and discharged her.

Hercules after he had gone through Liguria, and Thuscany, incampt at Tiber, where Rome now stands, built many Ages after by Romulus the Son of Mars. The Natural Inhabitants at that time inhabited a little Town upon a Hill, now call'd Mount Palla 〈…〉e. Here Politius and Pinarius, the most eminent Persons of Quality among them, entertain'd Hercules with all the demonstrations of Kindness imaginable, and presented him with many noble Presents: There are now at Rome ancient Monuments of these Men; for the most noble Family, call'd the Pinarii, remains still among the Romans, and is accounted the most ancient at this day. And there are Politius his Stone Stairs to go down from Mount Pallatine (call'd after his Name) adjoyning to that which was anciently his House.

Hercules being much pleas'd with the civil Entertainment of the Pallatines, foretold them, that whosoever should dedicate the Tenth of their Goods to him, after he was translated to the Gods, should be ever after more prosperous: And this Dedication has been over since constantly us'd to this day. For many of the Romans, not only such as are of mean Estates, but the great and rich Men (having experienc'd how Riches have flow'd in upon them, after the Decimation of their Goods to Hercules,) have dedicated the Tenth part of their Substances, which have been of the value of Four Thousand Talents. For Lucullus (the richest almost of all the Romans in his time, valu'd his Estate, and consecrated the Tenths

Bibliotheca Historica

The first five books